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Everything posted by cooperstown

  1. With such little faith in the voting tendencies of society that necessitated a two-term limit law to protrct itself (in essense to minimize the damage), it doesn't really speak favorably about the choices made in the first two elections by this same "deficient" society, does it?
  2. Welll you're going to have to find him first. And you have it on my honor that he is not schackled in chains and locked to the wall of the Ryle high school dungeon. But if he were, he would likely remain in this state until the CCH position is announced. Just a guess on my part.
  3. An opinion or a fact? I've been tryin to call Mike (Mitch's dad) at work all week, but he never answered and though I heard maybe that where taking him somewhere out of town to see another specialist. Real shame. Mitch is a fine ballplayer and even better young man, as is his parents. I did hear he's lost quite a bit of wieight of a frame that really didn't have too much extra to share. Hoping for the best . . .
  4. So you are agreeing that this new law will have little, if any, effect on crime. Since we already have the Brady Law, which has been shown to be effective in regulating who may now purchase/possess a firearm, I'm wondering why this increasingly restrictive law is necessary. Sure, they threw in the part about ensuring the "safe handling and storage of firearms" and signing some form agreeing that you will keep it out of reach of anyone 18 years and under, but that is nothing more than window dressing. So what is the overall purpose? I am the LAST person who submits to any conspiracy theory crap, but I truly do beleive if a law like this passes, it starts of process of incremental and increasing restrictions and conditions on personal ownership of firearms that could well one day result in confiscation. Improbable maybe, but not impossilbe.
  5. "Death by Twinkie". If I'm going to go, that's the way I'd prefer to do it. :lol:
  6. First off, I - and I'll assume every legitimate gun owner - DO accept the consequences of misuse. It's the criminals that don't seem to care about such consequences and there's really not a good way to regulate them since they don't care much for our laws anyways. Kitchen butcher knives are dangerous objects too. So are chainsaws. So are compound bows. Heck, Twinkies can be dangerous objects too. There is not one healthy thing about a delicious, cream-filled Twinkie. The consequences of stuffing your face full of these tasty things on a regular basis is obesity, high cholesteral, heart disease, maybe even death. Should I expect my government to regulate these also and to require me to pass certain testing and obtain a permit before I am permitted to buy a box? (Just having fun here, but you get my drift).
  7. Sorry, Rockmom, RTS is dead on and frankly, it's shows your naivete (NO OFFENSE INTENDED AND I'M BEING SERIOUS!) if you really think that is the only purpose for guns. You think they can't be enjoyed as a hobby just for the pleasure of shooting?
  8. Maybe. Maybe not. The ONLY part of McGwire's resume that is HOF-worthy is his HR total. Not his BA, hits, RBI, defensive abilities, etc. And that HR number was certainly inflated during the latter part of his career thru the use of steroids. I have no problem with anything he accomplished using andro - it was legal at the time. But his late-career HR surge is tainted and, as far as I can tell, the only single basis for which he deserves HOF consideration. BTW, Canseco's numbers are not all that far off McGwire's. Does he deserve HOF consideration?
  9. You would find very, very few people with the cajones to truly admit this, but it is the truth. They don't like guns, think they're inherently evil, and don't want anyone else to have one since they don't themselves own one. So they blindly support laws like this that infringe further and further upon the 2nd amendment rights under the guise (or perhaps truly believing) that it'll make the world a "safer, better place". I really wish someone would just be honest and come out and say, "I hate guns, therefore I support any law that restricts the ownership to anyone." I am not directing this statement to ANYONE specificly in this thread. This is just a generalization from talking to many people about gun issues.
  10. So it's okay then for such a law to impact only law-abiding citizens and not the very people that the law is (allegedly) intended to protect us from?
  11. Well, I must admit that during the course of this thread I did lose track of the fact that it was someone's personal poll, and not the coaches poll, that had them 9th. :creepy: Agree the HC loss was disappointing, but of course one could also make the point that Holmes - the #1 team in the state and also much larger than HC - should have beaten them far worse than they did. Not that I would make that point.
