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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. As long as your right?? Your right & everyone that doesn't do what you do or think the way you think is wrong.
  2. There are roughly 6 billion people in the world. Of which, 2.1 billion are considered Christians. 1.5 billion follow Islam; 1.1 billion are non-defined; 900 million are Hindu; 394 million Confuscious; 376 million buddhist and 498 million other. I am a Christian but I choose to not judge and make differences. I try not to throw stones. I try to be tolerant of others. Don't you think the world would be a better place if people pointed out similarities instead of differences. If you think its a "choice" that is completely fine in my book but I also think its ok for me to disagree with that statement.
  3. there are less than 10,000 people in our county. the kid had a mother & father. the father worked in the county & went to every little league game and every event the kid had. There are some homosexuals but they do not go out openly to be seen. the closest mall is over 100 miles away. there are less than 1100 students in the entire school district. This kid after coming out was disowned by his family. He doesnt go to christmas with his family. He doesnt visit. He's not allowed to visit. Most of his family (mother & father) don't call. Do you think that he would "choose" to be shut off from his family???
  4. Who decides if they did enough to warrant an invasion? This is my point, we can come up with any excuse to go to war (e.g. WMD's or Saddam was a bad guy) but at some point, we can't take on every problem in the world.
  5. Do you think that we need to work with the United Nations or not?? I do not think that we as a country should be the vocal and military solutions to all world problems. We have the United Nations for that. Diplomacy may be a slow process but it may also be more effective than hastily going to war. But it wouldnt be too hard to be more effective than a war that has lasted 5 years, caused the death of thousands of US soldiers and cost our country over 1 trillion dollars.
  6. no trigger happy? We have invaded 2 countries & are fighting 2 wars as we speak. He has also talked about the possibility of invading Iran. Please define, not trigger happy? Lets see, if someone attempts to shoot a nuke or does. we shoot several at whoever shot it. then, they shoot a bunch, then others do. Lets just say ONE BIG BOOM!! I prefer a happier ending. People would be less likely to shoot a nuke, if we didnt invade other countries & talk down to other countries. We are a country just as other countries. Our president is the presidnet of the UNITED STATES and IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD!!!
  7. Who made us the world police? If I'm not wrong, the UNITED NATIONS did not support our efforts but we gave them the finger & went in anyways. Saddam Hussein was a bad guy but there are a BUNCH of those bad guy leaders so do we overthrow them all??? So, I assume you support his WWIII comments?? Don't you think at some point we need to be a "uniter" & stop being "dividers". He has single handedly divided the world b/c of his If you dont do what we want or what we like, wo be unto you!!!
  8. 100% of all that have been launch have been from us. Dont you think with our rhetoric that people would fear how we would retaliate. -invaded Afghanistan -invaded Iraq -forced Saddam to be overthrown & executed -South Korea & Il -Iran & talk of a 3rd World War. -How did WWII end??? If someone did shoot or attempt to shoot a nuke, I would be afraid to see what trigger happy Bush would attempt to do. wouldnt you?
  9. I do not think sexual orientation is a "choice" so we will just have to agree to disagree on the topic. I had a classmate that was a femine guy in grade school. I then said in high school that he's gay. My classmate said "no". Well guess what, he came out in college. I knew in middle school b/c of how he talked, what he said, etc. He was from eastern kentucky so there isnt much environmental factors that would have made him gay.
  10. I don't see how many would choose to be "homosexual". Especially with the stigma's in society that cause them many problems. marriage rights, pda in public, harassment, etc. I look at it as being very similar to learning disabilities. I don't think anyone would choose to have a learning disability. Life is filled with problems, so I dont think people will knowing and willingly choose to make things more difficult, just to be "gay".
  11. Only 2 nuclear/Atomic bombs have EVER been deployed. Who was it again that deployed them? Wasn't it on cities with men, women and children? I dont think we're the one's that need to worry.
