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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. I'm not sure about the on-field ugliness. That should be easy to deal with. I do remember Vandalism. Students from both teams Vandalized each others schools and property. I don't remember the details. I do recall the damage was significant enough that Police were involved. Spray Painting and destroying school property. I can tell you that during those years was the only time I was disappointed with the CCH fans. I was walking on the field with my Son who was 4 or 5 at time and had some CCH students tell me "Get the F off our field." It was the first and only time I have witnessed anything like that from CCH kids.
  2. I have always thought that CCH has more to lose in this game than Beechwood. That's just due to the perception of the class size. In theory, CCH should WIN every year. The reality is that its a great matchup. While there have been some blow-outs, this is traditionally a great game between similar teams. I think either team would be crazy to end the series. As long as we stay away from the ugliness of 1999 and 2000 that led to the suspension of the series, I think its a great thing for both schools. I say "schools" because this is a great neighborhood rivalry where the boys and their fellow students get to play against Friends, Neighbors and the kids they grew up playing sports with and against. It's about bragging rights. It's about great competition. It's about School Pride. Quite simply, it's about everything that is right with High School sports. Tonight is likely going to go the Colonels way, but you won't see the evident in the Beechwood student section. They will be there in dressed to match whatever theme has been planned and they will be not sit down until the game is Won or lost.
  3. Yep! He's a great BEECHWOOD football player. Thanks!
  4. I remember it being a 1 score game in the 4th qtr. Highlands stopped Beechwood and we were punting from deep in our own territory. Dale Mueller stepped in and tried to switch out the Punt Returner and the Birds got a penalty for 12 men on the field giving Beechwood a First down. I don't remember the rest, but that was the play of the game. It may have turned into a big lead, but it was a game in the 4th qtr. Before you say Dale doesn't coach Freshman, I know that. I specifically remember seeing him try to take over when he saw Beechwood winning.
  5. Totally agree. That was pretty balanced. He is certainly the "Real Deal", but he is not the team. This team would be excelellent without him. Of course, with him they may be unstoppable. I was not a believer, so I decided to go up to the game. I am a believer now.
  6. I remember that being a much closer game than 3 touchdowns, but maybe it blew up at the end.
  7. It's funny how people use the term "transferred" Given that he is a Freshman, he never was a student at Simon Kenton. There's no transfer if they never went to the school.
  8. Are you kidding me? The play was over. He was sitting on top of him (after a good defensive effort I will add) and then reaches down to Punch which then turned into a shot with the forearm to the facemask. That is not a continuation of a single play. Certainly far more than an "over zealous" player. You were right in that he was expressing his frustration, but it wasn't part of the play. I give him a break. He's was a frustrated young man and I get that, but don't try to call it part of the play.
  9. Nice work Quick. We pretty much knew the stuff about cheap shot blocks was a bunch of crap when it happened on HC offense, but I didn't see the cheap shot in the endzone. I had heard about it from the boys. What a punk! Hudl is amazing. What a great tool.
  10. To steal a famous quote... I can't define what "running up the score" is, but I know it when I see it.
  11. Totally agree. A healthy Justice and Nussbaum would be one of the top Linebacking crews in NKY and can totally change the tone of the game.
  12. I'll take that. The Bengals were in it until the middle of the 3rd Qtr
  13. I assume "Pool" means kids that will be making the decision regardless. There really aren't that many. The fact is that Catholic School kids will go to CCH, Holy Cross or St. Henry and Public School kids will stay at Public schools. I certainly know of a few (as VOR stated) from this years Junior class that were at Beechwood for a few years of Elementary and Junior High. I believe for at least two of them, it was a Football decision. All of them were tuition students. If there is a "pool" it comes from outside of the district. To be honest, if a parent/athlete makes a choice based solely on BW's performance, I don't want them at Beechwood. While we have benefited from Tuition Athletes and those moving to the district for High School, for the most part BW's top players are home-grown. I just don't believe that one beating or even on-going losing to CCH will affect BW. There's absolutely zero chance of muliple-year beatings in this Matchup. I just don't see Beechwood ever being down multiple seasons. Quite frankly, its just too much of a machine.
  14. If there is a pool, it's a very shallow one. Can't say one or two kids/parents haven't made the choice over the years, but it's not like there's 4 or 5 kids making that choice every year.
