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Everything posted by JBCousins

  1. What about the poor Egyptian guy? Egypt is not known for their basketball either and now he's lumped in with the "4 white guys".
  2. Here's how I view it. Everyone always says, "Well, even if UK has 5 or 7 or 9 NBA players on it, the 76ers have 12." That is where I typically end this debate. But an NBA roster will usually have 5 good starters, 5 veterans, and 2 young "rookies" (that is very vague). This 76ers team has 1 good starter, 1 veteran, and 10 young "rookies". This really is a D-league team with one good point guard.
  3. It's not about UK, it's more about the 76ers. I root for UK but I'm not depressed when they lose. I'm not THAT guy. I like it when UofL does well, too. Look at the ages of the 76ers. This is NOT an NBA team.
  4. Not really disagreeing with you on any of this. If the spread is 15 points, then it would be logical to think that on a given night (1 in 7, 1 in 10) that this UK team could beat this 76ers team. The biggest factor to me is the 76ers youth--take out Mbah a Moute and the Russian guy and this is a college team 20 years ago (age-wise). BTW, that comparison Glockner makes is somewhat flawed. WCS is not Anthony Davis but the next year edition of Henry Sims will not be either.
  5. Again, I don't think this 76ers team is on THAT level--and they are proving that. Almost every player is a 1st or 2nd year player. This is a historically bad NBA team and (potentially) a historically good college team. How much better (in points) do you think this 76ers team is than UK?
  6. With the NFL, this topic is always ridiculous. With the NBA, it is usually just as ridiculous. However, 2 factors make it at least plausible. 1. The 76ers are extremely young (and bad....really, really bad) 2. This UK team is huge. Even with those 2 factors, it's a long shot. They might get 1 out of 10. Vegas says it's a 16 point spread using NBA rules but only a 10 point line using college rules. A 10 point dog winning is still a big upset but not unheard of.
  7. 1. Did you see or listen to Lynch's interview? Few, if any, of the questions were yes/no questions, he was just answering "yeah" to all of them. 2. I don't know the exact answer to this, but why do all cities and networks send reporters to the games? Why do we always show post-game interviews? I'm guessing part of it is this: they show it on TV, we watch it, so they want more of it. The NFL obviously feels it is necessary to help promote their business (and they are doing a pretty good job of that) and that has made Lynch (and everyone else) a lot of money. Again, I don't agree with making everyone open to the media but as long as it is a rule, do your job. I do mine, you do yours, even the part we don't like. Why should it be any different for Lynch?
  8. Part 1, yes, he does. Part 2, no, but to me it would seem "speaking to the media" means answering questions. Like I said, the rule is stupid but if it's the rule, then he has to do it. It might sound stupid but what if everyone did what he does? Would this help or hurt the league's image? That is why the rule is in place. They should do what the NCAA does during the tournament and say that you have to provide at least a handful of guys to be open to the media.
  9. I'm conflicted on this. I don't like the media sometimes (ok, a lot of times) but these people have a job to do. It's part of the job. Be a professional and do YOUR job. Does anyone NOT have a part of their job that they don't like? Of course not, but you do it. You can argue the NFL rule--which I would--but until they change it, do your job. He should be fined again. There's a difference between answering a question in a word or two (Popovich) and not giving legitimate answers.
  10. I loved the dogs on the 4:00 games. Had a nice bounceback. I'm just the opposite of you--I can't find games not to take. I took the 4 I listed then put the other 3 in a parlay because I liked them but don't like laying double digits in the NFL. I tried to narrow it down but it always seemed that the ones I took lost and the ones I didn't won (see the above..1-3 on the first set...3-0 on the ones I put in the parlay). Yesterday was a high volume day, even for me, but I usually bet half of the NFL games.
  11. Arkansas will play a very average team in a bowl because of their record and they will destroy that team.
  12. Save your money for Arkansas' bowl game. Because of their record, they're going to play an average team and they will pound whoever it is.
  13. 2-0-1 last night...need AFA to stay up to get a split tonight
  14. I like UTEP in football. Seems like a lot of points. Maybe Air Force.
  15. The time it has taken for these things to come out seem strange. Some of the allegations seem sketchy, too. Not that I, or anyone, knows for sure but let's remember the Duke Lacrosse case. These accusations aren't always true.
  16. 1. If this moron really wanted to get her in the pool, why didn't he just pick her up and throw her in? 2. I don't think there is any legal action to be taken here. Should he be fired? Yes. Criminal charges? No. 3. All schools have different policies, but I am in different schools every week and I see cell phones everyday in the classroom--many days they are being used freely and ALWAYS within reach to catch something like this on camera.
  17. Did Gresham get fined for this? NFL policy is that they will fine players for throwing the ball into the stand (for safety reasons) but they do NOT fine them if they hand it to a fan.
  18. Yeah, I saw the line going up all day and finally looked at saw 88% on Pittsburgh. Luckily, it scared me off of it a little bit. Still took them but took the over, too.
  19. Is it me or is Pittsburgh a 10,000 star, mortal lock, free on a recorded message, guaranteed AFC play of the year, for this week? I like it too much...worries me.
  20. Wierd but something to it, I think....
  21. Losing to, what most people think is, the best team in the nation on the road by 5 is not impressive?
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