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Everything posted by BCrules

  1. Snuff among other things. And no i dont have a son on the team so i'm not concerned with anyone in particular's playing time. Seems people forget alumni still do have an interest in their roots though. As for politics I didn't state Evans in particular, if you go back into some of my other comments in the past you'll see that I'm all for Evans in hopes of changing Boyd's history of how sports at the school is run in general. Now if your a parent out there and you don't believe politics or money has anything to do with playing time then your one in the good graces and ain't going to admit it anyways. As for Evans I'm seeing him so far as fair and working with what was given him. It will take him some time to get the team arranged the way he wants it I just hope to see him step up and make the future choices by talent, not by how things went in years past.
  2. Well if your that close to the program, then you should know what I'm talking about and don't need a pm to enlighten ya. Just sit around and listen to parents or ask them. If your not a coach then they'll happily tell you anything your wanting to know.
  3. Rock Hill seems to be doing very well again this year.
  4. The weather btw, as it stands now suppose to be partly cloudy as the rain moves out of the area. Let's hope it stays that way, but dang that's gonna be a sloppy field if it stays cool and cloudy.
  5. I musta been in a time warp, I didn't even realize they'd played since get'n beat twice. "Old Timers" hit'n me hard lately! Thanks for the correction though I hate not give'n em the right stats. I do think they'll come out on top though. Would be a big upset if Boyd beat the Burg.
  6. I'm not good at predictions. I know the burg lost last week and I'm thinking the week before too. I could be very wrong on that though so who knows. Last years burg game was such a mess with all the bad storms so I'm just praying for dry weather! heck I'll even take weather predictions!:banana:
  7. having talent and knowing how to use it is two totally different things. Hopefully evans will figure that part out.
  8. yea, you know just a dip to get em fired up. I think coaches allowing players on a field with tobacco products should be brought up for review no matter who he is. ok, now i'm really done till next week after the burg shows up.
  9. Your dead on there it's not one season to make a turn around. We're hope'n for Evans to stay for the long haul and get the program goin like some good old fashioned football with some decent wins against some talent and strength. REDBLOOD, your mailbox if full.......... And I agree on that facemasking, UNCALLED for! attitudes like that don't win games (as we all saw) That about sums me up till next week to see what happens when the Burg comes up to play.
  10. Those boys did look good out there for sure.
  11. On a high note, the pre-game show for Ivan was very nice indeed! That's a coach parents have stuck by and it was great seeing how everyone took to their feet and applauded him.
  12. Well what it is, just politics and money basically. Ya got the parents that let the kids just go do their thing and support them, then you have the parents that will do ANYTHING to make sure their kid is top spot even if they don't deserve it. Then throw in a coach that one of the parents gets to and decides yea let's make this one kid the star and it all goes to Hades in a handbasket real quick. And they're just get'n tired of loosing I think.
  13. well in my book ya don't boo the coach just cause ya loose'n.
  14. Your right there, all that passing had to go! Hopefully Evans will just get in there and line em all up. Even some of the parents need it!
  15. I will say one more thing, shame on how the boyd parents were acting in the stands. how are the kids on the team suppose to respect the head coach when they see parents act like some of you were!
  16. I think he'll do ok if he'd just tighten up and worry about get'n the kids ready for a game instead of tobacco products. that's about the only thing i've seen about him so far that displeases me. He also needs to get rid of one particular defensive coach to get some improvement. I won't say his name lol, but I'm sure anyone that knows me knows just who I'm talking about.
  17. game turned out just as expected unfortunately........Congrats on the good game Red Devils.
  18. Upsets do happen, I'd like to see the lions come out and play a good game and win. Not looking for it to happen though, line isn't tough enough and 22 and 7 can't win a game on their own.
  19. well if the water keeps rise'n I'm gonna be drag'n myself out of this game to finish it on the radio too. Thank God for big umbrellas, keeps laptop dry.
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