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Everything posted by CCH86

  1. If you have to nominate your kids and other coaches cannot nominate your players how did Peter Sutton get on there ? Maybe you should have looked at the list before you threw your mud
  2. I was referring to the qoute from Namecips on "politics" ie we did'nt get votes or nominations from other coaches because we are on top this year. But of course as I mentioned in another post if this is true(which you say you now have verification) that is very very sad and is a very poor reflection on our Coach. He owes his boys an apology
  3. I guess now we know what Highlands has felt like for the last 10 years, nobody likes the guy on top. Unfortunately we only get to have this fealing over Highlands once in 10 years !!!!
  4. Very, Very sad if true These are huge things to 16 and 17 year old kids who allot have played for 10 or 12 years of football for things like this. I hope this is not true, and I agree that Dale or one of the other coaches could have easily nominated Peter
  5. What an absolute joke !!!! Check out the Kentucky Post spots today, our local coaches apparantly have something against the best team in Northern Kentucky. Go ahead and call me a Homer if you want but CCH blew out all of it's N Ky opponants this year except for Highlands but they beat them twice and they get 1 player on the N KY coaches Top 24 !!!! Why not make it the "Let's give each local team a player on the all star team award". These brilliant minds then go on to pick their top 10 All-State Nominees and don't pick one Colonel !!!! So let me get this right, CCH is clearly the best team in Northern Kentucky, they clearly have 6 or 8 possible stars in Popham(kicker), Bleser(QB/Punter), Casteneda(DB/Returns), Sutton(WR/TE), Bovard(WR), Brown(DB/RB/Returner), and Flynn(LB) and Peter Sutton is the only player on the "Top 24" and no one makes the All-State Nominees ? Sam Flynn is an absolute MONSTER on defense and was clearly the D's leader from emotion to sacks to tackles and he's not good enough ? Come on guys it makes things silly when you do something like this
  6. Agreed GPop, mid way through the year I thought the O-Line was getting dominated by the likes of Dixie and NewCath and did'nt have good thoughts of the group going forward. But they have gotten better every week to the point where Josh has had a ton of time and the line keeps opening bigger holes for Buck and Brandon each week. That coupled with the fact that the light went on in the 1st playoff game for Bleser and he is just a different guy. It's amazing the difference in a players performance when they take a team on their shoulders and win a big game. He absolutely did that in the first HHS game and has been oustanding ever since and he has to have a VERY high confidence level right now in himself and the players around him
  7. So are you telling me that the local lawmen will be out enforcing this if we happen to be having a cold one in the parking lot ?(for those in a dry county it's called "tailgating") that was said with tongue planted in cheek.
  8. For what it's worth this is a classy, good hearted guy who apparantly got caught up in the moment. To give you an example speaking from personal experience Mark makes calls to injured guys to check on them and has also made congratulatory calls to kids homes to tell them good game. Most of these kids have never met Mark and think it's pretty cool when the guy from the Internet calls
  9. Very impressive, especially at the start of the year it looked like NKY football was going to be horrible other than CCH and Highlands. Ryle and NewCath got better week after week and really seem to be playing well now. Good luck to the Raiders and the Breds !!!
  10. It's CCH in a blowout, great creativity, travel well(my guess is there were more CCH students than LexCath students last Friday in Lexington), solid participation and almost a fealing that your carrying on a tradition
  11. Both starting corners have sprained ankles, Brown's was tweeked again last night after suffering the original sprain about a month ago. Casteneda's was sprained in the first round of the playoffs and he sat out against Highlands in the second round and came in the game in the 4th quarter last night when Brown went out but was innefective and was not moving well and came out immediately. Brown re-entered the game and played the rest of the way. These two guys are extremely important to the team as they are the starting corners, return punts and kicks and Brown plays tailback about 40% of the snaps. Both are tough kids and I know you'll see Brown this weekend as they'll have to take him off on a stretcher not to play and I believe Joseph whose sprain seemed to be worse is healing will go if he can. That being said this is a very talented team and when Casteneda went out(and by the way he is getting DI looks and is considered an all-state prospect) the Colonels did'nt miss a beat and handled Highlands two weeks ago.
