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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. Republicans and Democrats have fundamental differences between most issues. I am a proud Democrat so I support many of the same views as Obama and Clinton. I do think many of you are attempting to help the country. Who can do that, we disagree on. I do think Barack Obama would be the best candidate for the country and world. to review some other questions from other threads: 1. "universal healthcare" - this has been twisted to be a derogatory term for Republicans. Obama says he supports universal healthcare but not gov't mandated healthcare. So, you do not support having every person buy their own insurance? He is working to make it affordable for everyone. He thinks that if insurance is affordable, many people that do not have it, will buy it. 2. "abortion" - I personally oppose abortion but I am bound to the constitution & personal feelings. I cannot say a girl that is raped cannot have an abortion. The morning after pill which no one seems to oppose, is abortion. If you have sex Tuesday night, the egg & sperm join, then the pill is taken the following morning, that is abortion. Also, this is a mute point for the election since it will not be overturned & is just political propaganda. Nothing has been done in 30 yrs. 3. 45,000,000 - I dont know if this number is accurate but I know that if this is just 1/2 of the total. 22,5000,000 is a huge number. The system (hospital, insurance, costs) is not perfect, so I am willing to do something instead of doing nothing. 4. I support many gov't regulations & programs (EPA, FDA, Federal reserve, anti-trust laws, police, interstate road system, social security, medicare, medicaid). Do we have a lot of programs? sure we do, but I think the gov't is here to protect people, the environment, the economy, the monetary policy, the budget, foreign relations, etc. 5. If you read #4 & didnt like what you heard. I have noticed the # of posts many of you have made. I will assume many of you are retired b/c of those huge numbers. You better be greatful for a few unions in the past & gov't programs that have enabled retirement. I would also guess that many of you are retired state government teachers that are now being paid your salary when you were teaching and insurance!!
  2. & the doctrine of "tax breaks" isn't?
  3. I agree but in reality that doesn't happen. Most churches in the United States have been divided down to have minimal money and resources because of the number of denominations. When there was one church in history, the Catholic Church, they did act very similar to a government (tithe, canon laws, inquistions, & gave to the needy)
  4. Being critical of numbers?? I wish many of you were as critical about the Iraq war. The lack of gov't response to Katrina & san diego fires. being critical of these numbers BUT saying things like, "we didn't find WMD's but they had them." or President Bush keeps referring to Iraq & al qaeda but al qaeda wasn't in Iraq when we entered & they are a very small percentage (less than 3%) of the "insurgence" in Iraq.
  5. here are some facts: 1. McCain, Clinton or Obama will all be better than Bush. 2. The war in Iraq is the biggest waste of money in a long long time. 3. Our healthcare system needs revamped. maybe not universal healthcare but when someone, like me, says there are problems, the fear tactics start. I have never in this post or any other said that I supported mandated healthcare but b/c I think our system could be better, i am for universal healthcare. These are the same fear tactics by most conservatives regarding religion, the moral right, abortion and oh yes, terrorism & our nice color coded warning signs & us hearing al qaeda, terrorism, etc every time Bush has spoken over the last 6 years. 4. There are people that do game the system but we all can agree that many people do need to be helped. Who will do that? government. who are those people? handicapped, ill, sick
  6. i'm saying anything that the government does is paid by tax dollars. How else does a government work? I'm saying this. I would rather $9 trillion dollars be spent in the United States to work on fixing our healthcare system, education system, immigration system etc. instead of using it to help Iraqi's. I am not saying that we need to pay for everyones insurance, i'm saying we need to research and find a way to work with insurances, hospitals and medical providers to get a plan in place for everyone. The gov't is the only entity that can do this. I will also make this point. The immigration system needs to be done in a way to get these immigrants on the path to citizenship. They need to come to us instead of avoiding us. If we try to round them up, it will cost lots of money, then we deport them & they come right back. I think we need to be smarter with our money than that.
  7. Well I agree completely but instead of talking about other people & their ideas, I have decided to join in to fix problems. How would you fix the healthcare system then, since we agree it could be fixed? All I have heard is that I don't want to to this or I don't think that would work. Putting down other peoples views isnt really a plan. So, when you decide to voice your views, then we can discuss them. You are thinking right now, I do make my views known but your wrong. Typically, you just have your opinion on others. You are a "cup is half empty" guy, right?
  8. Let's see maybe by stopping the Iraq war (9 trillion dollars in 6 yrs could go a long way). also rolling back the tax breaks that Bush put into place (pre 2000 levels). If mccain can afford to stay in Iraq for 100 yrs, that would say lots of money.
