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Everything posted by cooperstown

  1. According to the Dallas Morning News, Jones said he plans to remain in the area and workout at friend Deion Sanders' Prime U camp next week. "If I beat myself up, who will take care of me?" Jones said, according to the report. "Football means a lot to me, but it's not everything. It's not like I'm taking it pretty good. I love me some me." Anyone have an earthly clue what the heck this quote from Jones even means? The world would be a much more enjoyable place if people without brains weren't allowed to talk.
  2. It's right off the Burlington/Rt. 18 Exit 181, across from the Korean restaurant that hardly anyone ever eats at. Speaking of cajun/spicy chicken restaurants, anyone ever had any Bojangle's chicken? It's incredible, but is mostly down south. Took a baseball trip to Charleston, SC a few years back and pretty much ate Bojangle's for lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, late night snack, etc... I wish like anything they had some up around here.
  3. Where is the Popeye's in Florence? I can't place it, but I'm guessing Dream Street since it seems like it's been 5 years since I've been down that road.
  4. Good Lord, Gonzalez could have had a heart transplant and come back quicker than this. It's getting a bit exasperating.
  5. Gee, I guess the case is decided then. You know without a doubt he's the best and no argument to the contrary is acceptable. Got it.
  6. You've got to be kidding!! It wasn't his ego that brought him back? OMG - it was all about his ego. An ego that is now writing checks that his body and arm can no longer cash. Gee, I wonder why the Jets' WR's didn't have productive games late in the year? I'm sure it had nothing to do with a rag-armed QB that couldn't throw the ball downfield with any accuracy and constantly made stupid throws that took his team out of the game - and eventually out of playoff contention. You are right about one thing - Favre will rank as one of the best ever. He WAS one of the best active QB's in the game. No longer. He is a below average QB whose time has now passed and it is time for him to look back from the sidelines at his impressive career accomplishments. He is only tarnishing his reputation by hanging around with his skills having so far deteriorated.
  7. Big time. We've caught some really nice-sized catfish and bass. Also some big blue gill. I put some grass carp in there a few years back to help with the scum/moss and it's hard to believe how big they are now. They actually will come out of the water a bit and eat grass/weeds off the bank. They've got to be over 2' long. We probably need to start pulling some of the bigger fish out because it's not all that big of a pond (1/4 acre) and I'm not sure it can sustain too many large fish. Nice pond to have though, as it attracts deer, turkeys, coyote, fox, geese, ducks, etc.. down to it. Not as many frogs as there used to be, though - my son has gigged out quite a few of them!
  8. Took this in my backyard a few days ago. There's normally about 5-6 ducks that hang around. I have no idea why they all invited their friends to come over.
  9. BTW, any plans in the works for Highlands to upgrade the field they play on at Highlands Park? I know it's not their own field and perhaps the city won't even let them do anything to it, but it is a shame. The field could be quite nice, but seems to be very poorly maintained the times I've seen it.
  10. I believe is on target. It doesn't have to do with whether you can or cannot offer a boy's freshman baseball team simply because the girls do or don't have their own freshman team. It has more to do, as bronc stated, that both sexes are given equal opportunhities numbers-wise to compete in sports at their schools. The sports don't have to match up vis-a-vis.
  11. We'll simply agree to disagree on this point. He gets lots of extra looks, exposure, and recognition because of his name, IMO. But also because he is a very fine player, absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever.
  12. Great response by the Highlands AD. Good to see Highlands baseball getting some attention.
  13. Not saying you'd claim I was anti-Highlands/Collinsworth, but I assure you some other Bluebird faithful might. Right, Radierbird? I think you're kidding yourself if you think the sportswriters/voters do this type of detailed analysis. I'm not even sure how anyone could legitimately do it, especially in light of the fact that you'd have to do it for the hundreds of athletes that would be necessary to consider to make the analysis fair.
  14. I disagree with this. So in essense what you are also saying is that other WR's who might be playing in a "pass-crazy" offense should be penalized because their stats are somehow over-inflated or misleading? Or a WR on another team that didn't have other solid passing options again somehow unfairly benefitted? I would submit that in the latter situation it would make it even tougher on those kids because they would routinely draw extra coverage. And how in the world are all these sportswriters and voters supposed to know which team is "passy-crazy", which WR benefits from playing with an outstanding QB (such as Collinsworth) and who doesn't, which team benefits from playing with great offensive lines (such as Highlands), which teams plays better competition, who built up their stats against the weaker teams, and on and on and on. Sorry, but by and large, it should and needs to be a stat-based award. Maybe not entirely, but predominaantly so. I am in no way, shape, or form claiming that Collinsworth is not a quality WR. He is very good and I myself have stated so on various BGP threads in the past, so please don't claim I'm either anti-Highlands or anti-Collinsworth because I'm not. But IMO he simply wasn't one of the top WR's in the state and he clearly benefits from having the last name of a well-known former NFL player when awards like this are dispensed.
  15. Scott played Boone County fairly tough tonight. Thursday night's game against Ryle should be entertaining.
  16. I would disagree with this. By just about anyone's standards, Dunn is a poor fielder and at times is very poor. It's just not his strength. He makes up for it in other ways. $6M would be a more enticing figure to me and would also like to see it be a one-year contract. That way if Dickerson (or someone else) develops, it frees us up to let him go.
  17. I do miss him! He can get under the skin of the CCH folks like nobody's business, bless his soul. Hopefully I'll run into him soon and will encourage him to get back on. We can always use more objective and non-biased pro-Ryle people on this forum. Perhaps some of the CCH folks would be willing to donate money to cover his suspension fee?
  18. Tavarius Jackson is not an NFL quarterback. The Vikings are definitely in "QB-seeking" mode this off-season. Maybe Fran Tarkenton can come out of retirement?
  19. Wow. Giving up 9 free points (possibly more if any of these were the front end of bonus) in a two point loss is critical. They do have a couple of very good free throw shooters - Ahern & Stauffer are outstanding and McLeish is very good.
  20. Amazing to me that the Colts can have a back like LT (he'll be back - he's trying to play through a very tough injury), who they had backed up with Turner the past few years, and also Sproles. Three very good backs. And the Bengals game plan this year was to start Chris Perry. Solid . . . .
  21. Favre is beginning to approximate the ending of Willie Mays' career - another great athlete who hung around a season or two too long and should have retired with the team he is forever linked. I still remember watching Mays play for the Mets (I was 10) and asking my dad, "Why does everyone think he's so great?" Obviously, I figured that out as I got older, but Mays slightly tarnished his incredible resume and reputation by continuing to play after he should have hung up the cleats. Favre is doing the same thing.
  22. It won't be all that long before TV HD is broadcast exclusively in 1080, so to stay ahead of the game (and assuming it's in your budget), I'd go for a 1080 plasma. Our Panasonic is awesome and was reasonably priced. I've heard Vizio (sold at Sam's and Wal-mart) is not bad for a discount brand, but have no firsthand experience with them.
  23. This really doesn't exist in today's plasma TV's. It did in the original versions a few years ago. I own 2 LCD's and 1 Plasma (all 50" or larger) and I would choose the plasma hands down.
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