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Everything posted by PutMeInCoach

  1. Hard question. We only came up with 3.
  2. Depends on the family and how many times they've burned the bridge.
  3. Have you not seen any speedway advertisement this year? They have been promoted being the roughest track all year.
  4. I got stuck on a call and didn't get on until 10:05. All gone.
  5. I'm going to try to score some tickets tomorrow.
  6. I'm not sure BK ever changed his mind on where he wanted to go...
  7. He's doing what he wants to do, that's what this boils down to.
  8. Good for BK. It's his life and he's doing what he wants
  9. Monkey house doors at the Lincoln Park zoo in Chicago. They said it wouldn't scar and 16 years later you can still see the scar on my eyebrow. (9 years old at the time)
  10. Taker wanted Brock to end the streak. They should have ended with that match, killed the momentum of the show.
  11. I can't believe I didn't see that coming. Why else would he be telling the story? I have said all along that he ends up with Robin but I still didn't see that coming.
  12. I would bet that had to do more with his physical tools on paper than a 3 minute highlight film. Also offers from 10 other high level D1 schools might have given them a clue.
  13. Of course they do. Not highlight tapes. Film is a small part of the big scheme.
  14. False. And coaches don't want to see your highlight film, if anything they want full game tapes.
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