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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. Very true but it could be a key point in a Presidential Debate. Supporting the war but not additional veterans benefits.
  2. It was on CNN & Cafferty's viewer thing & many veterans said they were betrayed. I dont know but it could be spun this way... A. McCain was WAY AHEAD on 2/7 & had the nomination all but wrapped up. B. This is the most important bill that has been passed in a while (stimulus package) C. It included veterans benefits D. he is still a Senator that did not vote on the Biggest bill & issue to the US economy. E. He did not vote...... While he may not lose that many votes, he sure won't gain any support either
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/02/07/congress.economy/index.html here is the link but I saw McCain didnt vote on CNN. The Senate accord -- reached after days of bickering and passed 81-16 -- keeps the House-passed rebate check amounts of $300 to $600 for people who have an income between $3,000 and $75,000, plus $300 per child. Couples earning up to $150,000 would get $1,200. But the plan also gives checks to more than 20 million Social Security beneficiaries and 250,000 handicapped veterans and their widows. I saw that McCain did not vote on CNN. They had viewers responses that veterans felt betrayed b/c McCain did not vote (dont know if he voted NO or if he abstained). This could be a major point moving forward since McCain has alienated his veterans for the sake of politics.
  4. WHAT? you have to be kidding me?? I mean simulating someone drowning is torture?? To me this was never a question of torture or not. It was about whether is was okay to torture to get information. I for one oppose torture b/c someone that doesnt have info, may be tortured.
  5. To get back on target! IMO, Government oversight is essential even in a capitalist (not free market) economy. Monopolies are bad b/c there is zero competition so the gov't needs to look out for the common man. Anti-trust laws are good. Safety regulations are good. Pollution regulations are good. Minimum wage rates must be good b/c most feel the illegals are the reason our economy is shot. Anywho, Any time there is regulations, the gov't must enforce those. The gov't already regulations industry, business, trade, wages, etc. They are not doing this to make a profit like businesses. They are doing it for the people, the consumer, the common man, to make the playing field equal for ALL. In saying this, I do not have a problem with the gov't trying to "help" the health industry and try to make it that everybody can buy insurance.
  6. Very true. In his mind, he thinks someone needs to get creative & compete with Microsoft!! Lets all get in line to compete with them. Are you guys with me?? Lets put all our savings together & start a Microhard business. If we do, you all better be rooting for those "socialist" programs like bankruptcy b/c thats where we'd go.
  7. So, it is okay for a company to control all telephone and railroads? It is okay for those to be unregulated & charge what they want b/c there is NO competition & no gov't oversight. You are living in a fantasy world were business will look out for consumers!! How many truly free markets do you know of??
  8. because of oil companies & the price of gas, I have in the past 6 months. sold my car and bought 3 horses. I ride those horses to work every day but rotate them so they dont get tired. I'm sure you probably dont believe that but will question me. BUT you do not question those HUGE oil companies & say that its supply & demand. How do you know that? How do you not know that they are manipulating a free market? My problem with oil companies & OPEC's manipulation of the oil industry (to quote Ron Paul, oil has went from $27 a barrel to $97 per since the start of the war) is this. GAS prices ONLY harm consumers!! ONLY CONSUMERS!! why??? 1. If you own an oil company, you charge more when prices go up. 2. If you are a truck driver & gas goes up, you charge more to haul. 3. If your a business & prices go up b/c of freight rates, you charge more for your good. 4. If your a consumer you pay higher prices to travel to work but dont get paid more. 5. If your a consumer you pay higher prices for grocery, goods, etc but everyone else is making more $$ b/c they can charge more.
  9. I do have a response but first would you please obligue me to answer my question that I have asked twice. This makes 3 times: If you support free markets, then what do you think of monopolies? Since in a true free market anything goes. Since the gov't stepped in & broke them up, was this a step toward socialism? If so, was this a bad move for the gov't?
  10. This is a traditional Republican argument. seek alternatives?? hmm how about I invest my $100 million that I have saved in lets say ethanol or bio-diesel. The only business that invest in these are OIL companies so that they can still make profits when we switch. Do you trust oil companies to make alternatives? What about the other part of my post: Do you think that breaking up monopolies on telephone & railroads were a step towards socialism? If so, were those bad steps?
