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Everything posted by BCrules

  1. I definately think it's a world wide problem causing it not just the US.
  2. Mountain Top removal, increase in highways and the number of cars on them along with everything else isn't mother nature. Of course she's used to volcano eruptions and healing herself from those. A single event isn't the same as day in day out neglect of the environment.
  3. I seriously do hope they have a good year and I think if they get back to some good old fashioned ball they've got a decent year ahead.
  4. Well personally the changes in the environment is what alarmed me about the environment not Al Gore.
  5. Who do you all think is going to get QB for varsity this year? They were working with Joey, like I said before i missed the 7 on 7 but hear they had a different boy in there that did a good job.
  6. Oh I agree, I want to see the Lions take off and do great. That's only something time can tell. It would tickle me to death to see the Lions have a great winning season this year.
  7. I wouldn't let that man close enough to spit in my cereal. I've seen him do enough of that in players faces.
  8. Anyone goin over into souther Ohio should go out to Rock Hill and check out their turf.
  9. I agree, I loved the atmosphere it's what makes the kids feel they're somewhere besides that high school field.
  10. :fire: I do know one thing, if Global Warming isn't going on then I guess the Apacolypse (however it's spelled) is here. The winters and weather changes are just tooooo funky and get'n worse.
  11. photograph is a good one by them too
  12. Well I have to have my wonders about him too if it's true they moved Vince up to coach the freshmen receiving team. If Evans was behind that move then I don't see much changes in as far as improvement for Boyds football program.
  13. Then again you could always go metal with the memory remains:ylsuper:
  14. Cotton Eyed Joe, uhmm We will Rock You. If all else fails there's always the Chicken dance (just kidding)
  15. I hear Trimble is taking on the middle school. I hope to see him have a successful year and work fair with the boys.
  16. Geographically speaking, parts of ohio have always been stronger too.
  17. I gotta agree that it's worth the lil extras, there was nothing like seeing those big blasts when CJ hit that grandslam last year. Can only imagine how awesome he felt hearing and seeing that display.
  18. Triplett to withdraw from race for Ironton football coach http://www.irontontribune.com/articles/2006/06/18/news/news546.txt
  19. I totally agree and I do look for him back. It was all a matter of give'n the athletic director a smack on the hands.
  20. Well just read'n it all made me dizzy so I'm not even gonna get into this one other than to say I like the ohio way of it.
  21. I guess I'd like to see Beechwood get it just to break the Lexington winning streak!
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