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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. Another tough road test for the young, but talented, Devils. Fleming throws a lot at you defensively and I think that'll be the difference in the game. Panthers in a close one.
  2. Brossart isn't in the business of scoring lots of points and they need to be to seriously threaten the Royals. This game gets out of hand early. Miller and co. take off the 4th quarter to start cleaning upstairs for Sunday's final so they don't get too rusty.
  3. I was curious as to why there were so many posts about a 77-33 game. Because most of them aren't about the game!! As for the game, Mason County wipes the floor with the once powerful Wildcats. I did not attend and don't know how many PC fans did but good for them for sticking with their team. Tough times in Falmouth these days, they need all the support they can get. If Simms is going to turn things around at PC he's going to need those kids to do a better job believing in him then what we've seen so far. Too many have quit at this point. For the ones left there are still some more demoralizing defeats to come. Any old 38th district (AHS, BCHS, DHS, PCHS) fans know the last time PC lost to Deming and Augusta in the same year? I don't and was curious.
  4. Nice bounce back game for the Panthers. Really wanted a win but we'll settle for a moral victory after the crushing defeat yesterday. Another tough test for Augusta tomorrow night when they tangle with St. Patrick. They responded better today and that's got to continue versus the Saints.
  5. In the words of Herm Edwards, "You play to win the game." I have no idea what Augusta was playing for. If you even want to call that playing. It was an absolute embarassment that people won't soon forget. I guess we'll see how much it really matters when Augusta and Brossart tip off the games tomorrow at 3.
  6. If Deming is on top of their game they could win this tournament but the same could be said about the other teams in their pool. So we should see some great basketball throughout. Is it funny to anyone else that no one is talking about the other pool (Bracken Co., Dayton, Fleming Co., Lewis Co.)?
  7. Sure is a lot of hate going around this close to Christmas!! :lol::lol::lol: Go Augusta, prove 'em wrong!!!!!
  8. I'm not a Brossart fan by any stretch but have to give credit where credit is due. In their time in the 10th Region, Brossart has been a pretty consistent contender year in, year out. And regardless of what some may think, that Class A title means a lot to the smaller schools. When that tournament rolls around and it's your best shot at any kind of title you give it everything you've got. Coach Code has done a fine job in his time at Brossart. Granted I don't get to see them play much but seeing the final scores is usually enough. This year's 10th region Class A title is up for grabs and will be a dog fight but you can bet that when it comes down to it Brossart will have a say in who advances to Richmond.
  9. It's a pretty wide open as far as the All A goes. Mustang is right, we'll get a better feel for things after next week's BC tournament. I'm really looking forward to it!!!!!
  10. I'm not surprised by this at all. Both teams base a lot of their game on speed and Pendleton Co. had the advantage of playing at home. As I said in my prediction that's a tough place to go get a win. I was a little off on the score, I had 68-59 but I was correct with the outcome.
  11. Big, impressive win for the Royals. Congrats to them and good luck the rest of the tournament.
  12. Very true, first win over Pendleton County since the 2000 Bath County Dairy Queen Classic. Augusta is rolling heading into Bracken County's Tournament next week.
  13. I've seen Pendleton Co. and Deming both this season and neither team has any quit in them. I'm going to give PC an edge because they are playing at home. They might be down but don't count them out. Pendleton Co. 68 Deming 59
  14. Mofford and Staggs were huge for the Panthers. The Grove couldn't stop them. Pelle came up big in the 4th quarter scoring 15 of his 25. Augusta got very sloppy with the ball in the 4th and with numerous players in foul trouble they backed off just a bit too much. Take nothing away from the Trains though, you can tell they've got a lot of pride because they fought to the end.
  15. Augusta pulled away from Burgin in the 4th quarter for the 10 point win. Augusta's defense just wore down the Bulldogs. They could not stop Staggs or Mofford underneath. And for those who may not think so, some of the plays Augusta used were, get ready for this, from Robin Kelsch's own playbook. While Don Irvine has been a great influence on Robin Kelsch as a coach Robin's basketball knowledge is nowhere near limited to what Coach Irvine taught him.
  16. After a pretty lackluster 1st half Augusta took over in the 2nd half outscoring BC 35-15 to pull out a hard fought victory. HUGE team effort from the Panthers, now 2-3 on the young season.
  17. I don't know if I could have said it better myself. Many coaches mean a lot to their respective programs but you'll be hard pressed to find a coach that means as much to the program, school and community as Robin does. He bleeds orange and black and always will. Augusta is very very fortunate
  18. White and Kelsch did play, there are no hush-hush issues. The Panthers are struggling to get offense from their guards. It's a young team as far as varsity experience goes. Unfortunately for them they are having to learn on the job. They are playing well on defense so far giving up 59 and 52 so we've just got to wait for the offense to come around and I hope that's real soon.
  19. The scramble to find out who will be there in March will be fun. And MC is very good, clearly #1 in the 10th region but lets not give them the hardware yet. For at least 7 more minutes it's only November.
  20. As I stated in another thread I think it's way too early to try to rank everyone. I do believe we all agree that Mason County is #1 but after that it's going to be a mad scramble. And how much fun is that going to be!?!?!?!
  21. I'd love to make a prediction but I really don't know anything about Bourbon County. I do know that Coach Flynn was in Augusta Tuesday night scouting the Devils. So it might be time for Deming's role players to step up their game. I look forward to hearing how this one turns out.
  22. The Polar Bears did not look good at all tonight but lucky for them and Augusta, who also lost their season opener, they've got a whole season ahead to right the wrongs. I also think it's way too early to decide teams' fates, good or bad. When graduation takes lots of talent from a team it thrusts kids into positions they've never been in and that can take time to get used to. All of these regular season games are prep for March. And if you can hit your stride then, ANYTHING can happen!!
  23. I agree 100%, James Scott does it like no other!!! Good call!!!! :ylsuper::ylsuper::ylsuper:
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