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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. I wanted to address this portion of your comment. Since we are talking about redistribution, we are talking about the Federal gov't. So, in the United States Constitution it doesn't name education at all, except with the 10th Amendment. It states that whatever is not discussed specifically in the Constitution is a power for the states. Also, the Constitution doesn't state anything about a "free economy" or "Reaganomics" but it does say things like "WE are created equal". What does "we are created equal" mean to you?? to me, it means that if your a millionaire, billionaire, homeless, Jew, Catholic, Christian, Mormon, disabled, healthy, old, young, etc., "WE (all) are created equal". You may have more money but we are the same. WE ALL make up the United States of America. WE ALL are in this together. WE ALL must work to help all of our neighbors. Colonists came to America to escape the discrimination that was in Europe. Nobles controlling all the land. ONE Church controlling all the power. They escaped this to be free & equal, not to establish the same old thing that was in England.
  2. These programs are necessary. I agree there are many people that abuse the system & this should be address. I feel that anyone who gets any aid from the U.S. gov't (food stamps to Medicare) should be drug tested. There is no need for able bodied people to not be working. Most people on disability need it, but those few that dont, give disability checks a bad name.
  3. No one is arguing that we should tax more b/c people waste money. This is an absurd argument since there is no way of knowing or making any rules regarding "wasting".
  4. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" This is just a portion of the Declaration of Independence which I feel states my views more elequently than I can!! Our founding fathers were neither republican nor democrat but Americans.
  5. This comes back to expectations. While things are going well everyone is fine but lets use the beef scare & recalls this week. People want to know how did this happen? what changes will be made? If we didnt have this type of program we'd have no telling what in our food. While many argue that businesses will do what's right, this beef company sure didn't! They abused, neglected and put possibly harmful food into the market for not just anyone. They sent it to schools. why? they would have lost a few bucks, if they hadn't used it. I am not arguing that wealth re-distribution is right, we definitely without a doubt need the gov't to oversee and make sure businesses are not praying, manipulating and harming citizens.
  6. Kurds are another group that originated in and around Kurdistan. These groups are now in other countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. They are a monotheistic society and were influenced by Jews, Christians, Islam and others. there specific religious ideals, I am not certain but they are a seperate group than Shi'ah, Sunni and other branches of Islam.
  7. This is my main argument with the Iraq War!! These groups have been fighting over religion/beliefs/faith for over 1,000 years so I find it hard to believe that they'll come together as one in the near future!! This is similar to many Christians who were not & still not accepting of Mitt Romney for Presidnet b/c he was a Mormon.
  8. Didn't we already have this debate in the U.S. during prohibition? We are not debating gambling because we already have that in the lottery, bingo, horse race, online gaming etc. We are debating casinos since gambling is okay in kentucky & no is talking about banning any of the things we have now.
  9. The violence is going to come well after Muhammad. Muhammad was considered a "prophet" of Islam but his successor took the title of "caliph". Caliph means "successor to the prophet". Eventually these caliph's would be killed, so another caliph could take over (like with kings in Europe). This happened until a group said enough of the violence & refused to accept the new caliph. This group became the first branch of Islam called Sunni Islam which said their leaders needed to be direct descendants of Muhammad, since caliph was already used, these religious figures are called "imams". Shi'ah Muslims recognized the current caliph as their leader & disregarded the violence that got him into power. At this point, Sunni & Shi'ah Muslims had very similar religious beliefs but different leaders. At this point, it is similar to gang violence. When a Sunni is killed, a Shi'ah must pay and vice versa. So, for the last 1,200 years these groups have been feuding & their culture is use to violence. That's it in a nutshell.
  10. So, our economy in Kentucky is doing well & this budget crisis is a complete fabrication of Beshear?? I do think KEES is a good idea but how effective is it? Since its implication how many more Kentucky students are going to college? How many more are graduating? I do not know these answers but before I can praise these programs, I must look at how effective they are. I'm just playing devil's advocate about KEES. Its just funny to me that some on hear are saying we need to cut back, others want to spend raise more funds and some think things are okay and Beshear has made up the budget crunch.
  11. Darned if you do & darned if you don't. Just look at the fuss that have been caused when Beshear has started to control spending & cut back. People dont want education to be cut or gov't jobs but those are the main parts of our budget. I do think Beshear is taking a political "gamble" in cutting programs and spending. Many say we want to control gov't spending but "WE" as individuals don't want anything cut (our childs education, our insurance, our pension, our retirement, our this , our that). Beshear hasn't gotten much support from republicans or dems for that matter when he has tried to control spending. Most think its a front for this casino issue and it may but if you dont want anything cut, then we better make more money.
  12. He-Man & GI Joe when I was younger. then, Ren & Stimpy but the simpsons & Southpark since they have been on
  13. Jesse was also inspiring. He was at a rural nursing home when I was growing up. they couldnt provide the needs for a deaf, blind & mute person, so I didnt know where he ended up. It is amazing he has lived his life without sight, hearing and couldnt talk. He & Patrick are both really really inspiring!!! The family seemed very greatful & should live a great and fulfilling life!!!
  14. we needs one around Paducah to draw those Memphis, Arkansas & Missouri crowds.
  15. Voted Yes!! We already have gambling so why not. Any irresponsible person will find ways to lose their money (bingo, lottery, track, internet, etc). We are in a financial crisis & have limited opportunities in a less than ideal economic state, so why not!! Most can drive to a casino in less than 2 hrs already!!
  16. All-time Sanford & Son Soprano's (not sure if it fits) Currently *not sure if either fit "sitcom" status Lost Prison Break Bones Numbers
  17. Who would want this job??? The revolving door at Breathitt continues!! I dont think Coach K could survive in Breathitt.
  18. Policing the world is a huge debt on the United States. The biggest problem to world powers in history is that they overextend & huge debt takes them under. While we are a world power, I do not think we would be as effective, if we were attacked today. Our resources are in other countries and our soldiers are worn down b/c of the constant fighting. I just do not see spending these massive resources in foreign soils and raising our debt even more is a good policy when we are approaching a recession. While FDR had many good policies, one of the main reasons we came out of the Great Depression was WWII. many people had jobs to make supplies. We are in a war for five years & spending trillions of dollars on it but still our economy is not in good shape.
  19. Barack Obama 18.0 Hillary Clinton 17.0 Mike Gravel 14.0 John McCain 10.0 Mike Huckabee 8.0 Ron Paul 4.0
  20. Politics is funny in many ways. While Dems lost much control after 1998 & Bill Clinton, the same thing has started to happen after GW & that could carry over into the general election. The funny part is that many many people will end up voting against someone instead of voting for anyone. I firmly believe this same thing happened in our latest gubernatorial race.
  21. No, he wasn't on the ballot & didn't campaign in Florida. The results cannot be counted since he wasn't on the ballot (MI) and didn't campaign. So, those would favor Clinton since her name is known more than Obama's. He must campaign to get votes & his name/message known. While I am a dem & respect Clinton (but support Obama), I will never ever be in favor of agreeing to certain rules, then see things aren't going your way, so you want to change the rules.
  22. Wasn't that the reason Anakin Skywalker joined the dark side?
  23. I saw that segment on CNN. Howard Fineman said that Clinton hoped to keep the pledged delegates around 30 & then hoped the super's could pull it out for her. He said the range was from 30 to 200 but thought 30 probably wasn't realistic & it would more than likely be higher.
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