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Everything posted by PutMeInCoach

  1. Speed. I'm usually finished eating before others start.
  2. Yep, youre doing more harm to yourself than good by not eating enough/well.
  3. Very, I only keep track of what I eat with it. I never add exercises to my day.
  4. Are you using a calorie counter while working out? Or just adding calories from what the app estimates? If you're not using a counter then I would take the calories burned that the app gives you with a grain of salt. I only saw that because I know you said you haven't seen any losses lately and that may be why.
  5. Trent does this about once a year. It's to send a message, nothing more nothing less.
  6. Unfortunately parents can't stop kids from doing either as much as they want to think they can... I have no tattoos and have never smoked...
  7. I thought it was okay at best. It was basically goodfellas but much worse, I didn't think it would ever end.
  8. Monica might be my least favorite player ever. She had so many chances to make moves and never did anything. She was content on 2nd/3rd place and it was pathetic.
  9. Target in Florence had 4 xbox ones yesterday. They were marked down to 450.
  10. “@arielhelwani: Anderson is yelling at the top of his lungs on the stretcher backstage. I've never heard anything like that. A horrible sound.”
  11. If she wants any shot of winning she has to. Even then I don't think she can win.
  12. Some of the stuff in this thread is so comical it's hard to even respond to it directly.
  13. I'll tell you this, It'll resemble a football game. Simon Kenton better be ready for the physicality GC plays with.
  14. I'm not buying that. I've dealt with Microsoft and Sony when it came to problems with systems and both were excellent. Sony fixed my PS3 for free even with it being 2 years out of warranty.
  15. I agree. I worked at Fedex for a few years back in the day :scared:
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