  11. I have stated this from the start. I do not support mandated healthcare. I do support the fact that we should work to make healthcare affordable for everyone. Do you disagree? While we may not be able to cover everyone, we need to work to make it that, "if you want insurance, then you should be able to buy it." Instead of, "if you don't have insurance, then you are a bum that didnt work in school so your paying the price now."
  12. So slavery wasn't bad? So not allowing minorities or women wasn't bad? What do you mean? I did not say that EVERYTHING IS BAD. I said that Slavery wasnt a right until it was added as an amendment. do you disagree? Everything from the past is not bad but everything from the past is not wrong. If one thing is bad, then couldnt that be changed? or am I being to liberal to thing that bad things should be changed. If i'm wrong to think that we should have slavery & that women shouldnt vote, then I'll just have to be wrong.
  13. So, while gasoline & oil is at an ALL TIME high. Oil companies are making their highest profits. I assume this is okay, as well?? Do you like paying over $3 per gallon for gas while companies are making billions of dollars. In this same instance you must also support MONOPOLIES and oppose anit-trust laws. Well in a capitalistic country & free markets is it okay for monopolies. So, when we establish anti-trust laws those were steps towards socialism. In your responses I am going to assume that you do not like anti-trust laws & unions. As our history has shown, IF A COMPANY can do what it wants, it will pay low and provide unsafe condition for the bottom line ($$) To get on topic, Gov't oversight has been necessary & is necessary so business do not harm the citizens. Do you disagree that companies provided unsafe meats & food, allowed children to work, provided unsafe conditions & injuries before workmans comp or disability, they had monopolies on railroads, phones, etc. How were these problems fixed?? I'm sure the Rockefellers would have gladly limited profits to provide these things, if they were asked. but I, personally as a realist, would not. would you?
  14. That would be great but who would oversee that they followed the laws? I support Obama's plan that doesn't mandate coverage but allows the gov't to take the proper steps to fix the process. I dont want the gov't to run the healthcare system but I definitely don't want the medical providers to have a blank check. My main liberal tendency is to address problems. If something could be better then I feel we need to change it. Many that oppose healthcare changes must be okay with our current medical situation. I am not!! While I have insurance, a paycheck, a house, food on my table, a retirement plan, etc. I KNOW that many do not. While I can go to the doctor whenever I need, many cannot. I feel that it is pathetic that the supposed "greatest country in the world" with the motto, "everyone is created equal", to allow tens of millions of people to live without medical treatment. If you are okay with how things are, that is your right. But instead of saying things are bad & still not doing anything, I am for fixing problems!! We have made many changes in our country where those rights werent stated. 1. Slavery - Amendments were added after the fact!! It wasnt a "right" to not be a slave until after these. 2. Voting - Women didnt have the "right" to vote until 1922 & many of these same "rights" were abused until the 1960's 3. Roads - were does it say we have a "right" to drive? But we know the gov't will provide roads & this is VERY expensive.
  15. regarding people were poor before argument. In 1790, there were 13 states and roughly 4 million people. Now there are 50 states plus other terriotories plus over 300 million people. The divide from rich to poor is MUCH bigger 200 years later were hte top 1% controls the vast majority of the money.
  16. started a new thread so Dad wouldn't ground us!!
  17. Republicans are seen as conservative or moderate conservatives. Please let me know if I'm wrong but doesn't conservative mean to control spending, control the budget, etc. please explain: 1. A conservative Republican and Congress up until 2007 have increased our debt. 2. while it is wrong for gov't to control business & spend $ on healthcare, it is okay for the gov't to just "give" money to people & call it a "tax break". If dems "give" $ it is a socialist program but if reps "give" $ its a "tax break". *also please don't go into "I'm a fiscal conservative or social conservative". Its funny how dems are ALL LIBERAL but republicans can be varying degrees of conservative depending if we're talking about the economy, war or programs.
  18. woodriders question has been answer. now, could you please answer mine? Its at the top of your previous response.
