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Everything posted by Sweeperboy

  1. Perhaps Wolfe has been notified to hang on for one more year at Male. Idk, maybe another job will open up in November. Good luck to Boyle County in their search for a new coach.
  2. So, Iam now the topic and not BW and the state of the program. Quite obvious Iam beating a dead horse. Pretty pathetic that the Highlands contingency has bailed on BGP and is no longer supporting or defending their program. Perhaps we do this again in November after another 1st round playoff loss. Good news is I have made lots of new little friends on here. Stay tuned...
  3. Let’s get back on track. I asked the question earlier about who is running winter workouts and got no answer. Anybody? Does BW run these?
  4. My point. You are now saying it correctly. Thanks for rephrasing it, I just hate the sound of public. Splitting hairs I know but it’s my preference and right to call it Ft Thomas Independence Schools. I feel better now.
  5. Please elaborate more. Iam intrigued by your knowledge of Highlands and your superiority over those within.
  6. I agree with JOAT, there will not be a coaching change at Highlands this year with regard to football. I personally do not really care about the adults (administrators) running the show at Highlands other than they are doing a lousy job as a collective group. All I care about is the kids and giving them the opportunity that I had, my brothers had, my sons and my nephews had while at Highlands. Could really care less about who’s feelings get hurt. These adults are paid positions and with paid positions come accountability. Not concerned either about whether they make $1/hr or $500/hr. If you’re not getting the job done then to me you are either wasting your time or the time of those of others. This job was handed to BW with a great big bow wrapped around it. He knew what he was accepting and what the consequences of failure could mean. If he didn’t understand any of this then he obviously had never been a head coach before. Perhaps this is the issue. Cutting your teeth as a head coach should never be done at Highlands, do it at a starter program or another school but not here. This is very rare but Dale thought BW was the man and so here we are. Heck, I blame Dale as much as BW for where we are. This whole mess is partly Dales misjudgment of who he thought was a slam dunk as a replacement coach. Idk, Maybe Dale needs to step it up and admit he made a mistake and make the call.
  7. I would be all for BW stepping down as head coach and resuming with what he does best, Defensive Coordinator. Bring in a new head coach with discipline and an offensive background and Highlands is headed back in the right direction. Don’t know Wolfe, if he and BW were teammates I wonder if BW could work for Wolfe.
  8. We are living in some of the best times financially that we have ever seen with new tax laws etc. Alumni should be throwing money at that school right now because they can. Very interesting new information. By the way, welcome back TFVH, it has been some time since we have heard from you. Keep the information flowing as it sounds like you are In the know.
  9. So TFVH, are you suggesting Highlands is out of money? If this is the case then they are feeling it sooner than I thought. Wow!!!
  10. Great question. I would suspect Highlands will feel it system wide which will change from looking for a new coach to looking for a new principal. I would love to hear the reasons from administrators as to why this is all acceptable. As a former parent of student athletes at Highlands, if one of my kids came home and told me they were not being challenged academically at a school like Highlands don’t you think the principal would be held accountable for not doing his very best to provide my kid with what has become expected at Highlands? Why is football any different or for that matter any sport or extra curricular activity. Don’t build state of the art facilities equal or better to most small colleges and not take advantage of these luxuries because you are ok with being just ok. This is all just so unnecessary and so unfair to the kids imo.
  11. Thank you for these numbers, they speak volumes. Those numbers are ridiculous that this football program has put up over 100 years. Probably why Iam so passionate and vocal about the current state of the program. It’s very hard to stay silent.
  12. The principal of Highlands who is Matt Bertasso. He hires and fires all employees. I would suspect that the AD of Highlands Kevin Nieoporte can recommend to the principal that a coach be hired or fired but pretty sure it’s Bertasso call. What Iam hearing is Bertasso and Nieoporte is perfectly fine with the state of the program and being a .500 program is just perfectly fine. Not sure if either played football or sports at Highlands but I do know both are alumni of Highlands. Two very intelligent individuals who obviously know more than I do, that’s for sure. I agree, chalk up 2020 as another year of same football leadership. No change will be made imo. If Highlands was going to make a change it would have happened the next school day after the banquet.
  13. Iam guessing the point about another soccer player coming out for winter workouts is to say the numbers are increasing and not decreasing despite what is actually taking place. Actually this is not uncommon at Highlands to have other sport athletes work out with the football team even know they don’t or even intend to play football. Probably pretty common at most schools. Who runs the winter workouts at Highlands these days?
  14. Wow!!! Was hoping Wolfe would be in Ft Thomas next year but if the job isn’t open then the hire isn’t happening. Good luck to Coach Wolfe and congrats to Boyle.
  15. Still waiting with lots of hope. #makethechangealready
  16. Very interesting debate about Freshman Football. I will remind some folks on here about some Old Guy on here some years ago that just couldn’t talk enough about the abundance of talent at the Freshman level year in and year out on an annual basis. They destroyed other teams year in and year out and yes they were outstanding. He warned and touted of the talent and Championships at the Varsity level that would come but unfortunately something was happening during the transition that nobody would accept or would admit. This Old Guy just couldn’t understand how these kids could be so dominant and successful as Freshman only to become average at the next level and lose to the same team again and again. Something just didn’t add up and wasn’t right. That school finally hired a principal that nobody knew but had a desire to win and win big. This new principal didn’t care or was interested in the alumni or the legacies of that program so this principal began hiring from outside of the circle despite resistance and found out immediately that it was not the talent but the leadership of the talent. Now we all know the rest is history in Park Hills and TOG is smiling now and saying I told you so. The talent is at Highlands and has always been there. Sure some classes have more and some have less but any High School coach that complains to administrators that he has no talent or that he is in the wrong classification and he is at a disadvantage should be dismissed from his coaching position immediately. That type of attitude is disrespectful to student athletes who give it their all each and every day regardless of the situation. At Highlands you don’t get to make excuses because you have the luxury of an 50 yr old JR League feeder program and 100 yr old storied High school program not to mention the unlimited resources and state of the art training and playing facilities. All of this in my opinion is lack of understanding and leadership at Highlands starting and ending with the head coach. As stated many times, if BW can’t see this and truly loves and respects this football program then he will resign on his own terms. Otherwise I’am calling on the principal at Highlands to step in and do what’s right for the program and replace BW. #makethechangealready
  17. This is my point exactly. As stated before if BW has the respect and love for the program which I believe he does and he knows there is absolutely nothing he can do to change the current state of the program then he owes it to the school and the program and do the honorable thing and step down and hand over the keys. This is just my opinion but it has become many opinion within the last few years.
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