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Everything posted by Uk4Life

  1. Since Mcfadden ran those huge #'s he won't fall past Oakland @ #4 (Al loves freakish talent) Glenn Dorsey participated in very few things (family member died & couldn't adequately prepare). This will hurt since Ellis is nipping at his hills after a great showing in the Senior Bowl.
  2. What are some of hte more credible carriers? There are a few listed but I would like to know some that people are confident in. I have looked & there are dozens but I don't know one from the other.
  3. Garages & car ports are a must for lazy people.
  4. This got me thinking on how they may use what was suppose to be a flashback when it is actually a flash forward. or vice versa. like with Jack & the wreck & him being drunk could be a flash forward & jacks dad would be alive?? I dont know just a bunch of angles to look at.
  5. this is true. The best thing about the show is that most people would think, "we're saved but there's more so lets go back & help." But since they dont say that & are very slippery about the situation, it opens up a HUGE can of worms.
  6. I'm looking into purchasing Family Dental Insurance. I have several times but everything seems to run today. Looking for some advise on this matter: 1. good plans people are satisfied with 2. approximate costs & coverages. any help would be beneficial!!
  7. The thing that got me wondering the most was at the end of the episode. When Jack seemed to not want to see "the baby". Kate said we can't have coffee if you wont see him. What was that about?? some thoughts? Kate said she was pregnant but may not?? if she lost her actual baby in the island, she may have done something to Claire or "stolen" the baby. Kate seems very emotional & did murder at one point. Just not sure why Jack would be hesitent to be with Kate b/c of Aaron?
  8. Could the alternatives have been that much worse? While Gore & Kerry may not have been great speakers & too cold & calculated, there is no question that they are intelligent. Alternative to: -we're in 2 wars both b/c of 9/11 but only one of those actually had anything to do with it. Saddam Hussein was a bad guy but so is Fidel Castro & we haven't invaded that country in 40 yrs. -we're approaching a recession. While Reagan gets the benefit from Republican for the 90's, I'm sure it was Bill's fault for our economy today. The only problem is that the budget was balanced & we had a surprise when he left. -Oil prices has quadrupled $25 a barrel to $101 a barrel (record high). Gas prices have almost tripled $1.25-$1.50 to $3.50 at times. -Prices at the pump effect prices in stores so everything has went up. I bought 1 apple the other day & it costed $1.34. It was good but not work that. -Due to the wars, we've had to send troops over & over. We do not give them the leave time that are expected between duties. Then, we are threatening Iran. If we invade Iran before the years up, we'll have to re-introduce the draft (imo). The alternatives may not have done as BAD as GW but I highly doubt it.
  9. Seems this thread is winding down & a tally of 62 fors 22 against is a pretty good showing that casino's are very capable of being accepted by Kentuckians.
  10. This got me thinking about world historical figures. Even though he used it in the worst way possible, Adolf Hitler was a great rhetorical speaker. Not condoning what he did but facts are that he was a great speaker/brainwasher/psycho.
  11. In my lifetimes, Bill Clinton & Barack Obama are very good. From talks & perspective from history, JFK and MLK are also very good. Didn't hear them but videos of speeches are very moving.
  12. have you watched the video of her making the comment? probably not. If you haven't, then you need to. This was said in the fashion it is being portrayed. She could have been clearer but in the context of the things she was saying, it is more about hte process that we are going through now & more specifically the across the board support her husband is getting & the rallying support of democrats, independents & some republicans.
  13. That's what I was saying. He may have done nothing but if a potential president is running on a platform of opposing lobbyist. Then, I would like to know if he was sleeping with one & giving her special favors. this goes for every candidate.
  14. it does work on a small scale or in relation to others. This scenario of church & neighbor relief would not work to help rebuild New Orleans, to help hurricane/tornado/earthquake ravaged areas, or to help with devastating forest fires. We would be in the same situation we are now. A few would give but others would say, "it is not my responsibility to help others that have not helped themselves." This is traditional/historical HAVE VS. HAVE NOT PHILOSOPHY. the have's are in that position b/c they are better & do not feel it is there place to help those that are less fortunate b/c they haven't done what they should with their time, resources, changes, etc. Using Shaq again. I dont think Shaq has the personality to give $100,000 of every $1 million that he gets to a charity, church, etc. I might be wrong but I dont see Shaq freely giving that $$ up if he had a choice.
  15. So, you do take McCain for what he says?? If so, lets not look into the situation. This same thing did not happen with the "witch hunt" atmosphere in the late 1990's.
  16. have you heard this before: If you don't like paying U.S. taxes then leave?? Our nation is founded on the premise of citizenship, equality, protecting others, protecting ourselves, etc. We are a capitalistic country not a free market economy. if someone needs help, yes it would be nice for a church or neighbor to help but in practicality that doesn't work.
  17. on McCain pic.. "I was young. People make mistakes. We must learn from our mistakes." or "I was 63 years old. She was a blonde. I thought she was Cindy."
  18. If this is all they have, it isn't much but what if there's more?? What if republicans had stopped when Clinton said "I did not have relations with that woman." Not comparing the situations but comparing the initial report to the final conclusion. I may be wrong but I would think a credible news source like the NY Times that never does these types of stories would have more goods than this. I have been wrong but only time will tell. this goes back to another thread that I started. What happens to the RNC nominee John McCain, if this is true or if this process is drown out for a few months??
  19. The church examples throughout this thread & others is completely mute. Churches have no authority to take 5%, 10% or any amount. People give what they can, when they can. Let's use this same theory for taxes. People just give what you can in taxes. But again, it is a good theory but in practically most people will not give 10% (or any %) of their income to charity, church, etc. Do some? yes. Will all?? definitely not! Those wealthy people that make a lot of money should be grateful that they live in a country that establishes the practices & laws that we have.
  20. I am a democrat. Have crossed over to vote for other candidates but not for governor or president.
  21. What about a federal sales tax accross the board? If you buy a million dollar car, you are paying your sales tax on it. if you buy a candy bar, you pay your sales tax. Could we then eliminate income taxes?? Where would people buy goods then? some may go to other countries so we would have to put a big tariff tax on incoming purchases, so that people dont scam the system. Just brainstorming out loud??
  22. So, you think "trickle down economics" works? Do it work in theory or in practice? How much investing do you think people are making right now? Is this a good time to start a business?? imo, "trickle down" will work in a thriving market b/c people spend money & are not afraid. But when we're approaching/in a recession or in a bad time of the economy those people do not invest or create jobs.
  23. Do you agree to giving tax breaks to companies that have taken jobs to other countries? I understand your argument but there will always be a two part to any tax format. A. Percentage of income B. Total paid. Where Bill Gates secretary pays a higher % of her income to taxes than Bill does but Bill pays much much more overall. Wealthy people have never been taxed into bankruptcy (that I know of anyway) but it hits poorer people very very hard.
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