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Everything posted by Orca1

  1. Maybe the powers that be will consider combining the two.(Atherton and Iroquois). It could be a cost cutting measure and make them more competative. Whatta think?
  2. Most coaches go into to 7on7 tournaments with a goal in mind. For instance, they want to give their inexperienced kids competative reps. They may want to experiment with different formations or personnal packages. Maybe, they have a new coordinator that needs experience under fire. There are a plethra of reasons to in these tournaments and practices. To try and predict your season success on your 7on7 success would probably be a little foolish in most cases IMO
  3. Just beacause you come from a traditionally strong program, their is no guarantee that you will succed as a Head Coach. I believe that the precedent has been set with certain Coaches in a traditional power program.
  4. Real interesting career so far, play at Manual, sit out, play at Jtown, go to prep school. Not sure what is trying to be accomplished. By all accounts he has several scholarship offers, so why the need for Prep School. Grades? Test Scores? I would be leary as a coach wondering aloud about loyalty, thats just me though. I wish him the best of luck in the future.
  5. Great job Eastern! Eastern survives another shaky outing by Dunaway. He must get it together if they plan on having any chance in the 7th region tourney.
  6. I think you mean PRP not Shelby in with St X etc.....
  7. 8th graders can play High School Football. I think that 8th graders can't play varsity. Please correct me if I'm wrong
  8. I'm pretty sure that Shelby Co. replaces Bullitt Central. So, the district consists of Male, FC, Shelby Co, Southern.
  9. I don't know what you THINK you know, but it certainly isn't all. Chris was one of two SR. starters on a team that won the LIT and the 7th region. He was Eastern's leading scorer and floor leader. They lost a grand total of 3 games. Boy, if he didn't quit so easily they probably would have been undefeated.
  10. As a fan of the 7th region I gotta say that I didn't realize that our kids couldn't match up with the rest of the state. I believe that this is the second consecutive year that the 7th district won't be represented. We must have some great coaches!
  11. If these 3 guards are the best in KY(better than Dowe) then Ky should be in great shape. The kid led his team to the 7th region championship and was region player of the year. Gotta believe that has some merit. I differ in opinion that Chris Dowe isn't as good as the guards that they kept. Don't know what the coaches are looking for but, would love to know how they rated guys.
  12. Coach J We can surely consider you an expert when it comes to your district. Can you give us a little breakdown on your thoughts? Why will Eastern be better? What will make these teams potential top ten teams?
  13. Manual TWICE thie year?
  14. Please allow me answer your questions with a couple of my own. What School in 6A had the most wins next to T/X? What School beat both Male and Ballard last season? What School beat every team on its schedule, except the 6A State Champs? Answer these and you might find the most logical candidate.
  15. What does their schedule look like?
  16. 7th Region Jason Couch(coach) Chris Dowe(player) both from Eastern
  17. Whoa!!!!!!!!!! I am a big Eastern supporter and raelly love the style of ball that they play, but a cake walk to the finals? No Sir! Central has enough horses to cause a lot of problems. They have State Champiomship experience in football and basketball. Central knows Eastern very well. Central's HC was Eastern's HC. There is no indimidation factor. Throw out the regular season game, most of Central's football guys weren't basketball ready.
  18. Eastern turned the tables from last year. Hope they can go further than the 08 Chargers went at State.
  19. I believe that 71-35 was the score of Corbin's regional victory. Eastern will go nine players deep(and I mean deep). They have SIX or SEVEN sophomores in that rotation(depending how coach couch plays it). Nerves may be a problem. If not, Eastern will be tough. They play great defense and rebound. They are not a great shooting team, but play team basketball. They have 5 players who average in double figures. It is true that they don't have that 6'-9'' guy in the lineup. But, neither does Corbin. Bulk does not bother the Eagles Rick Millner and football phenom Jon Davis do a pretty good job owning the paint. Corbin may be able to hang athletically, but they must be able to match Eastern's intensity throughout the entire game. Eastern has won a lot of games in the fourth quarter. Time will tell!
  20. I believe that there are X factors involved. How will each team handle the pressure? Will either team be effected by the size of the college court? Eastern is 7-0 on college courts. I cannot pick a winner because I have not seen Corbin play. With that said I have a difficult time believing that Eastern's size and athleticism can be matched in this game.
  21. Are you implying that Trinity received the short end of the stick(calls)? :cry: I'm pretty sure the better team won. The good news is that the basketball players that play football can join the 200 or so other football players and lift weights and condition.:puke:
  22. Point being that Eastern hasn't been picked higher than 7th in the region the last two years. Maybe, just maybe someday Eastern will be shown some respect by the 7th region coaches.
  23. What does football have to do with this thread? By the way Eastern is #3 in the pre-season baseball poll.:taz:
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