  19. Obama has stated that Bush for the most part over the past 7 years has allowed things to go unchecked. He wants oversight and the ability to change things that are not working. While many may not like the gov'ts control of health care, those same people will probably agree that our health care system is not good in terms of cost, premiums, etc. Treatment is good but it will cost you. 1 PET scan costs $12,000. I 9 year old nephew has had to have 4 the past 2 years. It costs my brother around $2,1000 per scan b/c insurance covers the other $9,900. So, if the system could be better or can be better. Who checks it?? lets just let Pfizer do an investigation. This is like going to a car dealer & saying, "I'm going to buy your car but let me know whats the lowest you'll take for it." BUSINESS is out to make MONEY & gov't is the only regulation that we have to make sure PEOPLE are not being manipulated. While Republicans like big business, I feel the gov't should PROTECT INDIVIDUALS!! So you don't think gov't can do any better with health care. That's can be debated. My argument is that, "CAN THEY DO ANY WORSE?" Supposedly the greatest nation in the world that have MILLIONS of children that are sick, disease and need treatment but arent covered but we can spend TRILLIONS to help Iraqi's that are not even U.S. Citizens. While these same people will say spend trillions in Iraq & help these people that will never set foot in the U.S. Those will say to have compassion for them b/c of Saddame but in the same breathe will save deport those stinkin' Mexican's b/c they're working for $2 an hr & hurting our economy.
  20. To continue with McCains support of immigration. While you make a really good point about McCain's immigration policies and possible support from Hispanics. Wouldn't this be a double edged sword for Republicans. While many think we need to deport them & not give them special treatment, wouldn't McCain "amnesty" stance hurt his base of Republicans? So, while gaining some Hispanic votes, he would turn off many Republicans (they may not switch parties but they may abstain from voting for McCain the moderate)
  21. Why do people still support a war in Iraq that... A. Was started because of a lie (oh wait there were WMD's but we never found them) B. Had nothing to do with 9/11 or al qaeda C. will cost nearly 9 trillion dollars & COUNTING D. has caused thousands of soldiers deaths, not counting the Iraqi's E. has also depleted our military b/c of the repeated trips by soldiers F. has strained world relationships b/c while Hussein was a bad guy, we were the only one's that wanted invade at that point. Which means, instead of splitting the bill, we're paying the entire bill. G. We're paying to destroy Iraq and also paying to have it rebuilt. H. Has turned our attention from getting Osama (the actual bad guy). You do realize the he has over 50 kids & several wives plus his security. Now you tell me, why we can't find a group of 100 people in 5 years??
  22. from what I remember it involves more oversight into the healthcare system so that citizens are not manipulated. Like the excessive expenses for hospital stays, treatment, etc. This would be similar to the thought of controlling spending for the gov't but in reverse. Controlling costs & unnecessary expenses b/c the gov't will not turn a blind eye b/c those lobbyist are giving bunches of money to political campaigns & the govt. Secondly, it involves improving and working on preventive care instead of corrective care. Most preventive measures will cost less than waiting until there is a massive problem & fixing it. There are other details but I dont know all the nooks & crannies. regarding one's that cannot afford it. This would involve gov't subsidies for those that cannot afford it. This would be similiar to financial aid, grants, etc that the gov't gives to individuals that cannot afford an education.
  23. I did say they weren't allowed to vote & should have used they were not able to vote. Wording or not. There were MILLIONS of people just 50 years ago that were "unable" & "discouraged" from voting.
  24. YES!!! This false email has been refuted for months & months. Obama grew up in Hawaii to a white mom from Kansas & african dad from Kenya. Dad left @ 2 & zero to do with him. moved to Indonesia @ 6. did go to a Muslim public school b/c they couldnt afford the traditional private Christian schools there. Back to Hawaii @ 10 was raised primarily by his mother & maternal grandparents in a Christian home. Went to Columbia, moved to Chicago to work on community relations problems, then went to Harvard Law School, was first african-american president of law review at harvard, back to Chicago to be a civil rights lawyer, became a Illinois state legislator & now is in the Senator in Washington. -joined the Christian Church in Chicago in 1988, well before his political campaigning began. -he even leads the national anthem in the Washington Senate meeting -he does cover his heart on the pledge of allegiance.
  25. Complete play on words. It is discriminatory but if it costs $20 to vote & you don't have $20, then you were unable to vote. To me it is the same & caused many that wanted to vote to be unable to.
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