  12. This has been debated for a long time but let me throw this into the frey. Most that oppose illegals think that we shouldn't help because it costs us tax dollars. Many of those same people, agree with helping Iraqi's get rid of Saddam Hussein. What did that cost out of our tax coffers?? What benefit does that get us? War hawks agree about helping others if things are not great in the Middle East, Africa, Israel or any third world country but God forbid us help these illegals that are IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.
  13. very true but aren't New York, Ohio, PA, CA, etc the swing states since we have an electoral college. Dems dont get those southern states anyways. Since the north is traditionally seen as the "free states", I wouldnt see as big of a problem for Obama. Hill could have a problem since she's an outspoken female. Some will say, I won't vote for a woman. Others say, I would vote for a woman but not a "no it all or stuck up" woman. In either case, she's darned if she does and darned if she don't.
  14. While most will say politicians will talk out of both sides of their mouth. Those same people will want those same politicians to lie or withhold the truth. I like Obama's message & discussion about it. I would rather him say, yes I tried it and it was a waste instead of not talking about it. Ignoring a problem or situation will not make it go away.
  15. so you never speed? you have never jaywalked? what about forgetting to put on your turn signal? forgot to get your tags renewed on time? forgotten to wear your seatbelt? no one is saying that it is perfectly okay. We are saying that we understand why people do it. If someone's daughter is raped & the daughter's dad whips the guys behind, I understand. He may have broken the law but I understand. If someone is barely getting by & can't feed their family, I understand the move. I've also heard the tax thing WAY TOO MUCH. I don't like that my taxes go to pay for a war that I didnt agree with. I don't agree with giving disability to people that could work. I dont agree with giving foreign aid to every tom dick & harry country. I dont agree that it takes way to long for willing families to adopt needy children.
  16. slavery wasn't about abusing a different race. it was about finding cheap labor to do bad jobs. I can see the connection. can you?
  17. While I understand one's position to "send them all back", I find it harder to see how we are going to accomplish that without spending lots of money. I would rather spend those billions of dollars on health care, helping our infrastructure, etc than to just spend that money to deport individuals that will come back in a week or 2.
  18. We are ALL the sons & daughters of immigrants. Most of those would be considered illegal aliens today. We as a country are different than others b/c we use laws instead of the fist. We use compassion instead of discrimation. I agree with needing to fix things now but I disagree that we can "round up" millions of people that we dont know where they are. Is this possible without spending billions or trillions more dollars on another fight we cannot win (war on drugs, war on terror, etc). Lastly, these illegal aliens are trying to help their families!! instead of making $0.25 or $.50 and hour in Mexico, they come here to feed their families. Is this right? probably not but would I steal if I were in dire need of food & my kids were hungry? probably. This issue is not about breaking laws but families trying to do whats best for themselves.
  19. One of the main problems of a complete or almost free market... Carlos Slim (richest man in the world who is from Mexico) This would be nice if you were the "have" instead of the "have not".
  20. I may be complete off base with my assessment of illegals so lets see what others think. I feel that it would be more cost efficient to come up with a process to get these illegals citizenships. So, in essence, get them paying taxes. The alternative is to build up our border patrol & corral them, send them back, then corral them again, send them back. I dont think this problem will ever stop unless we use some of our resources to help Mexico get their crap straight. I just dont want to spend a bunch of money on another battle we cannot win. other views??
  21. See if this makes you feel any more depressed. Reports say the Iraq War will cost... $1,600,000,000,000 or 1.6 TRILLION by the year 2009!!!! Anyone know what the GDP (gross domestic product) of the U.S. is? I would be that it isn't 1.6 trillion!!
  22. he may have the paperwork but you also forget that he was a KY Legend playing for the Wildcats, so I'm a little less optimistic that he got the education that others did with that same major. This was what was told to me. I'm assuming everyone knows something about ag but probably the ag commish needs to know more than most!!
  23. I understand your position but anyone that wants to WASTE MONEY can already do that!!
  24. How was Richie any more qualified than Williams? besides he was ag comish for 4 years. I know an FFA officer that knows Richie & had worked with him some. They said he doesnt know anything about agriculture.
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