  9. I was saying in general that our discussions could go on forever & ever b/c we have philisophical differences. Do people take risks & make a lot of money? YES What happens if that business fails? well they can file for bankruptcy or know that there is a safety net for taking risks. Society & Government are a mix between both our philosophies. We are communist nor socialist.
  10. These arguments & discussions are philosophical differences between Republican and Democrat; between left and right; between liberal and conservative.
  11. One of the philosophical differences is to work on preventive care instead of corrective care. Also, insurance companies really help but the thought of "pre-existing conditions" are very vague. There are also things like this that are touchy but need to be address. You have the right to smoke but if you smoke, you have a higher chance & risk of getting cancer. If you get cancer, then you care will cost quite a bit. Those costs will also affect others & there premiums, etc. There are also people like my nephew who got cancer when he was 7. I dont know how he got it but he did. There isnt always a sure sign to what happened. I personally dont have all the answer but i'm sure a progressive leader like Obama and 535 Congress people plus the experts of the United States can find more answers than myself. I want them to do that. I dont want them to be complacent like many people (in the world & on here) that are okay with the things as is.
  12. Agreed but while these may not take their education seriously, many also dont have the support of good parental figures. While many can overcome this, it is very hard to come from nothing when all you hear negatives from the people that should care more about you. some other examples: your more like to smoke, drink, abuse drugs, abuse children, abuse spouse, join the same politcal party, etc as your parents. While these children do have a choice, it is sometimes very hard for a 13, 14, 15, 16 year old to take the steps to change their path b/c there is a lack of support. I am not making excuses but many do not have the same privileges that you and I have and have had.
  13. You are right, I have been completely mislead. You have corrected me. Our economy is in great condition. Our healthcare system is PERFECT. Our government is tip top. Our education system & NCLB is the best in the world. Retirement programs and social security are terrible ideas b/c they are socialist programs and I plan to work until I die & if I can't work, we'll that my fault and I'll just starve. Listen, many talk of problems or have concerns. Some of my ideas or others may not be the best but instead of not doing anything, I am for making necessary changes or modifications for a broken system, law or program. Obama's stated that he wants to try to make insurance available for anyone that can afford it without mandating it. This is a philosophy that I completely support. In the greatest country in the world, over 45,000,000 people should not be uninsured.
  14. I do not think people are inherently evil but I do think many people will take advantage of power. Why do I think this? look at history? Monarchies - raised taxes & took advantage of people totalitarian gov't - took advantage of people democracies were a step to let the people rule so the advantage of power was shifted to everyone I do not think that business is bad or people are bad but there are bad people and some that will abuse power. In this instance, there power needs to be checked. Our gov't is founded on this system. Its called the 3 branches of gov't & checks and balances. Jobs have left b/c of regulations. Regulations like minimum wages, safety conditions, EPA, etc. Companies leave b/c they can go to other countries & not have to deal with these regulations & make more money. could they make $ here, sure but htey make more in other places but they also do not provide the same quality of conditions for their workers.
  15. I would not have one single problem, if they overturned Roe v. Wade but the main point to me is that over the past 30 years under Republican or Democrat control they have did nothing. During Bush's first 6 years when we had a Republican president, Republican Senate and Republican house. When no bill was vetoed by GW. During that time period & others in the past that were the same, was there an Amendment or bill that was written, approved & sent to the President?? I do understand your position, but I am not going to base my vote on a topic that politicians both Democrat (do not have to do anything since the Supreme Court has ruled) and Republicans (could have an amendment & have majority conservative Supreme Court) do not deme necessary unless there is an election at stake. IMO, Republicans play to voters like you, to get your vote on one issue but will do nothing for 3 years, then bring this topic back up.
  16. My fundamental belief about government is this.. government is not here to protect some individuals or business. People did not come here from Europe to start businesses or to say, "Let's go to those new colonies and start a free market economy." They came here for religious freedom. To leave persecution. To start over were the rules are not sways towards kinds, nobles, elite. So, I feel government is here for everyone & we're in it together. To make sure things are as good as possible for everyone, not just Bill Gates. It is here to protect everyone from the evils of everyone else, whoever that is. Go ahead now & throw that fear tactic of "socialism" up but we all know that is not what I mean. Should parents control everything there child does? NO. Should parents let there child run complete free? NO. True parenting is somewhere in the middle were you allow children to make mistakes and learn from them but you may have to lay the law down sometimes. Get my point!
