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Everything posted by pigman

  1. We're headed in the right direction. Dissapointed about Saturday,but it's not the first and certainly won't be the last. I think things are looking much better,and I agree we need a couple of good corners in the worst way.
  2. I'm not meaning about a call, but all game long as some fans tend to do. There are a fair amount of coaches that aren't up on the rules as they should be.
  3. I reffed for 15 years and thought I was pretty good at it. I learned most of my philosophy from a reff who had been doing it for twenty years at that time and he's still going strong. So he's been at it for over 30 years, he's very good but his crew isn't and they make him look bad. He told me three things should determine whether or not you throw a flag, because as we all know you really could throw one on every play if you wanted to. 1. If it gives someone an unfair advantage 2. If it will get someone hurt throw the flag. 3. If it isn't one of those that can cause an injury and it has no effect on the play don't throw a flag.Those 3 simple rules served me well. I really think understanding the game and keeping yourself in position are the keys to good officating. I have called with guys that could quote the rule book inside out, but weren't very good because they didn't position themselves very well.I don't call games anymore because I got into coaching,but I did learn if the coaches are on you, most of the time it's because you're not doing a very good job. The fans I always ignored because most of them don't know the rules anyway.:thumb:
  4. As Woody Hayes used to say three things can happen when you throw the ball and two of them are bad. I think that is alot af the FHS philosphy.They had a coach several years ago that tried to put the run and gun in and the results weren't very good.
  5. I agree Knute it's always been my feeling the better you are the simpler you can keep things.
  6. Frankfort in one of the weakest districts in the state and Paris and Bath are no slouches:laugh: Paris is second in their district and Frankfort went to their house and spanked them. Danville is number 1 and Frankfort 6th that hardly qualifies as a weak district. I agree the rest of the district isn't as good as some others,but Trimble is much improved while Carroll is down a bit. To have two teams in the top 10 and call it a weak district I just don't understand.
  7. I agree it will be an offensive shootout, but I expect the Cards to come out on top something like 48 -35 should be a great game.
  8. Our head coach I'm not going to mention the school or names got his first hate mail last week calling for him to be replaced. Before he arrived the best they had done was a 3rd place finish in the district and a 56-0 thrashing in the first round of the playoffs. All of this is since 1990 they had been fairly succesfull for a long time,but since 90 the best regular season was 5-5 and that first round playoff loss. This is his fourth year and the only changes made his first two years were him as the head coach and one assistant line coach. His first year was 9-3 and the second round of the playoffs the worst they have been since he came is 7-4 and a 1 point loss in the first round. This year he is 4-2 with the two losses being to top 20 AAA schools,and he coaches A ball. He's been district runner up every year to a traditional state power and the players truly like him. Of course whomever wrote this letter didn't sign it. What do you think is time for a change? :confused:
  9. We, Frankfort had a kid handle Dumphord one on one all night long. He was a non factor in the game,which is what some have called our kid who handled him. I think every game we have played this year our player draws double teams 90% of the time, so obviuously if you feel you must account for him he is a factor. That being said I would guess most teams Paris plays would probably have to double him, but we didn't.We played them last year and this and thought he was a non factor in both contest.
  10. I am just amazed at the number of people that are living in the past. Although UK has the most wins in college ball and we can't imagine why a kid wouldn't want to come to UK times have changed. I personally think Pitino is the best college coach in the nation and don't blame him for taking the Louisville job,it was the best one available and he took it. That being said I think Tubby is in the top 5 and we should be glad he's here. I agree with alot of things being said on here about not devoloping our big men,but that goes back to a trait that I think we all think is important loyalty. He is loyal to his assistants whether we think some need to go or not. I was as frustrated as anyone last year,and am dissapointed we haven't been back to a final four,but we will get there. I know for a fact Tubby has worked his tale off this year on the recruiting trail and it will pay dividends. This post is way off track but I just needed to get it off my chest. The Williams kid is huge and for his sake and Tubby's I hope he turns into another Nazi.
  11. Very good question. I think I would have to go with a placekicker, as long as he gives you touchbacks on kickoffs. The average of a team starting from the 20 or the 30 is like a 20% difference in scoring.It's much harder to drive 80 yards without some type of miscue than it is to go 70 or less. Both are important as we have had some punts blocked in big games,but if your placekicker can start them from the 20 I'd have to go with him.:thumb:
  12. Ancient history 1973 Paris vs Frankfort. Teams ranked 1 & 2 in the state,Paris kicks a 34 yard field with about 2 minutes left to win 15-14. Paris went 17-0 won the class A and CKC championships and Frankfort went 9-1 and finished ranked 3rd in the state. I remember it like it was yeasterday.:cry:
  13. Franklin County HUGE. Anderson hasn't played anyone and Franklin has played two quality teams winning by 20 and losing by 3. Ammons and company get back on the winning track in a big way.
  14. No the field was in pretty good shape. I don't understand why they don't have the soccer teams play on the practice field ,or with all that space have their own game field. Soccer is hard on a football field ,doesn't take too many years to wear the crown down. For as much rain as we had field was actually in good shape. Was nice to meet you too Phillip Hay. Good luck with the rest of your season.:ylsuper:
  15. Just having soccer played on your Football field is a problem.Makes it look like a bunch of goats have been there.
  16. Leave it the way it is don't penalize teams for having a good kicker. More teams than not don't have kickers that get it to the endzone anyway.
  17. Franklin County earned the win last night. as I said in a previous post Kaelin has made a believer out of me. As coach bucket said he is a class person as well as a player. He puts the team on his back and wills them to win. I know he played hurt after early in the 1st quarter,but he stayed in and continued to lead his team. Something one of the FHS seniors needs to do,doesn't matter which one. They haven't had a true leader on the field since Myron Moore graduated. It never ceases to amaze me that when teams win it's how good the kids played,but when they loose it's how poorly they're coached. I believe number 9 who is a freshman was supposed to have help over the top both times he was beat deep.Not completely sure ,but pretty sure that was the defensive call that was made. Both teams played hard and county deserved the win, they played harder longer.
  18. Confidence is a great thing. We'll see tonight. Think both teams are better than last year so think it will be a very good ballgame.Could be wrong ,but don't think so.Why do think county will win easily?
  19. As I stated in the previous thread I think County wins this one,but should be a great game. Looking forward to tonight.
  20. So your saying you no longer have to put 5 on the front line.
  21. You can't have too many,but you must have at least 5 between the 45 and 50 yard line.:thumb:
  22. Don't have a problem with it. My last game my senior year,which was along time ago our coach let us tape our helmets any way we wanted. We had alot of fun with it, so I see no harm in the face painting.
  23. I know Mercer is playing in AA this year, but I wouldn't classify them as a small school as they will be AAAAA next year when the new classifications come into effect. 1. Danville 2. Bardstown 3. Louisville Holy Cross 4. Frankfort 5. LCA 6. For small schools I can't go any further than this
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