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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. What a great thread. No Negativity or complaining about calls or coaching. Just props to kids from boths sides. Sounds like it was a great one. Classic Rivalry.
  2. There is a sale on MEN'S pants at Kohls today. If you hurry, maybe you can find some before kickoff. :laugh:
  3. I didn't see anyone claiming entitlement or claiming that they were "Owed" something. My original statements were in response to someone stating they wanted to deny BB access. Where are the post about the stadium funding? I would like to be enlightened. Edit: Nevermind on the funding thing. I hope you are not referring to the Grant from the Bengals and NFL. $200k is a tiny piece of that project. It doesn't even cover the playing surface. I did find something interesting in that article... "Campbell County School District will build the new field, which will accommodate Campbell County Youth Football and host local community events. An estimated 4,000 users will benefit from the new field." I'm guessing there was a lot of talk about "Community" and not CCHS only when they were applying for the grant.
  4. bummer, looks like no chance for a 2012 game. Is that correct?
  5. I'm not talking about Football Players or any athleltics for that matter. My point was that if you didn't have the Private schools easing the burden of public schools in educating additional students, then their woudl be less funds and possibly additional taxes to cover those students. I totally agree that it's their choice to go to BB, but you shouldn't look at it so one-sided. The fact is that CC students benefit from CC District kids going to brossart. I also never claimed it was their right or that their shouldn't be a use fee. You will not find that anywhere in my statements. Some of you have a pretty defensive mentality towards it and I won't change your mind. You can't convince someone to have an unselfish community attitude. It's like dealing with a kid that has a new toy and doesn't want anyone else to play with it. btw... I'm a public school guy that sends my kids to Beechwood. I just know the value that private schools bring to the community as well as to the bottom-line of public schools. Wow, not sure how a discussion about such a beautiful complex got so ugly.
  6. How many different leagues are there? Can they play in the Championship together?
  7. Really? That sounds pretty selfish to me. Its called a community you fool and its about the kids. Not selfish parents who think they should get to hoard all the goods. It's their community as well and their money helping to build that beautiful complex. Are you at all aware of the burden that Private Schools take off of Public Schools? You should want them to succeed because if everyone comes to the Public Schools, the public schools wouldn't be able to handle it. Public schools benefit greatly when students go to private schools. Its likely how some of the money is available to build that stadium. I believe it costs around 6K/year to educate a public school student. So likely Brossart students/parents are saving CC schools around 2 Million per year and that is just at the High School levels. Instead of being selfish, you should probably be grateful and try to make it as attractive as possible for the kids to stay at Brossart.
  8. I'm talking about "Playing on Saturday" I understand not wanting to play Campbell.
  9. How's it not in the best interest of the kids? I would rather play Saturday than drive to Scott. Holy Cross plays some of their games on Thursday and I believe NCC plays every home game on Saturday. The Newport-to-NCC Relationship is almost identical. They don't seem to have a problem.
  10. I agree, but the reality it that someone will pull the Religion card out to stop it and it will. Its not going to be County Property, but rather belong to the School District. Being one of the first with Turf, I think Beechwood allowed too much use of their field for free. It's showing great wear after only 2/3 of expected life. I do not agree that BB should get to play the first game on the field. That's special and should belong to the Campbell Country kids. The reality is, the first event may very well be a playoff game (if they make it that far) or most likely a Track Meet in the spring.
  11. Haven't seen it since Baseball Season but as I recall wasn't it on two humps (event better) Basebasll on one Hump and Stadium on the other. Is everything else in? Are there seats in the bleachers, concession, bathrooms?
  12. It will be but Appetizer for most of us. You, on the other hand, will need a deep freeze for all of the leftover crow coming if SK loses. Although I picked Ryle, I hope SK wins. I always root for Kenton Co. teams first.
  13. It is going to be one great sports complex on that hill. I already love the Baseball setup. Not great for viewing, but everything else I like. Does CC lose some students/athetes to Highlands or NCC? If so, this facility could curb that for a bit.
  14. Do they have am Freshman kicker that can kick a 47 yard field goal?
  15. Didn't know that. Talked to him at BW vs Highlands game. Nice Guy
  16. Yes, but the offenses don't play eachother and the Colonels Defense is their best in quite a few years. Everyone on the fields absolutely flies to the ball. Haven't seen Highlands play, so can't comment secifically. Having seen the Colonels both live and on video, I will be surprised if the Birds are able to put up big numbers. Barring a number of turnovers, I see a low-scoring affair. Who wins is a toss-up.
  17. Yes, I'll be happy for the boys. Hopefully one of my great grandchildren will pick me up from the Nursing home in their flying car and take me to the game.
  18. So, he was the Coach of the 2-9 team as well, right? Its a different year, different kids, different kids on the opponent's teams so the comparison year-to-year for High School just doesn't work. Also, I wouldn't brag about playing the same schedule. If SK makes it past the regionals, then I he would get my vote, but let's see SK beat some decent teams close to their own size before giving out any awards.
  19. Sorry. I guess I'm sarcasm challenged tonight.
  20. I would never refer to NCC as terrible. They ate likely the 1st place
  21. I believe that Nussbaum and Erdman were still playing Spartans as 8th Graders.
  22. First, please understand I am not negative about this. I love how all these Freshman play. There are some great athletes and great kids on that team. I am very excited about the future. Hell, I'm pretty excited about this year. It was last year's seniors that beat Highlands in 2008. They were good, but they didn't win a State Championship. That was my point. Nothing against them at all, it's the facts. I cheered right up until the final play of the Mayfield game and I was as disappointed as any Beechwood Fan. I'm just saying it's not automatic --likely, but not Automatic!
  23. Not sure if that is directed at me or not, but I'm in total agreement with you. I can't think of any good player Beechwood has lost after coming to Beechwood as a High Schooler. As you stated, they become too much a part of the fabric and they are very tight-knit group indeed.
  24. If he knows anything about football, then he should have meant that it won't be close to the game we saw last night. A great deal changes from Freshman to Senior years. Beechwood beat Highlands Similarly 4 years ago. Does anyone believe that the Beechwood team last year would have Beaten Highlands? Sorry Tiger fans, No f'ing way. I'm a Beechwood fan, but you have to be realistic and look at history. Highlands builds great teams, no matter what building materials they are given to start with. My personal belief is that we need to regularly beat the 2nd place team in their district before attempted to add another NKY power to the schedule. Do any other Beechwood fans remember our sideline a couple years ago when we played Highlands? Our boys went all out and our Sideline looked like a MASH unit. I guarantee the Beechwood Trainer remembers that game. Parents of great Beechwood Freshman teams quite often push reality aside in their assessments. This may very well be the best Beechwood Freshman team ever. It certainly doesn't automatically translate to a great Varsity team two or three years later.
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