  15. I don't disagree with any of that. In fact, I posted the picture. .... Last year when it was relevant.
  16. Please don't post his crap on behalf of Beechwood. It makes all BW fans look like sore losers. Most of us moved on a few days later. ... Ok maybe a week
  17. I have never heard of the term Cross Backs as any form of derogatory term and I'm sure VOR meant nothing even close to that. There are a number of Catholics at Beechwood As for the passing game... In the middle of the game I kind of thought the same thing, but after thinking about it for a day or so, I would say we actually attempted more than that, but QB was forced or chose to run it. Also, while it's nice to work on a passing game, the running game was not being stopped, so why pass. Doesn't conventional wisdom say Run until you need to pass.
  18. Totally Agree! I have watched over 300 Beechwood football games and that was the ugliest one I have ever witnessed. Extremely painful to watch, but I'm confident that there will be plenty of positives this season and a decent run through the playoffs.
  19. Really? While it will for sure be a rough beginning to the season, there are still some athletes left and prospects are decent that Nuss and others will be back for the 1A games and into the playoffs. The problem is that many of the starters, including the seniors did not see much playing time last year at the Varisty level. The lack of experience showed greatly on Friday night. Beechwood plays a tough schedule for a 1A school. When you are inexperienced and have a few key injuries, it's going to hurt a bit. I have faith that adjustments will be made and confidence will build. It may not be this year or next, but Beechwood will not only compete for a championship, but will win 1 or 2 over the next 5 years. As for the Tuition students, I don't believe any of the Injured players are tuition. Erdman and Nussbaum have been at Beechwood since Elementary school and both live in the district. That goes for biddle as well as Justice. I really don't know how many starters are tuition students. There may be more, but I can think of only 1 right now and he came to Beechwood as an Eigth grader.
  20. Good, maybe then we will stop hearing about Privates and Independents are unfairly tearing your program down by atttracting a few of your players away. I always root for Northern Kentucky schools to play up to and beyond their potential. Especially the Kenton County Schools So I'm Looking forward to seeing SK playing deep into November and hopefully December.
  21. So is it the strict geographical boundaries or enrollment that is most important? You seem to make both arguments here. You can't have it both ways.
  22. Great Post VOR. As usual, you are exactly correct. You have an insane ability to get right to the point in a clear and concise manner without offending anyone. I'm very jealous of your writing skills and your ability to convey your thoughts so clearly. It would not be fair to Coach Meyerhoff to ellaborate any further or give anymore examples or details. He did a great deal for the program and everyone is grateful. Kelly
  23. He is a great coach no doubt, but it has nothing to do with Wins and Losses. If you know anything about the new administrator (Former Principal returned to be Super), he is very focused on the entire experience for the students and athletes. If a majority of the players are not enjoying the experience, then there's a problem. It creates a very negative environment for all. I can assure you that this is the case. Call them babies, call it it unrealistic, but I believe that student athletes should expect to enjoy the entire experience of high school athletics. Over the past few years, most of these players simply were not.
  24. A few facts... 1. Bob was/is an amazing coach. 2. Bob took Beechwood Baseball to a very high level and this is a Sad time for all of us. 3. Bob is not the person or coach that he was a few years ago. IMO (NOT FACT!), personal things have affected his ability to coach and deal with the kids. 4. Not a single parent complaint that I heard was about "Little Johnny" not playing. They were about opportunity and disprespectful treatment of kids. Many of them had kids that were multi-year starters. 5. It was not a "small group" of disgruntled parents. It was a significant number that raised concerns. Many with nothing to gain as their kids were seniors. 6. Everyone involved wishes nothing but the best for Coach. 7. Beechwood will likely suffer a big loss to another Meyerhoff-Coached team in the near future. This is all opinion... There is a great deal more to coaching high school athletes than X and O's and wins and losses. You must be able to deal with them on an emotional level. Without exception, you must be consistent and fair. You can be harsh (and Coach certainly is), but you must be respectful in order to gain respect from your players. They are emotional, hormone-charged teenagers and you absolutely have to be able to handle it if you want to coach them. That's why there are very few great coaches. Bob actually started this season off poorly at the very end of 2011. After a tough loss in the regional, he tells his underclassmen that 2012 would be a rebuilding year. He followed it up by putting similar sentiments in writing in a terribly written email response to all NKY HS coaches early in the season. Essentially stating that he didn't care where they played the Regional Tourney because his team would not be there. Its ok to see that and even believe it, but a coach should never vocalize it. You simply lose the respect of your players. For anyone that says that they had no Senior leadership, that may be correct, but their were leaders on that team, but you have to let them lead by naturing and developing leadership. It goes back to the Respect thing.
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