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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. So for roughly the cost of 1 day in Iraq, we can supply insurance for every school age child in Kentucky. Huh, I wonder which will benefit us the most??
  2. Si senor, I can. The family plan (my family consists of 2 adults & 3 children) costs nearly $200 per month. this plan is only pays for 2 cleanings per year & roughly 50% of major dental procedures. My household income is over $100,000 per year. With a mortgage, student loans, car payments, car insurance, household bills, 3 children under 7, groceries, electric, etc. I cannot afford another $200 per month. So, how do people making much less than myself expect to pay for doctors bills or dentists etc.
  3. The bill that was proposed & vetoed WAS NOT a universal healthcare bill. I was aimed to insurance children that did not have insurance. There are kids that I have personal talked to that have not & cannot go to the doctor when they are sick b/c they do not have the money. Some have not been to the doctor in years. Universal healthcare & insuring our youth is apples & oranges! You can say first step or whatever but it IS NOT universal & it is not complete socialism. We already have medicare, medaid, welfare, social security, etc which are all socialist type programs so adding one program to help these youth that do not have insurance will not make us a Socialist country.
  4. I do not argue that our health care is "better" than most countries. The problem is only the "fortunate" can afford insurance and then get that "better" treatment. A few years ago, my job took dental benefits, so guess what?? That's right, I dont go to the dentist nearly as often. Why?? Its too EXPENSIVE. Last year, I had a terrible toothache so I got a root canal & crown. The total cost was almost $1,500. $1,500 for ONE TOOTH!!!! My 8 year old nephew unfortunately got cancer 2 years ago. My brother had insurance but it still costed the family over $100,000. they had to get a second mortgage on their home!!!
  5. We also put Japanese Americans (US citizens) in camps after WWII. Do you also agree with this?? Do whatever to survive? So, we should just nuke the rest of the world so we dont worry. that would be logical!!
  6. Other countries also throw political rivals in jail, kill opponents, militants run the gov't, elections are fixed, etc. So, do we need to do them as well?? We are the United States of America & we should hold ourselves to a higher standard!! don't we tell our children, "if your friend jumps off a bridge, would you?" or "I don't care what Billy's parents let him do, you aren't." Just because others do it, doesn't make it right!!
  7. if your parents smoke, drink, use drugs, etc. you are more likely to abuse as well. If we hold ourselves to a higher standard, then others may see us as an example. If we do it & allow waterboarding which is torture then other countries will torture however they see if. If the US uses torture then torture must be alright. We are not a monarchy, dictatorship, totalitarian, 3rd world country, etc.
  8. heeding the moderators warning & will hold off for a more appropriate thead.
  9. Does this program cost too much?? I mean if that's the case, isn't a trillion dollars a little steep for our altercation w/ Iraq. We waste sooo much money so how can you go wrong in giving health care to children.
  10. Since waterboarding is so great should our enemies use it on our POW's or prisoners in other countries? If its okay for us to do, is it also alright for others???
  11. I am not willing to say abortion is WRONG when I say it may be OKAY even 1% of the time. Even in rape, the baby did nothing wrong. So, to me, you can only be 100% pro-life with no grey areas. It is not hte babies fault you were raped so how can you justify "murder" in 1% of those cases.
  12. The language from the "far right" over the last 10 years involving politics and religion has caused a tie between republicans and religion. And the language is sided to appear that democrats are wrong and republicans are right. I am also a proud democrat!!
  13. All democrats are going to heck!! that's the message that's been ringing since William Clinton left office.
  14. Here is the problem that I have with the abortion debate. People that are pro-life have some "grey areas". Here is my dilemma on the issue. If a female is raped & becomes pregnant. I feel that it should be up to her to have the abortion or not. It is not the babies fault but I think she will ultimately have to decide. If, I think it may be okay for her to have the abortion in this instance, how can I say "ban all aboritions, except those that......." To me, you are either Pro-life or not with ZERO grey areas or hypotheticals. For me, since I think there are some reasons & situations that abortions may be okay (including my family if something may happen), I can't say ban them. For every situation that I think is critical, others may think there are other reasons that are more severe. Also, if you ban abortions there will be many other problems that need to be addressed first. 1. adoption process & cost 2. costs of added children in orphanges 3. Huge # of added children in homes 4. foster care system
  15. This has been a good discussion. I love to hear other views and reasons for why people say and think the way that they do. thanks guys!
