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Everything posted by GR8BigBull

  1. I saw the kicker for Dunbar while at camp this summer. He was very, no VERY GOOD! He was kicking the crud out of the ball. Nonetheless, the old "they are the best 0-6 team in the state" is not very much comfort to a team that had such high expectations. With the RB back in the lineup maybe they win out and make their run in the playoffs. There have been stranger things to happen in Kentucky High School Football.
  2. I believe we were on a "Five Year Plan" five or six years ago, maybe longer. Regardless, we are still waiting for the lights. I know Shawnee got new lights and they make a HUGE difference. The nostalgia at Manual Stadium just touches you when you walk into the stadium and now with some more improvements to the fieldhouse, the history comes to life. Pictures of past teams and players surround the players "watching over" them as they sit on the benches. I still get chills before games as kickoff approaches and you look around the track and see people filing in the stands, band playing, cheerleaders forming the tunnel for the players to run through onto the field. Now that is football! :thumb:
  3. If it keeps raining all week, who knows, the field may be pretty sloppy. We all know what a very wet field does to speed! HAHA!!
  4. Warren Central has a very talented QB, he just makes things happen. Will be a challenge to keep him in the pocket. They also have enough speed outside to be dangerous in the passing and kicking game. Will take a very good effort on the Ram's part to pull the win out.
  5. I really enjoyed playing there and now coaching there. The memories are awesome. Not alot different even if you look at older pictures, real nostalgic. I am sure that most the Trinity players will also have fond memories of their new home. A hundred years later they will be nostalgic.:thumb:
  6. As far as the thread goes, Marshall field is a VERY nice football facility! Period. The fact is that around here you will not see a public school facility rival the newer private facilities. The money is not readily available and as much as many would like to think, alumnus are not that generous with the donations for such a project. Male High School will be one of the last public facilities you will see to have developed such a facility. Fairdale got in on the action but the comparisons are very slight. You have to recognize (acknowledge) the alumnus and supporters of the T program to have been able to get this done. The lighting at Manual Stadium will need attention. As soon as some of the movers and shakers decide it is a priority maybe (the one thing that keeps garnering criticism for the old landmark) the lighting can be upgraded.
  7. Not saying anything is wrong with that, just that it must be something new as many people made comments about it.
  8. On top of that, the new alignment somehow (?) got manipulated to keep Manual in the same district with St. X. Someone spoke up for Manual and said that they planned on continuing their game with St. X so they won't mind being in that district. Voila! Now we will be in the same district again. There is (to me) a BIG difference in being willing to continue playing a team such as St.X and being willing to play in the same district. Maybe that is just me though. A very notable coach, whose team was supposed to remain in the district with St. X, expressed his disappointment in the original proposed alignment and to appease this coach some alternative proposals were brought up. Now Male is in the Southern, Bullit Central, Fern Creek district and Manual gets the Butler, PRP, St. X district as proposed by Southern High School. Now there is a definite advantage for one of those teams there!
  9. Evidently someone (group) is raising funds by charging $3 for parking on the school lot. My son went to the game and said he got there fairly early and paid $3 to park in the lot on the west side of the field.
  10. Oh, and by the way....how about being paired up with all those you mentioned (X,H,Butler, PRP) in the same district year after year?:thumb:
  11. Nothing negative intended by my post, only positive. I know Coach Bruner and was only "trying" to show support. Where do you come off with the response you posted? I AM a Manual supporter and you did upset a Manual team that was "primed" for the picking. Nowhere did I detract from that team. Just stating that the team has struggled since the championship season and that I thought they were headed in the right direction, I am sorry to have offended someone in doing that!:irked:
  12. Good positve reply to some of the negative replies I read on this thread. The program has been in decline (for various reasons) for a number of years. Now, all of a sudden a new coach comes in and rallies the team to a big win over Bullitt East and expectations for a young team in a new system is expected to win each and every game. Relax, let the kids get experience and they will be fine, unless the naysayers try to undermind the trust and positive things that are happening. Hearsay seems to have a grasp on the situation and what the capabilities of this young team are.
  13. Very accurate post, one of the few sensible I have read on this thread so far. Alot can be said about BOTH teams settling into the systems. While Trinity is getting into Coverdale's system again, Manual's young players are just getting settled into playing. Sophomore QB did a very impressive job of running the offense and will only improve each week. At various times Manual's offense had 4 sophomores on offense. (OL-FB-QB) The team, as a whole, will get better as the season progresses. Manual had opportunities and did not take advantage of them, some credit to Trinity and some faults of our own as well. Nothing more, nothing less! Manual's efforts should help prepare them for Warren Central then Meade County before battling St. X in the next four weeks.