  12. Gun control laws do nothing to make citizens safer. Instead, gun control laws serve to disarm law-abiding citizens. You think the crooks are going to follow these registration laws? You think this kind of open registration would have somehow prevented the kid that shot Blair Holt from getting his hands on a gun?
  13. Never in a million years would I have guessed Anderson had 20 rushing TD's and over 2000 yards rushing!!
  14. Guess that is what happens when you play meaningful competition. None of Ryle's losses are "bad" losses - i.e., losing to a bad team (though they certainly lost badly to Scott). And that includes HC, who is surprising a few people this year. Should Ryle have won the HC game? Yes. But other than than they've probably won every game they should have. If they're the 9th best team in NKY, then basketball in NKY is way up this year.
  15. You doing all this stuff by phone? If so, I would highly suggest you make a personal visit to them. You'll end up with much better personal attention if you can sit down with someone face-to-face.
  16. Actually, it was the vetting process that found some of these problems, including the fact that he just ignored the IRS letters concerning his liability. Obviously, the Dems feel they have the strength to ram him through despite this small glitch in his integrity. It's not that the vetting process didn't work - just that the information they found wasn't enough to offset the Dems' arrogance.
  17. Well, I'm not so certain that for ANY high-ranking government position it is okay to simply disregard a tax debt, but I will absolutely agree that it is ridiculous to have the man in a position to run the Department that supervises the IRS. Again, I have not one problem the man incurred a tax problem. Heck, I made a stupid mistake on my return a few years back that amounted to an additional liability (plus interest and penalties). Honest mistakes happen. But it is pretty apparent he was fully aware of this debt and had no intentions to follow up on it until it was sure to become public knowledge. That, to me, brings his character into question.
  18. There is no way on God's green Earth that McGwire or Palmeiro get in. Look at Mcgwire's vote totals now - 20%. And Palmeiro is the pariah of baseball. Sosa won't get in either. Bonds and Clemens will both get in eventually because they were both HOF'ers before they juiced up. But I think a message will be sent to both - certainly Clemens - and he will not make it on the first ballot.
  19. Hate to threadjack here, but . . . . we will be in the market for (yet!) another computer in the near future. I have a couple q's about Macs: Is the Mac operating system entirely different than Windows? Like no similarities at all? What would be the learning curve for something like that? Is is doable for a computer idiot (I am in that category) or is it pretty much reserved for semi-savvy computer people?
  20. I really don't have a problem with him underpaying his taxes. It very likely was just an honest mistake. I do, however, find it troubling that he knew about this issue for several years and neglected to do anything about it until such time as he knew it would be caught and publicized.
  21. Then don't post threads with rankings asking for input/opinions if you don't want any. And, gee, I didn't know "the FACTS" had been laid out there declaring Beechwood to be such a stellar team. Your FACTS, I assume? :lol:
  22. Huge leap to assume all, or even most, of the players were using. SOME were, MANY were not. But we know for certain Palmeiro was. And then to go before Congress and put on the charade he did was a travesty. He disgraced himself and the game of baseball. He has NO place in Cooperstown.
  23. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28642237 President-elect Barack Obama's choice to run the Treasury Department and lead the economic rescue effort disclosed to senators Tuesday that he failed to pay $34,000 in taxes from 2001 to 2004, a last-minute complication in an otherwise smooth path to confirmation. Timothy Geithner failed to pay self-employment taxes for money he earned while working for the International Monetary Fund from 2001 to 2003, the transition official said. In 2006, the IRS notified him that he owed $14,847 in self-employment taxes and $2,383 in penalties from 2003 and 2004. Transition officials discovered that Geithner also had not paid the taxes in 2001 or 2002. He paid $25,970 in taxes and interest for those years several days before Obama announced his nomination, the transition official said. Geithner also didn't realize a housekeeper he paid in 2004 and 2005 did not have current employment documentation as an immigrant for the final three months she worked for him, the transition official said. He was notified by the IRS back in 2006 that he owed these taxes, but just got around to paying it a couple of days before Obama announced his nomination? Sure.
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