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Everything posted by doomer

  1. PSU seems to be getting their offense in sync, and UK has not.
  2. I think UK will be pressed to keep a loss in the teens at this point of the season. However, I believe the Cats will improve before tourney time as long as they stay healthy.
  3. As the fan of the “other” school who has had both...I’ll take Cal any day of the week.
  4. Darrell Henderson skipping UM’s bowl.
  5. It is on our short list of shows we DVR and watch. We like it so far.
  6. Things to do: 1) Attend the Kentucky Derby. 2) Ride my horse on a long trail ride out west. Places to visit: Northern California (I've been to San Francisco on business, but not the same). Australia Hawaii (Mrs. doomer's bucket list) Ok....maybe I can ride my horse to Northern California, and when I cross the desert...I can just pretend it's the outback.
  7. I have been talking about going for two years....might be the year finally.
  8. Doesn't this belong in the basketball forum? :lol2: I saw the score and thought it was a basketball score.
  9. Good job Bearcats....now GO WIN A BOWLGAME!
  10. True above, and Memphis got two horrific calls in the last minute(s): 1) mystery holding call on a Darrell Henderson 35 yard touchdown run; 2) then with seconds left as Memphis was setting up a winning field goal, the UCF player was clearly, and I mean clearly, tackling the Memphis receiver prior to the ball reaching him. The Memphis player caught the ball still, but then could not reach the sideline in time to stop the clock. The AAC wants UCF to muddy the playoff picture, or at least, to get a major bowl bid which puts $$ in the league's pocket. Actually it is understandable and just more of the mess that is collegiate money sports. It is going to be a tough row to hoe this week for Memphis at UCF. However, Memphis has been playing better the last few weeks, and if they establish the run, it could be a contest. IF it rains, the Memphis quarterback (who must have the smallest hands in the world because he barely throws a spiral on a good day) might as well shot-put the football, and that allows the opposition to key on the run.
  11. The second part is a no-brainer...of course his access to talent was his selling point. However to link this to a grand plan, maybe, but is a stretch in the time window of these particular players. That is my point.
  12. I see where that can be an issue even if it were not part of a grander plan so to speak.
  13. Oh no, I don’t disagree with that, but my point was the AAU and high school relationships were forged before UM was in the picture. And I believe there are “assets” changing hands to get players to colleges. Some are just better at it than others.
  14. Oh no, I don’t disagree with that, but my point was the AAU and high school relationships were forged before UM was in the picture. And I believe there are “assets” changing hands to get players to colleges. Some are just better at it than others.
  15. Didn’t all this happen before there was any inkling that Hardaway would end up as coach at Memphis? The dots are pretty far apart...
  16. I wouldn’t rule out Kansas as much as we hate it. They’ve had inroads into Memphis with Tarik Black and the Lawson brothers leaving UM to go there.
  17. Not true, but maybe contributed. Tubby didn’t bring any energy or passion to the job at Memphis and it showed in the results. He did nothing to connect the program locally as is necessary in Memphis or any city with an NBA franchise competing for the entertainment dollar. Attendance was falling through the floor. Personally, I like Tubby and thought he would do well, but it became clear that it wasn’t working out.
  18. True...he’s from Nashville...about as close to Lexington as Memphis. He moved to Memphis during high school. I don’t know about his family situation.
  19. Florence and the Machine. She can't sing a lick. She'd get the gong on The Voice if they had one. Maybe I'm partial to the Irish...but I love U2. Song Meanings at Songfacts - "Where the Streets Have No Name" "In Ireland (and Northern Ireland), the many cities are divided: rich/poor, Catholic/Protestant, etc. By knowing which street a person lives on you can tell their religion, wealth and beliefs - it's where the streets have no name."
  20. Really nice throw on the TD and good drive. 7 - 24 now. There’s time for three more.
  21. I’ve seen a lot less than that called targeting.
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