  14. Looks like 28-7 was not too far off huh?
  15. Unless it rains a lot more today, the fields around here are in good shape. Should be a "fast" track for those speedsters and that spells trouble for PLD! We all know that a player that has missed practice this week can still play if he is at school on friday, if needed, do not be surprised to see those players who are in question.
  16. Normally PRP attacked the perimeter of the defense with Rocket sweeps. With the return of a couple players, they should be able to attack the line between the tackles. I have not seen them this year yet but would expect some traps and dives to keep the defenses honest. I will say that I probably expected to see more from them in their first two games, a 30-13 win at Lincoln County and a 36-6 win against Doss. Both scores were actually widened in the later stages of the game. Not knocking the prospects of them being major contenders in the district but I look at it like last season maybe they crept up on Male nearly beating them and they gained a lot of respect by playing them that way. I know they also played St. X very close and had opportunities to beat them as well. The power of confidence and the teenage psyche is very strange. My thoughts are that maybe they had a little intimidation factor working for them and this season they will not creep up on anyone (as they have been thrown in the middle of the district title race). With all due respect to the Dunbar program, they have not played up to expectations this season yet and maybe this is the week to do it. I think the ride from Lexington will take a toll on the legs and focus. PRP should control the football and the game and I see a score of 28-7 PRP being the result.
  17. I don't think the kids will mind getting the chance to play on Marshall Field. Manual's field is very nice but I know that the kids get a little excited to play on the new surfaces when possible. Less wear and tear on the field at Manual Stadium will maybe give us a chance to play on grass instead of dirt by the time we play at home this season.
  18. Can somebody PLEASE tell the staff (head coach) at Eastern that the kid holding for PATs and FGs played in that spot for the first time tonight. (Notice the botched PAT after the 2nd Ram score). He could not get the last PAT snap on the block so he called "fire" and tried to pass for the 2 pt conversion. This evidently led to some ill feelings toward the Manual staff after the game. The player in question has said he could not get the ball on the block so he pulled it and tried to pass it in. At that point in the game, there was NO NEED to go for two or even try to work on the botched snap, just a decision made "spur of the moment" by a high school player. In regards to the game and Eastern, a very good, athletic team that will only continue to get better as this year evolves. The score was 13-7 Manual until 8:03 left in the 4th quarter so by no means was this a "blowout". Manual is still showing signs of being a young team, two holding penalties brought back touchdowns in the first half and some other "untimely" mistakes kept holding the offense back.
  19. Not a knock on Vic but just less than a week ago, people talked about how Beaumont was the frontrunner for Mr. Football. Last I heard tonight, Beaumont had 4-5 TD's running and catching the pill in their win over Hoptown.
  20. That post must have made a little too much sense! Why is it there has to be a "conspiracy theory" against all that some try to do. There are some logical explanations at times. When an opposing team is told there is "no room in the press box" for two coaches on headsets but there IS enough room for 10-12 non-essential personnel for a radio broadcast. Makes little sense to me in light of not allowing "essential" personnel in to do their jobs for kids on the opposing team. There are far too many times when coaches are not allowed into the confines of a "press" box to do a good job for their players. I have been at games when there is PLENTY of room but the ADs at certain schools just do not allow for the staff of another team. They seem to be the same ones appalled at being denied access to our press box when they come to our stadium. Some even get ticked off when they are not allowed to set up cameras to do 2-3 angles from various locations. Seems odd they have all that technology yet they trade a game video that you cannot even see. I wonder who will take this the wrong way!!! HMMM.
  21. Oh... by the way I say Manual steps up and makes a move in the right direction. ----- No Score just a win !
  22. Start another thread on the topic if that is what you want to preach... BROTHER!!!:ylsuper:
  23. Tha administration needs to be behind the program as any other program. When your AD doesn't care about the football team, other than how much gate they get when St. X or Male play them at home, then there will NEVER be any success. The school needs to have a principal who is willing to roll up the sleeves and put the AD to work too. While I had some good memories coaching at Atherton, the memories I will always have are of the AD (nearly laughing) as he tells the football coach, "so and so is ineligible" or "by the way, you can't practice on the game field tonight because soccer is having practice there." What a Joke! We were also told what we could and could not do on the practice fields by HYR ( a youth program, non-competitive ). Football has not had success at Atherton since the late 70's and will not see success in the new alignment either until the administration puts "some" priority on improving the situtation there. Good Luck to anyone willing to try to coach there under those conditions!
  24. I have stood by my early contention that this young team will get better as the season goes on. The players work hard and have good attitudes. If we can dodge the "injury bug" then the experience will only make the team better. Five games would be a major accomplishment with the youth of this team against the "outrageous" schedule.
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