  17. You are a conservative, I am a democrat, so we'll have to agree to disagree on almost everything. Most of your points are made with blinders on. So, the world does not look at what we do? OK, sure whatever. So, Barack living in almost every corner of the U.S. doesnt matter (hawaii, NY, Illinois). It may not but I feel that would give you valuable knowledge about different areas, different people, etc. Not to mention, he excelled in every spot (as a student in hawaii, being the first african-american president of law review in harvard history and then a state legislature in Illinois). How did he does this? Well it definitely wasn't on the back of his DADDY (like your pal George and Jeb). His dad was gone, he was bi-racial, so he had every opportunity to NOT EXCEL but he did. Remember those false emails? that wasnt b/c he was democrat or his issues, that was because he was african-american. period. I respect someone that will succeed in the face of overwhelming negative toward them. If you don't think racism still exists, then again take your blinders off!! Dealing with abortion. The Supreme Court has the conservative majority so why haven't they already did something. This is just a wedge issue that is brought up every election for the past 30 yrs & then forgotten after it. they keep all you republicans and some democrats panties in a bunch about abortion but we all know that the supreme court which usually has a conservative advantage & does now, haven't & won't do anything. further on abortion: take McCain for example. He has debated & talked his head off about a bunch of issues. He's talked for weeks & weeks & weeks with little to no hoopla. Then, he just has to say 2 words & people say, I'll vote for him. those words "I'm pro-life". Ask yourself. How many times has a politician said that? how many times in the last 30 years have I hear abortion come up when an election isn't on the line?
  18. this was from a previous post but should give you what you need: You should vote for Barack Obama because he is a not in the Washington loop. He doesn't have as many people to please as others that have their friends and favors. He has tried to get rid of the lobbyist pressure & doesn't take lobbyist $. (I recently donated & one of his many criteria is that you are not listed as a federal lobbyist or employed by such) Barack is bi-racial. While he is considered black, he is 50/50. He was raised in a white home (his grandparents). He went to Harvard and became a lawyer. He is intelligent and one of the best speakers that I have ever hear. Why are these important? He will be able to relate to most of the population because of his mixed background. Barack is cultured. He was raised in Hawaii, moved to Indonesia, back to hawaii, went to Columbia and Harvard and now lives in Illinois. His mixed race and cultural appeal will allow the U.S. to work more efficient on diplomacy. Don't you think most countries think we're hypocrits that we say "created equal" but have always had a white educated rich male as president. Barack has opposed the Iraq War from the beginning & says we should have concentrated on Osama Bin Laden. Osamam was the one that planned 9/11. Iraq had or didn't have WMD's that we still haven't found. Barack supports universal healthcare but doesn't want the gov't to mandate it. He wants to work to get the costs down so everyone can afford it. He and I feel that most would buy insurance if it were affordable. He also say that if someone can and doesn't buy insurance, then they get sick, they will be penalized and have to pay for the procedure since they were gaming the system. Barack wants to reform the immigration system. While many republicans want to "round-up" the illegals, Barack feels that this would not be cost efficient or feasible. His immigration policy involves putting the illegals here in the back of the line to get them citizenship. Would it really make sense to spend $ to find the illegals, deport them & then have them comback tomorrow, fill out the papers & enter legally??? Is that cost efficient? Barack supports the woman's right to choose. The supreme court has 5 conservative judges to 4 moderates. This debate has been done for 30 years. If the Supreme Court wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, they have the votes. Whoever is president doesnt matter now b/c conservatives have the majority & still haven't & will not overturn. Abortion is a non-issue imo b/c there is already a conservative majority. Barack supports letting the Bush tax cuts relaps to the 2000 tax levels. This is technically a tax increase but going back to the pre-Bush levels. This mainly involves higher rates for people that make over $250,000 (roughly the top 1%). I really dont support tax breaks for people like Bill Gates. on a side note. The top 1% of the population controlls over 60% of the wealth. yeah, lets give them the breaks!!!
  19. very true, this may be a mute issue but with the economy in this shape & people trying to rally both sides for support, it could be a touchy situation for him.
  20. This is the first time that I have decided to endorse any candidate. But at this time, Superfan, has decided to endorse Barack Obama. I have also taken the proper steps to donate to the cause that will hopefully keep Hillary Clinton and John McCain out of the white house. Please ladies and gentlemen, do as I have, take those rebate checks and help the economy and the country. make a donation to Barack Obama. also get good supplies 25 bumper stickers costs just 64 cents each or $16.00. Nice deal!! barackobama.com!!
  21. Is that Terry Bradshaw? thank goodness that loon decided to endorse her.
  22. After passing the Senate, I feel pretty good that I'll get a check. So, I decided to take the Presidents advise and splurge. I just recently made a splurge for Barack Obama!!! probably not what they wanted me to do with my rebate check but oh well.
  23. You were right, the devil does wear prada!
  24. What about moderates and independents that have to decide between Obama/Clinton and McCain. Could this be an issue that favors the dems?
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