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Everything posted by kypride

  1. I just voted for Donald Trump and I am proposing something that would have barred him from becoming president. I think my motivation is pure. Imagine if Trump had come up this way and known his path to be president involved winning governor of New York first? Would he have still gotten elected? Maybe not. Would we know more about how he would act as president? Hell, yes.
  2. Dang, that sucks. Run for Governor of Illinois or join the army then and produce a track record of leading a large organization related to government.
  3. I don't see why someone like Pikeville and Mayfield should randomly have to drive that far every 3 years.
  4. Truman, Kennedy and Lincoln all served in congress and if this was in place could have prioritized becoming congressional leaders at that time.
  5. If people who dream of being president know the new requirements going in they may zig or zag a little different along the way. George W was governor of Texas by the way. Obama could certainly have risen to democrat senate leadership if it was important to him and the dems at the time.
  6. I have a 4th very controversial amendment that I would also like to do. It would have eliminated trump from the presidency however. To be president you must meet one of the following qualifications Former state governor Former general in the us military (probably even limit it to 4 stars) Former house or senate majority or minority leader/whip Former secretary of state, secretary of defense. I think you should actually have to have a track record that people can look at. A track record of having been a leader of a large organization related to government.
  7. Electoral votes in the states should be split and awarded to the winner in each congressional district and then 2 proxy senate seat votes go to the winner of the state overall.
  8. I want 3 amendments and I voted for trump. I. Term limits on congress with a ban on working as a lobbyist in between and after. II. Electoral votes in the states are split and awarded to the winner in each congressional district and then 2 proxy senate seat votes go to the winner of the state overall. III. Federal balanced budget requirement.
  9. Good thing all of he stuff on that twitter are illegal and criminal and will still be illegal and criminal 6 months from now. I don't like criminals. I like to hear when criminals get punished.
  10. Thank you, that's fantastic, I couldn't have asked for a better post.
  11. I couldn't care less about that. After the last 2 days half the country needs offended. I care about his temper if Putin, China, North Korea or Iran says something sideways to him.
  12. You’re probably going to get= conservative 5-4 supreme court, more secure borders, and a huge tilt in foreign policy-(trade deals, immigration vetting, military aid, cancel Iran nuke deal) and repeal of ACA. The rest of the next 4 years will be business as usual.
  13. His agenda will be narrowed to about 8 major things that can realistically get done. He will only have time and political capitol to really push maybe 4 of them and realistically maybe 3 of them will succeed. At the end of the 4 years Democrats will gleefully say he went 3-5 losing record and Republicans will gleefully say he accomplished 3 things we wanted and stopped the left from accomplishing 3 others we didn't want. They will both be right.
  14. Yes, this post right here is why Hillary lost. You think you are so smart, so far on the good side of things that anyone who isn't on your side is, well, less than you. You happen to be wrong, we aren't, less than you. We aren't less intelligent, less caring, less good, less anything. You found out yesterday, at least temporarily, and the curtain has been pulled back on the left condescension, hypocrisy and bigotry.
  15. Just so you are aware, tackles are awarded differently from team to team, some teams not at all and they are not an official khsaa stat. I do know that coaches send hudl video (several times more valuable than stats) in to Jimmy and the coaches involved in this game and coach B is a well respected member of the coaches association.
  16. He plays on a team that has 3 players over 120 tackles, what makes him stand out? Do we have some reason to think he is better than someone that was selected and needs to be removed? Do we have film on Hudl people can see? It might seem like i'm busting your chops, but i'm genuinely interested. I'm also not in a position that needs to be convinced. Some kids that are announced will end up backing out of the game and replacements will be called on and I know Jimmy has Buchanans number.
  17. If you are playing a team ranked higher than 5000 and its not mandated by the khsaa as a district or playoff game then you intentionally have a weak schedule.
  18. Turnovers Penalties Match-ups Inconsistency of 14-18 year old kids Injuries (knock on wood and GOD forbid) This is what sports is, things aren't played by robots or on paper.
  19. Trinity has 6 wins vs top 1000 Ryle has 3 SK has 1 X has 3 Male has 2 Lafayette has 1 if you want to split hairs.
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