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Everything posted by BCrules

  1. You know what's reallllllllly sad too about this upcome'n game? There are actually parents trying to pick what boy will be the first one hurt during the gameon the Lions side.
  2. I like seeing him get on here and state it like it is. Notice those parents that have connections sure ain't going to get on here and be brutally honest about it all. Tiny's probably like me, even though he's not got a kid in the pool doesn't mean you don't get to be the ear for all the whiners that won't stand up for themselves or their kids.
  3. I don't mind saying it here. I just feel Gatlin deserves a chance at QB, he really was QB when he was a freshman, ask around, everyone I've double checked with tells me the same answer. Now why I want to see it. Well because their starting QB now hasn't done a great deal of advancing the lions since they pulled him up to be QB when he hit middle school, he's a good kid don't get me wrong, excellent athlete, just not a QB. As for them use'n anyone else Friday, I say they will as soon as the pressure gets put on the starting QB, if you notice when things get reallllllly hot on him he gets sick for a few plays, but from what some of the boys told me they haven't had anyone else doing QB reps so I doubt to see anyone different in there. I just don't see why when what your doing isn't working you can't back up and punt and start a new lineup. What would it hurt? Of course it's a little late in the season to make a difference but it might help them see where to head next year. And that's what Evans needs to be looking at, what do I have come'n next year? As it stands right now doesn't matter who the QB is when there is no line to assist. And with no defense to help out seems likes it's all mute point. Basically I just hope the kids are have'n some fun out there playing football and none get hurt.
  4. Tiny, you seem to have a good understanding of how things work at Boyd.
  5. That's where they should have gotten Vince out of the picture along time ago. And now he's at the High School being baby sat, that's what I don't understand. These kids coming up as sophmores now should have one of the top teams from Boyd County, but it was lost in Middle School. They were brow beat, put down and the fight taken right out of them. That's the issue they're facing now. A group of kids that worked hard in JFL only to get told all that meant nothing. Now they don't know how to get those boys fight back in them. Another thing I don't get too is where all at once some of these players come from! I saw a boy at the JV game last night for the first time in a uniform and have noooooo idea where he's been or came from. How do they just keep adding at this late in the season?
  6. Yea well if people from Boyd is honest they should have seen this coming from the middle school level. JC's team has been building since these kids were in middle school. Boyd's too busy thinking the offense wins games. If they don't get the defense lined up Boyd's going to be down for a good while.
  7. Another reason you don't see very many people on here actually saying the truth and how they really feel. Too afraid of loosing a chance for the running time.
  8. Sounds like most of Johnson Central's population is turning out for this one. Don't count on a big boyd show unless they totally have nothing else to spend money on.
  9. I think rosie's butter slipped off her biscuit alonggggggg time ago
  10. Boyd didn't seem to have that big of a crowd this past Friday. May have been an illusion due to all the Burg people I was looking at. I doubt seriously they get a big Boyd turnout unless people just really are into seeing a big time loss. To far for most of them to drive just to see the first teams go at it. Best part of the game will be 4th quarter when the 2nd teams go at it.
  11. I've seen that QB playing last season and he was pretty dang good then. I'd heard he's wanting Marshall for sure too and it will be good for him and close to home.
  12. When aren't the natives in Boyd restless would be a better notion to ponder. And why are they always this way? I think it's time to bring in professionals.:sssh:
  13. I agree with you in some areas for sure especially about the parents and the playing time. Thing is what good is a hot runner if you don't have anything to go with it. I'm hope'n Evans looks at the boys as individuals and uses his own judgement next year in how he picks his teams positions and doesn't let anyone fog his choices. And from what I've been seeing on JV games his line is getting weaker and weaker as they come up. Only time will tell how good a coach Evans will truely be but I'd like to see him build a real football program at boyd something they've been missing for a long time. I think he alienated alot of parents right off the top when he had them sign contracts that they wouldn't cause a scene at games or thier kid would sit the bench. You should never let the parents smell fear lol.
  14. 72 players??? wow that's awesome that they do get to rotate them!
  15. Glad to hear it was nothing major. Although just the thought of a hyper extended knee makes mine ache!
  16. That is a big win, what were some of the stats? I would have thought SP could held their own better but it appears not. Did they play over here or in ohio? If over here what kinda crowd did sp bring with them?
  17. Our prayers go out to all the injured boys and we hope they recover quickly.
  18. Dang my eyes ain't what they used to be I thought the score was 38 to 7 *like it matters*:fire: sad night for the lions, next week more of then same as they take on Johnson Central. I'd like to see Evans mix things up a bit and try to atleast get some score'n done this year. Will it happen? Lord only knows but I figure what's he got to loose by trying other players or swap'n em around. Atleast it didn't rain though, that's always a good thing. And this ends the 2 year contract with the Burg. Wonder if they'll take em on again or try something different? I'd love to see em take on Rock Hill and see what happens there. Would be interesting to say the least or even South Point for that matter. We need some more rivalries across the state lines! Burg sure brought a nice crowd up with them....... And boy howdy could their QB throw a rocket! Looks to me like the burg's got things head'n the right direction. Also note that the only td the lions got was one against Burg's JV team. Was like a new game started when all those bright white uniforms came out on the field.
  19. just a good old fashioned butt kick'n as expected, final 38 to 7 i believe.
  20. Atleast the sun's shine'n and it's not rain'n like last year! And Cleveland Radar doesn't show anything in site for now!
  21. well that seems to up the anty in the pirates favor then, cause that's one of the reasons people down there said they were doing so poorly.
  22. Here's a quote from an ohio forum about the upcoming game from a Pirates point of view. Most of em in that forum are a little biased on ohio side though! "the burg is fine. the seniors just need to understand that this will be there last year ever wearing a Pirate jersey. after that they become spectators in the stands like myself. they need to show boyd county what southern ohio football is all about."
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