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Everything posted by KyFan11

  1. Are you trying to get me going or something again this week?
  2. This week is suppose to be rival week in Paris KY. Bourbon Co. Colonels will host the Paris Greyhounds Friday night. Paris took a unexpected fall to the FHS... They will be looking to rebound this week... Any thoughts or discussion on this-
  3. Well it could've been closer if Paris hadn't fumbled twice- All the what ifs Beings I dont walk around with a target on my back that says KYFan....we probably wouldn't have known one another! lol
  4. And before anyone asks, regarding the score; I had crow for a midnight snack-
  5. Give me a break! Long holiday weekend- I was out of town! I had no internet access where I was docking!!! gees- You know I would be back- Paris had the momentum in the first half- Seems like after the fumble the momentum went to FHS- I think FHS coach out coached Paris. I saw FHS defense calling out Paris' plays... - Now to address my comebacks- What type of fan would I be if I didn't defend my favorite team?- - Now back to the game- Paris did have and show improvement- It was not a 50 pt game... So to answer how are they going to improve on 50 pts- well they did- - NOW- the defense- there is some fire on the field- I picked a Jr. this year as being the horse of the team (#32) and I think he showed FHS and the home crowd what type of hard hitting boy he is- And I saw that Friday night- Congrats to him- and to the DB #20 As for FHS- good game- I saw no arrogance, different from what I had been told... Goodluck in your district play... And one more thing Hip-Hop> Robinson does come close to your description- He is not very tall however he is solid and is all muscle- DID YOU ATTEND? ANYONE ONE-???
  6. But they didn't play em'. And we didn't play Danville... Tit for tat No one came close to NCC... You think FHS last year could've played them? Yeah right... FHS was good but not that good.
  7. Yes both teams do have speed- However I will agree FHS is probably going to have the edge on speed- I think this will be a game for defense. Paris' ends and corners are going to have to play smart and aggresive in this game.
  8. Other people keeps bring up last year game and how could someone improve on 50 points from last year... However when Danville got brought up, no one wanted to talk about that game last year- So if different ones wanna talk last year don't pick and choose the games you won big- So now I will propose how is FHS going to improve on the points that Danville beat them on- or even yet Franklin? You all on here wanna dog somebody?
  9. Didn't know Trumbo had asthsma- I know of someone on the team that does, but it isn't Trumbo.
  10. You don't want to talk about last year- I have been talking about last year all week long- Have no problem talking about last year
  11. I do believe they couldn't deal with Danville last year.
  12. Oh yes Homers is still open and he is still there- however he will probably be at the Paris game sitting at the endzone! He also has chocolate/vanilla twist ice cream now...
  13. Your statement is FALSE- Chase Dumphord wasn't even at UK Camp....
  14. big sticks = meaning> big hits/tackles/jacked up
  15. Come to Paris Friday night- then we can discuss on Monday. Don't wait to watch the WKYT play of the day and don't rely on last year. If I eat crow then I will- but don't think so, not this year. But besides speed- we can definitely discuss who had the big sticks.
  16. gchs uk9, we are definitely on the same page this week. we only differ in a inch and 15 lbs.
  17. Sorry I meant to include Hip-Hop Box's quote on that posting
  18. Can you imagine????? that would almost be like "c" for Lex. Schools!
  19. You got it- Still think it is going to be a good game- I don't see Frankfort running over Paris this year. I would rather see a hard fought battle then one that is lop-sided. Makes the game more interesting, and keeps us die-hards on the edge of our seats or cussing over the side of the fence...
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