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Everything posted by Sweeperboy

  1. Lol, I think you know the answer to that. Good lucks to my Birds this Friday night in the huge rivalry game...
  2. Great post and spot on for majority of coaches but unfortunately this is not the typical HS football coaching job. At Highlands the stakes are very high with a whole lot of pressures, expectations and distractions and it is very obvious that it is beginning to get to him. To be honest with you, if BW is indeed being bullied or harassed then perhaps the administration is at fault for allowing this to go on. They hold the power to stop it so this is on them imo and not the naysayers. I have said this many times, I like BW and think he is a great defensive coordinator.
  3. BW committed the cardinal sin of coaching at any level. He allowed parents of players , alumni and others get under his skin and called them out publicly. This is a first for me to see a Highlands coach go after the nansayers etc instead of just ignoring them and let your coaching and your winning do the talking for you instead of playing the blame game. Just scratching my head here trying to figure out why he would do such a thing.
  4. Trosper is a better head coach than Weinrich period. It would have been easy for Conner to have gotten caught up in the atmosphere at DCM last night but the Connor young men were very well prepared and had a game plan and executed and stayed focused. After the opening kickoff return for TD by Huddleston Conner could have laid down but they hung in there and didn’t fall into the trap. This is very good coaching and leadership skills people, no luck needed.
  5. The UK band was awesome... Wow!!! Iam going to Highlands football games to see the band play, what’s wrong with this picture.
  6. No but you decided to use social media to go after someone
  7. You nailed it, great post... Let me add one thing, Work harder than your competition #MHFGA
  8. I respect your viewpoint and your loyalty elsewhere but the part about anyone can coach and win at T is just silly imo and that Adler should be National Coach of the Year could be a stretch to say the least. Congrats to this legendary coach, THS and the entire state of KY...
  9. I love the slogans... 2014 Highlands- “Stairway to Seven” meaning 7 in a row 2010 Highlands- “20n10” for 20 titles in 2010 1981 Highlands - “8 Would Be Great” for the 8th Title at Highlands The best one that was used as a staple at Highlands in the The 70’s and 80’s year in and year and answers the thread question was “PLAY TO WIN” Got to have a slogan, got to have an identity as a team, just as simple as that
  10. 1981 and 1982 teams were stout...had it not been for sub districts CovCath would have won one in 81 and a double overtime loss in 82 to perhaps one of Highlands greatest defensive teams kept them from easily going back to back
  11. Great post and exactly my Achilles heel as well...
  12. For CF, I only post facts and I fall in the group that will criticize my alma mater and can be found complimenting the enemy that I have respect for without hesitation To Siple’s question, you find out in a hurry who your real friends are and at the end of the day you really only have a handful of people you can trust, usually just your family It is difficult when people spread rumors or false information that can tarnish your professional career but if played correctly one can overcome these obstacles. Sometimes it takes picking up, moving and setting up shop in another state like Florida, TX or Vermont to name a few Goford, you are an above average coach with the ability to lead. You have many many options
  13. The last two times Highlands utilized the TE was Brandon Roller jr yr and Jack Tellack the kid you are referring to. Both big physical TE and both ended their football seasons with ACL injuries while running drag routes...
  14. Finally, some excellent insightful information I can live with answers like this and hope others will take your opinion as advice
  15. So for the sake of this thread, what in your opinion is the problem at Highlands? Dale did the same school work load at Highlands Plus he was the AD Is it the culture, is it the pressures of coaching a program like Highlands, is it the lack of talent, is it the lack of discipline, is it the kids don’t care or is it the coaches are under qualified and way over their heads and have no clue what’s going on or how to fix it. Just curious what your take is...you don’t have to answer if too sensitive, I get it
  16. I too think it’s awesome, I am a huge bow hunter and I love it. I will donate my time to help teach the class But the post by JOAT and knowing both people just makes me giggle, sorry
  17. This...gets my vote for post of the year That’s some funny stuff right there
  18. I hear what everyone is saying about the success of the school district and I agree that’s number one priority but let’s be realistic for a moment. This super has done nothing to date but botch a failed attempt to fire the football coach and let an AD throw her under the bus in the process. I wish her well with future decisions but to date she is 0-1 and just last week she had a emotional meltdown at a school board meeting that had nothing to do with football, Wow!!! Maybe this whole football thing is bigger then what some people are playing down and she knows it and is struggling. Really can’t make this stuff up people I wholeheartedly disagree with anyone saying football has nothing to do with the success of the school district. They both compliment each other in a way that is hard to explain. If Highlands closed the football program down tomorrow the overall school district would suffer and decline at all levels. jmo
  19. I have made my stance clear and I am more about making sure theses kids are challenged, prepared and tested and that starts up top. Siple has also made it clear that the kids are giving 110% but he didn’t say anything about the coaches and that’s my concern. The change that I have seen and it’s very obvious to those watching is the difference in the amount of time coaches are putting in. You can’t sell me that they are working hard and enough because the discipline isn’t there. Discipline comes from repetition and oh doing it the right way and not just going through the motions. You don’t go to the driving range and practice a horrible swing because you are building muscle memory. You fix your problems and practice and build memory the right way and then it becomes second nature when you perform the task in a game
  20. I think you have summed all of this up in a nutshell and if it doesn’t work out others will go down with them by default. One has to believe this Superintendent didn’t think she was going to get a free pass just because she didn’t know any better or didn’t realize that the football program meant so much to the well being of the community and school district. She can’t be that naive can she?
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