  12. Does JC throw much ? CCH is banged up in the secondary right now with Brandon Brown re-injuring his sprained ankle last night and Joe Casteneda sitting out his second game in a row (except for one series when Brown went out) with a sprained ankle also. Any idea on date and time on the game ? It would be nice since everyone is off school on Friday if they had a 4 or 5 o'clock kickoff
  13. What an amazing High School football game !!!! So much offense I can't even fathom a guess on the total yards. Both teams played amazing on offense and completely dominated the others D. Congrats to the Colonels and the Knights for such a dramatic comeback and tremendous season after the players and coach they lost from last year. A few thoughts...... I hope no one there had a heart condition because that was enough to give you a heart attack !!!! CCH Up 21 to start the fourth qaurter and the coach did his best to throw this one away. Still running the no-huddle and passing the ball up 21 and running no time off the clock !!!!! Played right into LexCath's hands and allowed a comeback. One series I believe was 3 and out with 30 some seconds and then the interception on 1st and 20 up 14 with 5 minutes to go, are you kidding me !!!! LexCath could not stop the run, for that matter stop anything. Run the ball, take time off the clock, no why do that lets throw interceptions and run the no huddle and take no time off and give it back to an offense that was going against a very banged up CCH D backfield. CCH fumbled twice heading for the endzone or could have easily scored 70 or more with Pop also missing two FG attempts. Unbelievable big plays by Bleser, Sutton, Wise, Brown, Buckley, Ganshirt etc etc (I hope I did'nt miss anybody but there were so many it's tough to remember) Revere is even better than everyone said he was, kept them in the game and had to have a half a million yards tonight Unbelievable game by Brown, re-injures his sprained ankle, goes out of the game only to return all taped up and intercepts a crucial late pass and then runs the clock out with 2 big runs on that sprained ankle. As 5432 mentioned he is the MVP, the glue that sticks them all together.
  14. I'm somewhere in the middle on this one, I agree that tougher teams make you play up to competition and expose weaknesses to work on but this is'nt golf or basketball or baseball. This is a contact, physical sport and as Colonel Fan said two straight years now in a 4 or 5 week period CCH plays Elder, rivals Dixie and Beechwood, Cincy St. X and then immediately after X gets THUMPED by Watterson in a game that means nothing. Two straight years they are up for those games physically and mentally and by the time Watterson rolls around they are spent. Both years pivotal guys have also gotten hurt (last year Joe Casteneda and Kurt Bovard and Brandon Brown this year). Guys were beat down pysically and mentally and that's when you get hurt. I'm ok with playing a couple of these games but you have to space them out better and playing 3 of them plus Highlands, and your natural rivals of Dixie, Beechwood, and NewCath is probably a little much. CCH and Highlands have 500 boys and dress what 50 not like St.X and Elder who dress 120, have 2 to 300 in the program and have 1500 boys in the school.
  15. Very nice article on CCH and specifically Brandon Brown in today's Post. Nice to see Brandon getting recognition for what has been a tremendous year on both sides of the ball.
  16. As you know stats can be very misleading, Campbell has played in a very weak district and feasted on lesser competition. If they were playing against St. X, Highlands twice, Elder and Waterson there numbers would not be close. But yes they have had a very nice year
  17. Probably a little biased opinion here but CCH Bleser to Sutton and Bovard would be very tough to beat.
  18. Great game and what a great effort by Brandon Brown. Brandon had a rushing TD, an interception that he returned 60 yards for a TD that was brought back to the 20, had about 10 tackles on defense not to mention being "The" guy on kick-offs and punts with Joe Casteneda being out. Also had around 15 carries on the offensive side of the ball.
  19. Well the last time I said I thought CCH loses by a close margin and I believe my comments were that until we finally won one and they proved me wrong it seems like we found ways to lose to HHS for the last 10 years or so. Believe me there was no one happier than myself that I was wrong and since the reverse psychology worked last time I think I'll give it another shot: HHS 24 CCH 21 Go Colonels !!!!!!!!!!:ylsuper:
  20. From what I understand Josh will be playing baseball and while Kater is a tremendous High School football player not too many DI or D IAA's want a 5-10 lineman. Some small school would love a guy with his abilities and aggressiveness
  21. Based on the fact that no one will punt to him Joe Casteneda for Cov. Cath has to be one of the best
  22. You may even be low on that, if they lose to X and Trinity that's 99% It will be extremely difficult for HHS or CCH(and there the only two that have a shot) when your talking about schools that have 1200 and 1600 boys versus 4 or 500. The numbers are too overwelming in their favor. I happend to catch Cincy St. X's coach on Tv one night and he mentioned they have over 300 boys in the football program and dress 120 on Varsity !!!!! The numbers are loaded against you, they will be huge, fast, well coached and they can just keep coming at you.
  23. Wise at Fullback/Tight End/ Defensive End Ganshirt Defensive Back/ Wide Receiver
  24. Very nice to have this on TV, last night with 2 sick kids and a wife with her back completely out it gave us the option to order pizza, have some friends over and watch in the comfort of home. P.S. The Announcer was embarsillingy bad
  25. No offense to the Purple, good team good program but when they start scheduling Louisville St. X, Cincy Elder, Cincy St. X, etc. etc. otherwise when you beat mediocre competition all year yeah a 6-4 team impresses me more than a 9-0 or 9-1
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