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Everything posted by AverageJoesGym

  1. The rest of the roster isn't good enough to overcome that. His OBP has not helped at all. The team is below average offensively everywhere but 3B, 2B and C this season.
  2. One of them did--and Stubbs OBP was over 30 points higher than Hamilton's. The other one went 79-83. No matter how entertaining he is if your leadoff hitter has a sub .300 OBP and has gets caught stealing 20+ times (which makes his true OBP somewhere in the .260s) you have a problem.
  3. Frazier and Meso have had great seasons. Hamilton has been entertaining--but he's been part of the problem with the offense. Sure, his .263 batting average has been better than most expected but his .296 OBP and 18 caught stealing (which further devalues his OBP) are not good at all. As a matter of fact it is below Drew Stubbs 2010-11 season when he was seen as a big problem in the offense.
  4. There are no divisions in SEC basketball.
  5. So do you think that the SWAT/SRT teams should be used to serve every warrant. Should they always kick in the doors and use flashbangs? The loss of the officer is a tragedy but it doesn't justify using those kinds of tactics in normal circumstances. Perhaps every traffic stop should entail the officers approaching the driver with their weapons draws and end with the driver cuffed and lying on the side of the road while they and their car are searched to make sure everything is safe.
  6. Staying Alive Contest Week #2 Due to the postponements of several games I am late posting the results of the Staying Alive Contest. All games that were shortened but listed as final were counted, all games that were canceled were counted as correct. Here are the results: The following posters are still alive with no misses and are eligible to continue: PurplePride 92 dmh115 ATLCat MNCM rjs4470 2-3-Zone se7ens BIGZIG Rebel ksowards JokersWild24 BIG BLACK JACK Getslow colonel-fan The Dream Machine Tiger1988 AverageJoesGym Jack of all Trades The following posters are still alive but have one loss and are eligible to continue. One more loss eliminates them. All State Baseball hoss403 2 Humped Camel Purple88 sealedpower Rebelstat go purple flash Lawnboy 13 Randy Parker DragonFire Colonels_Wear_Blue BigVMan23 Jumper_Dad Carlosknows1 blkcatfan Commander 25 The following posters have missed 2 games and are eliminated: 16th BBall Fan mcpapa The Staying Alive Contest is sponsored by YOUR BUSINESS HERE!Contact theguru at theguru@fuse.net if you would like to sponsor this contest. We are going to be doing our Staying Alive Contest again this season. As before the concept is pretty simple--but we have made a couple of changes. The object is still to pick the winners of the 6 games every week. This season there will be a $200 prize for the winner! But it's not quite as simple as just picking winners, there is a lot of strategy involved. Here's how it works: There is a major change this season so be sure to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! •Each week you will pick six teams that you believe will win that week. These teams can be from ANY Classification. •Teams chosen must be playing a team from their class or HIGHER. EXCEPTION: You may choose 6A teams that are playing other 6A teams OR 5A teams. •You may only pick an individual team to win one time. For example, if you pick Trinity to win in Week #1 you cannot pick Trinity again the rest of the season. •In past seasons once you missed one game or picked a game that did not meet the contest criteria you were eliminated. This season, however, will be DOUBLE ELIMINATION. It will take 2 missed games to eliminate you. For example if you pick five out of six games in Week #1 you would be eligible to continue on to Week #2. If you miss a second game in Week #2 or any week after that then you are out. Also, if you miss 2 games in one week you are out. •If you cannot submit an entry with 6 teams that are playing a team in their class or higher each game that you cannot submit counts as a miss. •If you do not submit an entry for any week you are out. •Everyone that has one miss or less will be able to advance to the next week. •If you are eliminated or do not compete in any week you will not be eligible to continue. •This season we will giving a cash prize of $200 to the winner. •The contest will run until there is just one winner. Your entry should be in the following format: TEAM TEAM TEAM TEAM TEAM TEAM Do not post anything that is not an entry. If you do so, the post(s) will be deleted. If you are not eligible to participate (eliminated in a prior week), DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. The deadline for all entries is 5 pm (EST) Friday. Good luck to all!
  7. Corbin picks off a Riley Hall pass and returns it into Pulaski territory. Redhounds have the ball at Pulaski's 35, 0:47 to go in the 1st quarter.
  8. Corbin fumbles, recovered by Pulaski. Maroons ball at the Corbin 43.
  9. Corbin goes for it on 4th and 3 from their own 29 and picks it up after a measurement. Gutsy call.
  10. 6-0 Pulaski 4:58 to go in the 1st quarter. I didn't hear how they scored.
  11. 6:47 to go in the 1st quarter. Pulaski's ball at their own 20, still scoreless.
  12. Both teams have to punt on their first possession. Corbin ball 1st and 10 on their own 17.
  13. I understand what the author is trying to say but their comparison is silly. First off, most people can, to a large extent, choose their doctor. They don't choose their interaction with the police. (I know that you could say that their actions were their choice but we're talking about alleged cases of abuse by police--most people don't choose to confront the police) Secondly, what did they mean, "Where's the outrage"? Ever wonder why health care rates are so high? Malpractice lawsuits have plenty to do with that. I don't think most people who are harmed or have their loved ones harmed by poor medical procedures just let them go. As for the camera thing? In a lot of professions everything that you do on the job is subject to being recorded. Dispatchers on the railroad have every radio conversation, phone conversation and mouse click monitored. All radio transmissions of train crews are recorded as well as every movement of the train. I know other jobs are much the same when they deal with situations that can cause great injury or property damage. EVERY study that I have seen (and I know they are very new) has shown that the use of force by officers has went down in departments that employ body cameras. In addition, complaints of police brutality have went down as well. Where's the downside to that? I know that we are told a lot that if the officer makes a mistake that they might not come home that night so they are always going to err on the side of caution in regards to protecting themselves. That doesn't mean an err in judgment, even if not malicious, should not be met with severe consequences in regards to the use of force. The public deserves to get to go home safe every night just as much as the officers.
  14. Most of the accounts that I have read have praised the Highway Patrol Officers for their treatment of the protestors in Ferguson. It was the officers of St. Louis/surrounding communities that seemed to have gone over the line in their actions.
  15. And I don't think the additional shots mattered in that case. It appeared that he had already taken 5-6 shots to the chest. Those last 2 seemed like they came when he was rolling down the hill--well after he ceased to be a threat.
  16. Did you watch the shooting of the knife wielding suspect? Didn't it seem like there were a couple of very late shots while the guy was rolling down the little hill after being shot by the officers? Do you chalk that up to adrenaline?
  17. 5-Simon Kenton 3-Boyle County 3-Ensworth, TN 1-Monroe County 1-Jenkins 1-Ashland 1-Bryan Station 1-Hancock County 1-Prestonsburg 1-McCracken County Tiebreaker-55
  18. 7-Boyle County 5-South Oldham 3-Bryan Station 2-Frankfort 1-Dunbar Tiebreaker-South Oldham
  19. 7-Cooper 5-Dayton 3-Walton-Verona 2-Ashland 1-Simon Kenton Tiebreaker-Walton-Verona
  20. At this point I've read about 85 different versions. It's possible I misread it.
  21. I may have misread but I thought I read in "Josie's" account that Johnson grabbed for his gun as well.
  22. 7-Russellville 5-McCracken County 3-Warren East 2-Hancock County 1-Monroe County Tiebreaker-McCracken County
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