  16. Yes, that is the typical statement but in life it is different. If you child's teacher tells them to go jump off a bridge. what should they do? question the authority? or do what we're told? I'm simply saying that it is difficult to come to a concensus on any type of religion because there aren't the facts that people want in there everyday life. You get on this message board knowing that no one could say or do anything that would change or mind or your beliefs. When in life, people are told to be open minded. In life people are told that Muslims are the anti-Christ & they have attacked us over & over. When in reality who attacked, who first? Crusades again when we went to take there land.
  17. I understand your point and were your coming from. In my life, studies, schooling, etc. I have been taught to understand facts, bias, etc. While I do follow the Bible and teachings of, it is still hard to give myself completely to everything that I hear. I was a social studies major so this may explain some things. The Bible was written by disciples so first ALL information in the Bible is second hand information. Do you agree? Those disciples may have some bias'. Also, The Church in the past has: 1. told christians to retake Jerusalem & if they died, they would go to heaven (Crusades). We now bash Muslims for there jihads. 2. had people kicked out of the church (excommunication). 3. had non-believers killed (Inquisition) 4. there are over 200 denominations of Christianity in the United States alone. So, why do these many groups that read the same Bible, interpret it in so many different ways. 5. The Bible is the sole fact on Christianity & was written by humans. What happens if just 1 part is wrong. Religion = faith Life = fact
  18. So, the guy in scenario 1 has a chance & the guy in scenario 2 has ZERO chance?? Is that what i'm hearing?? I thoughts thats what you would say but I just wanted to see it.
  19. Everyone is living with sin so you are baptized to wash that sin away and start fresh. So, if you are not baptized then you have sin. Since the guy in scenario 2 was never baptized, he had sin. Will someone with sin go to heaven? "I never knew you!" So, Hound, will the guy in scenario 2 go to heaven or heck?
  20. But if you go by the good book doesn't it say that you must be baptized?
  21. If you had a son & he ended up being homosexual. What would you do? Would you do like your father (regarding drugs) & not allow him to be gay? just how would you go about that?
  22. come on LBBC, I'm waiting for your reply to my scenario.
  23. I think acemona was referring to something like this. say, "hey, come to church sometime. or your invited to church. or something to that effect" the person can then see for themselves. Instead of saying, "your going to hades if you dont repent and be baptized. or your living in sin so you need to ...." Christianity is about love & trying to help in a good manner instead of pointing out sin & being negative.
  24. What if a woman who is pregnant, gets drunk & falls. Is that murder? here's another hypothetical... Scenario 1 - A man kills 10,000 people in cold blood, goes to jail & is sentenced to murder. 1 minute before he is put to death, he is baptized. Scenario 2 - A man lives a full and fruitful life. He is a great man. He gives to charities. He gives to the poor. He helps out his neighbors. He is as close to perfect as anyone can be BUT he is never baptized. You will say that the guy in scenario 2 goes to hades. While I find it morally difficult to be so sure.
  25. first, he thumbed his nose at UN sanction so we invade. If they were UN sanctions the something needed to be done by them or at least more countries than just us. regarding abortion (even though it is apples & oranges) Abortion is not something that I agree personally about but I dont make decisions for anyone else. I think people can run their lives better than me trying to rule them. If someone gets raped, I feel that they should be able to get an abortion. Since, I support that part, how can I completely be opposed to all abortions. Roe vs. Wade determined that a citizen has right @ birth so unborn children don't have the same rights. If this was overturned it would also cause many other problems. Hence, if a mother falls, takes drugs, drink alchohol, take prescription medication, etc and it kills the unborn baby & the unborn baby is considered a living being with the same rights as you or me, the mother will be punished. Do you really think we're ready to address that can of worms? here is my word of life: TOLERANCE!! I have my views and others have their own. Mine are no more important than anyone elses. While my God is important to me & Christians; I am not willing to send anyone to hell that follows Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, etc. They will be judged the same way that I will. I am Judge nor juror!!!
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