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Everything posted by Xgrad-JAGdad

  1. I here there are some St. Agnes kids on the Rock squad. How did that happen?!
  2. Props to OC for lining up with the Tigers... and playing Trinity on all levels. That is why they will be good very soon.
  3. You guys made work a little nicer place to be... with good stuff to read! THANKS!
  4. Looks like the right time to weigh in! Rocks O-line will be tough with returning starters Hall, Robey, and Spoelker. All 3 have gotten pre season props in the Cats Pause and Sporting News. Other 2 spots still being fought over. None of these guys are wooly mammoths... Trinity goes with the speed and agility (which seemed to work out OK in 2005). Several are very interchangeable which is a plus too. O-line should be one of the team strengths this year.
  5. Hey GURU.. will you be snapping any pics at scrimmages? What is your season schedule looking like?
  6. TOP 5 ADDS/ARTICLES IN THE PROGRAM.... 5. Bob Ryan, the Smiling Irishman, announces a grand openning sale. 4. Louisville Water Company promotes bottled water.... idea flops. 3. City of Louisville promotes downtown as the place to come for fun! 2. Rick Bozich's grandfather (in his Farmer's Almanac section) predicts no floods or tornados in Lousiville for 100 years... starting a family tradition of "accurate" prognostication. 1. Adds promoting the building of a bridge and an arena clutter the pages!
  7. Plenty to be excited about for sure. Any question mark at RB is helped by a good size, fast, O-line. (Which I prefer over beefy and slow). Don't forget Nick has been known to run the ball some too. New set of receivers looked sharp in 7on7 and in practice. Several to pick from if one has a bad day. TE returns to the mix too. Defense in my opinion is stronger pre season than last year. LBs Rock solid. Spoelker & Robey likely to see double duty on D-line. Jody D. didn't comment on the the Rock kicking game which I think will be outstanding. Ryan T is a true weapon. Judging by the bling on their fingers, the coaches seem to know what they are doing. They turn X's and O's into W's, no disputing that. Crystal ball says Doc Mullen may want to look into throphy case expansion for some District hardware, etc..... maybe even another MacDaddy.... even if we aren't the best team (wink).
  8. I'd like to hear from fellow BGPers before I throw in my 2 cents.
  9. Stu Stram (sp?) at U of L .... anybody remember him? He was about the same size as I recall. His dad could coach some football too!
  10. ^ Is there a link to that play by play of the game? Thanks.
  11. Thanks for the info.... nice publicity for the Rockmen! The top 100 is interesting... I would have thought the Bowling Green lineman would have been in there. .... and no mention of St. X in the Midwest ranking is probably a mistake (if Male is 16th).
  12. I am already on record saying SK will have a good year... they get my vote all the way to the "T" game!
  13. Hope to see 200+ sets of parents in the stands for this great game!
  14. I know there is a lot of construction going on... but I have been all over my old school's campus and I cannot find the trophy that the best team in the state (for 2005) wins. Somebody help me out here.....
  15. A couple of soph's are looking good at rb too. A "pretty good" O-line will help any of the above mentioned rushers.
  16. I was a proud Tiger sheet hanger... even ventured into St. Mathews a few times. Biggest scare was when a van full of "The Apes" as they were known cut us off on Illinois Ave near St. X. Thought I was going to die. Alas, my life was spared and 30 years later my son is a Rock (hanging his own banners).
  17. Seems to me in recent years the "Shamrock Bowl" has been alive and well.... aka: the last game of the year.
  18. It would be aweful if the two best teams met in the championship game!
  19. Hey Jimmyref.... welcome to the BGP family!
  20. I have not seen Simon Kenton's name mentioned.... they were young last year and looked like they had some fire in their bellies.... plus they have good fans. They will make noise.
  21. A very entertaining game. I was impressed with the qb #22 and wr #1. Nick looked good for the most part. Looks like he has bulked up some. Robey at TE was interesting. I wish these great programs could play for real. Good luck to CC this year... they will make some noise for sure.
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