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Everything posted by FarBeyondDriven

  1. Your logic would suggest that all Dems/Libs/Obama supporters agree with the "New Black Panther" party and the rhetoric of King Skyhook Samir Shabazz. That would speak volumes.
  2. The folks on this board that want to link Tea Party and racism are completely missing the point.
  3. I do not recall anyone carrying a semi automatic weapon near a polling place. Public protest and election/polling place are two different stories.
  4. Would it be OK to stand outside a polling place dressed in white hood and robe? Just asking. I think we know the answer to that. The Black Panthers are what they are, no better than the Klan.
  5. That would mean he was actually relevant at one time. Scary.
  6. I never mentioned anything about a conviction. He was a cop killer.
  7. I think Roger Daltry hit the nail on the head. " Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".
  8. Does that mean that the new black panthers have not killed any police officers yet?:sssh:
  9. How will less than 1% of the wells being halted avert a crisis? Sounds to me like the moratorium is purely symbolism over substance.
  10. Silly me. I forgot the operative template: Repubs/Cons bad, evil,greedy, racist,etc...., Dems/Libs compassionate, caring, pure, infallable,etc.... Mr. Schue and I have been friends for over 30 years. I happen to be poking at Jim. I know he's not endorsing Obama/Carte, just the same as I am not elevating Bush 43 by pointing out Obama's mistakes. Matter of fact, I don't recall pointing out Obama mistakes in this thread.
  11. Pointing out Reagan's mistakes will not make the likes of Carter/Obama look any better.
  12. Middle finger to the world? Yeah, we all know Isreal has created all of these problems in the God forsaken toilet we call the Middle East.
  13. Hank Hill sure would be disappointed in you.
  14. I am familiar with this. Should be required reading in ou schools.
  15. Unfortunately, our universities are chock full of spoiled turds like her.
  16. He has opinoins. I have opinions. You have opinions. Opinions are spin. I just happen to think my opinions are right.
  17. You mean the private citizen that lives rent free in our Presidents mind?
  18. No particular order. Pantera-Vulgar Display of Power Pantera-Far Beyond Driven Down-Nola The Cult-Sonic Temple Black Sabbath-Heaven and Hell Iced Earth-Something Wicked this Way Comes Van Halen-Fair Warning AC/DC-Powerage Metallica-Master of Puppets Lynyrd Skynyrd-Pronounced Ok that is just a start.
  19. Carroll County. First round will be played on Memorial Day.
  20. I wouln't call my post an agreement. Your assumptions sound great on paper. A lot of unintended consequences could easily erupt from your theory. Didn't mean to ruffle feathers. I just wanted to poke at my childhood friend, Jim Schue.
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