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Blue Blazer

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Everything posted by Blue Blazer

  1. Good win for the Cats today. I'm glad Tubby taught them how to win close games and overtime games. Credit OTS and staff for this one.
  2. IMO Coach Leach would stiil be there if he would have booted ANYONE else off the team other than this kid. If you make this kids family mad at GC then you don't stick around because they don't think they run the school they do run the school. This kids dad almost cost them their district football championship going crazy on a ref during the game and geeting the team in which he had no part off penalized. GC will continue to reap what it sows!!
  3. Thankfully I'm not a Greenup guy and I don't have to understand the thinking down there either. Does anyone get a fair shake down there?
  4. No not kidding! Honestly if your getting beat by 30- 40 with him and his attitude is horrible, then why not boot him off? You certainly weren't winning with him and your probably not going to start without him. GC has some nice young talent to develop. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Leading scorers can be CANCEROUS! The leading scorer played against Raceland the other night and the Muskies lost big . Is he really going to help them win 4 or five more games? Really it probably makes little difference!
  5. Sorry Leslie I guess it sounded like Ashley on the PA that evening.
  6. Rumors are true from talking to friends at GC. However, sometimes your leading scorer is not your best player. Teams can get better after losing a player. I also respect coaches who do the right thing. For instance when the Lady Devils lost a few players acouple years ago Coach Kidwell IMO did the right thing for the others on the team because their attitudes were better and they still had a great deal of success. Coaches make too little to spend too much time and personal money to be treated that way by a teenager. Sometimes it makes you better. If coach Leach can handle this situation as the same class of Coach Kidwell then he still may be able to make GC a successful program again. Character Counts!!!!
  7. Rachel Vanderhoof(Raceland) is up there. Ashley Eagle from Morgan Co., Kelsey Simpson Russell, Ashland's Ali Wilcox, these are some of the ones that I have seen play.
  8. Yes Tubby won the conference at Tulsa, and took Tulsa to the sweet sixteen probably a greater feat than taking Texas A&M to the sweet sixteen. Tubby also would have won the SEC in 97 @ Georgia if not for the Unbelievable UK teams of that stretch. Tubby also has never had the off the court problems as well. He always represented the state of KY with so much class!
  9. I'm happy with Coach Motta no question he is a terrific coach and I would be upset to see him go. However after Coach O'Brien left OSU the Buckeye Nation would have done backflips for Tubby Smith!
  10. Billy Clyde and Acie Law IV never went to the final four or won a Big 12 championship! Are those UK standards??? Tubby has won both.
  11. Maybe UK fans are reaping what they have sowed. For instance wanting Tubby gone and not they are stuck with BCG. Support him all you want but OTS never had as bad as losses as he has had in 10 years. Ten loss Tubby as you fans called him will dance with Minnesota and UK and BCG can look to sign up for dance lessons. The fans were cheering at Rupp when the news broke at the HS sweet sixteen, I hope that UK spirals down in flames that they created with unreal expectations that no one can live up to.
  12. Some may call it bad luck, but what do you expect when you go full speed on gameday? Most teams call it a shoot around, not a scrimmage. BCG marvelous hire by the Big Boo! He is so bad he made an 8-5 fading Rich Brooks look great!
  13. The little Blue Blazer,me and miss Blue Blazer got some tickets from Santa to the Ohio St. vs. Minnesota game on Jan. 26, 2008 in Columbus. I'm excited to see these 2 team with a combined record now of 25-6. Tubby and Co. played Michigan St. to a six point game on Saturday. I'm glad to be a Buckeye fan because to think if we lost Tubby in Columbus we would still be so upset. He is a great coach!!! I guess after the genius they hired to replace Tubby the people in Lexington are thrilled!! Tubby goes to the Dance again and UK goes to the Dump.
  14. Raceland improves their district record to 4-0. The Rams complete the 63rd sweep of Russell last Tuesday,Lewis Co. last Friday, and Greenup Co. last night. Rams could have beaten Greenup by more but Coach Floyd showed alot of class and stopped the press, and substituted very liberally. Raceland has beaten all district oppents by double figures!! Nice job by the players and coaches!!!
  15. :confused: In 30 years I will be 84. Hopefully I can hang on that long!
  16. Whether you want to believe it or not the marquee game in the area usually involves Ashland. I did not say always, but usually. Even thought the Daily Independent is no long the Ashland Daily Independent it is located in Ashland, therefore it would make sense that they get a lot of coverage. Does the Herald Leader give equal coverage to Transylvania, and EKU and UK? I think not. Does anyone feel it is biased that Lexington would spend a majority of their coverage on the largest school in the area (UK), also the school with the largest number of supporters (UK), and the school with the most winning tradition (UK)?
  17. Yes, you won the region once in 30+ years, congrats. At that average its nice to know I'll be long gone before it happens again!
  18. OK, you have a valid point. 2 out of the 800 people who live in Lewis Co. subscribe to the Daily Independent. Coal Grove is in another state and shouldnt be mentioned in the Daily Independent, unless they are playing a school that is in the general vicinity of Ashland like Russell, BC, maybe even Raceland. But honestly do you think anyone is interested in reading an article about Lewis Co. (one of the weaker teams in the region) vs. Coal Grove (probably a weak team in Ohio)? I really doubt it. Now if they had specifically not covered this game to do an article about Buddy Biggs' favorite flavor of ice cream, or Matt Thomas' favorite subject in school then your point might hold some water. You can make the typical comments about 1920's this and 1920's that. But the simple fact is Ashland has been a dominant fixture in the 16th region as long as anyone can remember. If you cant understand that then the problem is not with me. Just because Russell has 1 region championship in like 30+ years doesn't really speak positively about the state of their basketball program....honestly thats pretty sad. Especially to throw up a massive 27 points when they finally made it to Rupp. Honestly I have no problem with Elliott Co. I really respect their talent, and enjoy how they play. But it will be hard for them to maintain this level of talent with the size of their school. That is why larger schools usually have an easier time fielding competitive teams. There will be time for every school where talent will rise and fall. Ashland and BC both had dominant teams in the mid 90's and Ashland had a couple great teams with Beach and Surgalski in the early 2000's. BC has seen a dramatic drop in talent over the last 6 or 7 years. Russell will be experiencing that this season and possibly for the next several. I'm fully prepared for the rise and fall, because I know that throughout my life the rises always out number the falls on Blazer Blvd.
  19. Reason 1: Girls Games...no one really cares until March, and some dont care at all. Reason 2: Lewis Co. How far away is Lewis Co. from the Ashland area? 40-50 miles, longer?? I doubt anyone that lives in Lewis Co. subscribes to the Daily Independent, also most people in the Ashland area couldnt care less about Lewis Co. Do you think the Daily Independent should waste the gas money and man power to send a reporter and/or photographer to Lewis Co.? Seriously.... Im not trying to be mean, just honest.
  20. I'm just curious as to what you think Ashland has to be jealous of when it comes to basketball and other teams in the region............
  21. Start digging. I know that one of my main goals in life has been to avoid manual labor at any cost.
  22. I know I for one just can't understand why a newspaper would cover a high school team in the city where MOST of their subscribers live. Thats just baffling
  23. I have two suggestions for you. 1. Dont read it. 2. Develop your own newspaper. Get subscribers, advertisers, and then publish a completely unbiased basketball preview. Good luck, I look forward to reading it. :thumb:
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