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Everything posted by KyFan11

  1. What has Danville done to improve on that many points since the last game?
  2. i think raceland will win......they have a big group of seniors that know it might be there last, i will be there to watch this one! raceland-32 Lca-28
  3. Paris High School's Junior Travis Angel- 6'/220 Returned a 79 yd touchdown on a fumble recovery untouched (paris-raceland) Had 10 tackles
  4. At the Paris-Raceland game, Paris had more fans show up this go-round, the Raceland side didn't look as full as you would expect.
  5. What about that 79 yard fumble recovery TD by Paris' Junior Travis Angel? He is a big boy with blazing speed! Goodluck to the Rams this week at LCA. I look for Raceland to pull the upset. I will be there!
  6. You summed it up perfectly with this statement. Well Jimmy sounds like we have been around long enough to know how things should be. We have been part of the good ole days, and would like to see todays kids take part of that too. I know nothing ever came easy for me, I have had to work hard for everthing I have ever had or what I got. So hard work is part of my vocabulary, it is something that I am not scared of! And some Good Old Fashioned Butt Chewings should be part of half-time too... Win or lose-
  7. I saw good potential with PCHS. It takes time to turn it around.
  8. BTW- Hip Hop and I are friends now. We just don't know each other!:lol:
  9. I am a KY Fan. I love KY Sports. Partial to the SEC, but hey I love KY sports... I know your coach, and he is a nice guy. FHS is to be respected they played well and I hope they can continue their success. If I were ever to move to Frankfort, I would move into that district, so my kids could go there. (just not in the house that backs up to the field- LOL)
  10. I will say that Paris is going to rebound, because I want them to win. Paris has all the talent and capabilities of being good, Real Good. Well those that want to play and have the chance to move on to college ball, will get to play in a real atmosphere. Like I said I just really hate it for those that want to win. Heck I see some of the fans and parents screaming and hollering, I think some of them want it more then some of the players! But as long as those that are wanting it are out there doing there job and not giving up or slowing down, then they gave their best. And Paris has some of those, I have seen them play. And I am sure those will move on to the next level. I see some of them in the weightroom downtown in the winter, I see who is dedicated.... Another problem I see is that they don't have to prove themselves for the position, fight for it, if they had to compete against three or four more others that were just as good, they might put more effort into it...
  11. Oh they are game, they will argue with you on everything you post, if it is in opposition. But hey that makes it all the more fun!!! When the Paris-Frankfort thread came out, they were ganging up on me. But that is okay I love a good fight!!!!!!!!:fight:
  12. I totally agree... walking around and going half speed is what will get you hurt. You always go full speed and FINISH THE PLAY... I think what hurts Paris is YES they are small and I feel that some of them are just ready for the season to be over with so they can go start basketball. They have no idea of how it feels or how important it is to win especially during Playoffs. The teams I have seen over the last several years degress by this time of the year (Paris). They start strong and finish like they just want it to be over. That is not fair to some of the other guys that are out there every game giving heart and soul and want to WIN. Too bad Paris' team is small, because after last weeks game, those walking around would be hanging up their eqp (if I were the coach) and then they could go do whatever they wanted, and then Me and the guys that want to play would get ready to play again and work to win!
  13. the neighbors over there would just have to love football season. Everyone trying to park in their drives and yards. I wondered how that went over in that little section; and especially the house that backs up to the east side of the field !!! The first time ever there I took a look at that situation and laughed...
  14. :thumb: I look for Foley and his very talented Panthers to go deep this year into the playoffs. Goodluck
  15. :thumb: If that is true, then yes that is honorable for doing that for another team. Thanks!
  16. :scared: I have to ask; WAS ANYONE IN THE ROOM WHEN THE BALL CAME THROUGH? That kick deserved 6 pts. !!!!!!!
  17. Well it is a two hour drive, and if you get out of school at 3:15 and you can't get a bus until 4:30, and if the principal doesn't let you leave early enough to get there to get your boys warmed up to keep them from getting injured, then I guess you would ask for the game to be moved back... (that's my opinion) BTW- I don't think the principal has attended one away game nor I don't think she has stayed pass half-time at the home games! If that stands true, SHAME!!!!!
  18. I was impressed with what I heard about Washington's adjustments. Now the rest will depend on if the rest of the Paris team wanting to step up and play on that notch that they can play on. They are loaded with talent- I just don't know if the right offense is being run with what they have? Personally I would run the option with the group he has- I would have my offense in the wishbone- ............... I am sure he has made some changes since what he has run all year got stopped all night long. And how many times do you allow a kid to fumble? Nothing harsh meant towards the kid, but wouldn't you take him out till he can prove that he is going to hold onto the ball???
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