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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. I agree. If Obama can keep it close in TX, OH & PA, he will be the nominee. He doesn't have to win those but he will have to keep it close which I think he will.
  2. Obama closed the gap on many of the exit poll demographics (white, hispanics and women). One analystic did some math & said that Clinton would have to average 56% in the remaining states. I think the deciding factor would be those superdelegates. The biggest problem I with that would be for the superdelegates to alienate the american people by choosing Clinton, if Obama were ahead (or vice versa).
  3. Agreed on many points. I think the systems in place are very good but they are abused. I feel that all of these programs should include drug testing. If you do not like that, then don't get this help. There also needs to be limitations to length, amounts, etc. Instead of being open ended, there needs to be more stipulations regarding the gov'ts help.
  4. Some report said they made $11 billion in the last quarter.
  5. Thanks. I'm sure that the popular votes doesn't matter but I was just curious. I couldn't find anything online that was very helpful & didnt want to add every race manually. thanks for your help!!
  6. Most times people just overthink things. I'm sure the dems really thought Gore's experience would easily defeat Bush. WRONG!! thanks for the site but I still didnt see a "popular vote"
  7. Obama has now won 20 of the 31 states going into the MD, DC & VA elections. Does anyone have the total number of votes for the candidates (McCain, Huckabee, Obama & Clinton)? I have looked but I dont know of many good sites for election stuff.
  8. My point in starting this thread was to see if others thought there was a chance to overturn Roe v. Wade. I do not, so I do not think this issue is remotely important in deciding Presidents. If you say, well they choose the justices. I still dont get that since 7 of 9 (Ford is a Rep., got him confused with Carter) have been chosen by Reps & nothing has been done. *more explanation than needed but this thread seems to be winding down
  9. Come on!! Surely we're past the Muslim stuff. Larry have you ever been on the Da Ali G show?? he went to Alabama a few yrs ago on one of his episodes.
  10. Why would Miami want Barber considering they have Ronnie Brown?
  11. This is the biggest reason that I support Obama over Clinton. I feel the gov't should work with the American people & not simply give more handouts. While I do think many gov't programs are necessary and good, we do not need to mandate more from the American people.
  12. I have felt the same way since 2000. While I wasn't that informed, I liked Bill Clinton & felt he was a qualified candidate. While I have not felt the same about Bush, Kerry or Gore. I just feel that in this field of candidates, I would like to see what Obama could do with the presidency.
  13. Maybe it was from your previous post that stated this, All that matters is what his qualifications are and if he can be a good president. I don't think he is nor do I think he can. His lack of experience weighs very heavily for me. I have really enjoyed the discussion. Obama is the first candidate that I really believe can bring the nation together. While I relate to Hillary's policies, I do not think she is good for the country (polarizing). I feel the same about McCain. He's been in politics forever & is now just getting his shot. I don't think McCain is good for the nation b/c conservatives & liberals won't rally around him. I would really appreciate that you look into some of Obama's policies.
  14. SOOOO Obama has as much experience as McCain & Hillary Clinton since neither of them has GOVERNED anything either. Are you not going to vote for Obama b/c he's a Muslim? Did you start those nasty emails?
  15. here's his plan. Go check it out but I really dont think you will. You'd rather not listen to any candidate but your own & then act like no one else knows anything. anyways here you go... http://www.barackobama.com/issues/healthcare/ p.s. buy you a shirt or a bumper sticker!!
  16. So, do they get votes by raising taxes or spending $$.
  17. GW Bush has a total of 14 yrs of political office experience including his 7 yrs as president (won gov. in 1994). He only had 6 years of experience prior to his presidency. Barack Obama was elected to the Illinois State legislature in 1996. elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004-08. That's over 11 years of experience. I would bet that you voted for Bush in 2000, even though he just had 6 years of experience. Have your standards went up or do your standards just go up for Democratic candidates?
  18. I've stated his plan several times, so you can find it on here somewhere. I'll just say, his healthcare plan is much better than GW's plan for Iraq or Katrina or the economy, etc.
  19. this should throw you even more. while you probably agree with professor when he stated that dem's have been buying votes. You probably also think that they are the party of raising taxes. So, dems get votes for giving & also taking. Come on. you guys can do better than that.
  20. he has never used the race card to my knowledge & I have listened to almost every televised speech that he has made. He was born to a teen mom. were you? His dad left when he was 2. did yours? he was raised by his mom & grandparents who were not wealthy. were you? he went to columbia & then Harvard. he was the first minority president of the law review in harvard history he was a lawyer, state legislature & then a U.S. Senator All I'm saying is that I respect is determination & effort. Would GW have been president, if he wasn't daddy's boy? Would Hillary be a candidate, if not for Bill?
  21. this is the same argument that hillary is saying. You can't have universal with mandates but Barack has stated that we need to get prices down so that everyone will be able to buy insurance. For those poor at the bottom, there will need to be some subsidies though. These would be similar to pell grants and financial aid for poor wanting to go to college.
  22. I am a Christian & I will be judged by my God solely, just as someone that has an abortion will be judged. It is not my place to control anything that anyone else does. I am bound to both! I completely agree with the seperation of church & state. I believe religion is a personal matter & not state mandated.
  23. No they will not be overturned or an amendment will not be added in 4 years. *please answer so we can come back to this in 4 years.
  24. I am not starting this thread to discuss abortion b/c that has been done many times over. I would like you to take a side regarding the next 4 years and this president. Not about who will win but what will happen in regards to Roe v. Wade and the abortion debate. first, here is some information 6 Justices appointed by a Republican President: Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Thomas, Alito 3 Justices appointed by a Democratic President: Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer So, here's the question & do not debate the issue but just put your answer. Statement: In the next 4 years, Roe v. Wade will be overturned or an amendment will be added to the Constitution regarding abortion being illegal.
  25. After (& possibly because of ) my endorsement Barack Obama swept Saturdays primaries in Washington, Nebraska, Louisiana and Virgin Islands. Let the good times roll!!
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