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Everything posted by cooperstown

  1. Now I will give you MAJOR props if you ever pass something like that . . . .
  2. I will give you that the "Christmas Shoes" song is a tad over the top, but the New Song (name of the band) Christmas album on which it appears it overall outstanding. Best Christmas CD we own!!
  3. Was actually kind of hoping you would test it out for me to see if it worked. Maybe next time???? :scared::eek:
  4. All this turmoil over a tiny, little 3mm stone?!? Pathetic. :lol: Congrats. I know the world seems like a much brighter, happier place right now!!
  5. Wasn't the game played on a neutral court in Frankfort? Eta, weren't you predicting that CCH would beat Lafayette?
  6. 'I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas' and the version of 'Jingle Bells' with the barking dogs. Who thinks up this tripe?
  7. Why? Lafayette is winless, aren't they? Were they expected to give Boone a good game?
  8. Warren's book, "The Purpose Driven Life", is a excellent read. Seen a couple videos of him giving talks/sermons and he is also an outstanding speaker. I know Billy Graham has spoken highly of him. He would seem to be a very solid choice by Obama. And frankly, in my own personal opinion, his stance on gay marraige makes him all the more qualified and likeable.
  9. What would possibly be the purpose of this rule? So you can dunk to your heart's delight right up until the point the refs are on the floor and then it's forbidden and then once the game starts, it's permissable again. Sounds goofy to me.
  10. No clue, but from the looks of their team (rather small) there's probably only a few candidates.
  11. Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses sound waves to break up larger kidney stones that would be very difficult and painful to otherwise pass into smaller stones. These smaller stones are much easier to pass. The first lithotripsy I had (mid-1990's) was done sitting in a tub of water. The last one (2002 or so) was done lying down on a table that had a cushion top filled with water (kind of like a water bed). They send sound waves at the stones through the water that breaks them up into little pieces. You feel a thumping sensation, but it doesn't really hurt. Later throughout the day, you pass these tiny broken-up kidney stone fragments. I wouldn't say it's totally pain-free, but it sure is a far sight better than passing a whole stone. The lithotripsy can't be done once the stone(s) have already left the kidney. I'm really not sure why this is. The procedure to break up the stone once it has left the kidney and is stuck in the ureter sucks. Big time. I think that is where they use the laser to which you referred. My experience was awful and it would be very acceptable to me if I finish out my life never having to go through that again.
  12. Actually, I mistyped "urethra" instead of "ureter." (It was late). It's the kidney stone's travel down the ureter that is the killer. Of course, that's not to say that my description didn't, in fact, cause your urethra to hurt.
  13. Way, way more than I care to. You go through this pain a couple of times (or more!) and you get yourself REAL educated on what the heck is going on.
  14. The were ranked one spot above them. There looked to be far more than a one rank difference between these two teams.
  15. Yes. Percocet is nice. Time for bed. Best of luck. Don't be a hero and wait to take a pill until the pain is unbearable or because you are 5 minutes too early for the next dosage. For the next day, those pills are your best friends. BTW, I went back to the beginning of this thread and saw that you have a 3mm stone. 3 mm?!?! Come on, dude. Man up!! 3 mm is child's play!! :lol: Actually, sometimes the size is not the critical component. It's the shape and how jagged the edges are. Especially as they rip and cut and shred those little nerves in your urethra as they're passing through and cause it to bleed and . . . oh wait, this probably is not helping, is it?
  16. That is absolutely key. Early on when I first started getting these, I would invariably wait too long. Pain pills take a while to work. It's not like getting a shot and getting instantaneous relief. Now, as soon as I get that "feeling" - even though it isn't a bad pain at that point - I take a pill. And, yes, there are times I've thought I felt the beginnings of a kidney stone and taken a pill and it turned out not to be one. But that clearly falls into the "better safe than sorry" category. I will also tell you that if the pain pill bottle said "1 every 4 hours" that I . . . . let's say, "pushed the envelope" a touch. Not encouraging you to do the same, just sharing with you my many, many experiences with these nasty little things. BTW, what type of pain pills do you have? I hope like heck they are prescription pills. If you are doing this with OTC pills, you are a far better man than I.
  17. Quite obviously, we have just jinked you and they will start to move about 3:00 a.m. this evening . . . . Best of luck . . . .
  18. Then you might be a candidate for lithotripsy if any of the ones up there look large. That's the risk - leave them alone up there and hope (like heck) they just stay there or break them up with the lithotripsy, knowing that this will likely cause them to start their track down and (even though they'll be smaller) cause some pain (though not like what you're feeling now).
  19. There must be a certain point during warmups in which it is not permitted because I know Ryle was also dunking the ball. Not only did Ryle get the two free throws (both of which they made), but was then given possession of the ball to start the game (no jump ball). Tough way for Conner to start. But ultimately, it had zero effect on the outcome of the game. Ryle was the far superior team in this one.
  20. And can stay up there - God willing - for years!
  21. It's possible that the three she has are still up in her kidney. The stones don't cause any pain at all while they are up there (which is where they are initially formed). It's the short trip out of the kidney to the bladder that makes you want to die. Talk about depressing. I once went to the hospital due to stone pain and they put in the dye and did a scan and gave me the great news that I had a couple more in BOTH of my kidneys. My response? How about another shot of that Demerol, nurse!
  22. It's good that it's not totally blocked. I had a buddy that passed one once by downing a couple of beers real fast and then going out jogging. Says he passed it shortly after getting back from jogging and assumes that the pressure of the beer travelling out of his kidney, combined with the pounding motions of jogging, jarred the stone loose. Couldn't hurt to try, I guess. Of course, it wasn't the middle of winter around almost midnight when he did this . . . .
  23. Are you able to pass any of this water? If not, all that backed up liquid is also adding to your discomfort. The link I PM'ed you suggests a home remedy diuretic (water pill) that helps you quickly expel the liquid, with the theory being that the big "rush" will force out the stone. If you literally can't pass any liquid at all right now, you might be looking at a possible hospital trip. Not trying to scare you . . . .
  24. Well, they (Conner) won the pre-game dunking contest, I guess.
  25. Had to leave after the third quarter, but Ryle already had this thing well in hand. Conner was never in this game and Ryle dominated all phases. Heck, Conner started out 2 points down before the game even started (seriously - they were assessed a pre-game technical for dunking)! Ryle keeps improving and has a chance to really make some noise in the 9th. Not to pour salt in their wound, but Conner was very unimpressive.
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