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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. My GOD, you can't decide which argument to make. Now it's the coaching staff that is unfair? I wish Beechwood wuould get many of their Coaches off the sidelines. I think they get in he way come gametime because there are too many delivering conflicting messages to the kids. For the record, Noel Rash is Head Coach and Defensive coordinator . There may be a few, but I don't know of any Head Coach in NKY that doesn't also run either the Defense, Offense or both. Also, do you really think any of these guys coach for money? Outside of the Head Coach, assistant Jobs probably don't even pay for the Gas they use to get back and forth for practices.
  2. I have to say, I was impressed that he not only held onto the ball, but stayed in the game. I was really expecting him to exit the game shortly after this. To his credit, he didn't. Tough kid. For those of us Tiger fans who remember, the hit reminded me of one of the Slushers. The boys could absolutely deliver a hit.
  3. Quick, Since you seem to have access to post some HUDL video, can we see the Nussbaum/Suchanek pass that ultimately put the game away? No big deal, I heard it was a great pass, catch and run combo, but I was helping someone out and missed it. Thanks.
  4. One loss and we are already back to this tuition, enrollment and class warfare bullcrap. That was even quicker than I execptect. Last week yourself and UK were saying that you could compete with Cov Cath and Highlands. Now its about money and enrollment. What a joke! Explain to me again how SK has "enrollment bourndaries"? I ask this because I do not know... Could a Ft. Mitchell/Covington/Park Hills family pay tuition to send their kids to SK? If not, my guess is that they are at capacity. Which would imply they should have a whole crop of kids to choose from. More than any other school in the area. You have no clue about the communities of Ft. Thomas and Park Hills. On average, they are both middle-class communities. For every wealthy family at Cov Cath, there are many who make sacrifices in other areas to be able to afford to send their kids to Notredame and Cov Cath. Even it were the case, does money really make a difference. You seem to have some pretty nice facilities at SK. Indoor Training facility, great Football Statdium. So how would money have anything to do with it. If anything, I would argue that wealth kids are softer because things come too easy.
  5. The video does not do this hit justice. Since Max is going away from the camera completely, it does not show the impact. It looked brutal from my vantage point.
  6. I love HS football. While you wieners are on here bitching at each other, I'm sitting in a restaurant and a group of Cooper football players walk in with Conner cheerleaders. Oh to be in high school again.
  7. Only if it goes out the sides or the back of the endzone
  8. From now on I will forward my post to you for interpretation prior to posting Seriously, that is pretty close to my thinking.
  9. OK, I deserve that for not making myself clear Now that would be nice, but No that's not what I meant. Obviously State Championships are very hard to come by in a All Classes format. I simply meant to return it to where it should be and consistently over-achieving with the team you have. More importantly making the program exciting for the kids again.
  10. Totally agree. Unfortunately, the maintenance was all one guy. While I applaud his emmense effort, he utlimately chose not to ask for help or even accept it when offered. I personally don't like the Grass baselines from a maitenance standpoint,but I think they are there to stay. I do think there are many infields, both Dirt and Grass that are worse than Beechwood.
  11. Hopefully this will squelch anything about Meyerhoff not being renewed becasue he was too hard on the kids. Nobody is tougher on the kids than Bobby Mullins, but they respect him because he treats theme fairly and with respect. I talked to two parents that didn't want Bob at St. Henry. I saw them again in the middle of the season and they couldn't say enough about him or what their kids thought of him. Tough, but consistent is the common opinion. I feel bad for the St. Henry kids, but I really believe that Bob has ultimately returned home. He was at Beechwood for a long time waiting for his opportunity. I cannot wait to see what it does for the program. While there are some amazing player coming up, I believe he will show his coaching talent with this year's team. I believe there will be some over-achieving happening in 2013. Some may disagree, but I see Bob Mullins doing for Beechwood Baseball, what Mike Yeagle did for Football in the 90's. I'm anxious to see him at the helm. I may not always agree with him, but I know that what he believes are the Best 9 players will be on the field come game time.
  12. You would think so, but there are essentially 4 football teams practicing and playing games on it. That's in addition to the Youth Programs using the facility. Are you familiar with the fact that Beechwood Facilities belong to K-12? Where would the football teams practice? Football teams practicing on the Baseball Field (like the old days) would have that torn up in no time And so goes life at a small independent school district.
  13. Bob Mullins is a straight up guy. I guarantee you that he was upfront with St. Henry Administration and not only told them he was interested, but also that he had applied and interviewed. I'm equally sure that they have been talking to potential for about the same amount of time.
  14. There's not a huge choice. The outfield and part of the infield is the girls soccer field.
  15. Yes because it's that simple :thumb:. I'm sure time will freeze in Ft. Thomas and Park Hills and all of the Juniors and Sophomores at CCH and HHS won't grow, develop and get better. Do you know how many times HHS has had to rebuild. They don't seem to have any trouble doing it. With CCH, you are just starting to see the output of their feeder program that was started a few years ago. They willl start develop a solid machine just like HHS. I think we are seeing it already. I believe the sophomore class is the first of the Middle School program and they are impressive. You may want to look at what these teams actually have playing and also coming up. I don't think either of them loses a large number of starters and they both have excellent Junior and Sophomore classes. Their JV teams would throw up significant points against many varsity defenses. Not sure what the Birds have in QBs, but the history is that they have always managed to develop a QB that is equal to the program. CCH has a couple of options. The Wagner (sp?) kid looks pretty darn good. A little strength training and he's going to be a good QB. I also believe Dressman is capable of stepping into the QB role and doing a great job. Until SK schedules them, it doesn't matter. So statements like this are pretty stupid. Why don't you win the District and Region this year before you go opining about next year.
  16. Really? I don't think so. I have never seen any hype of OSU/Michigan Basketball. I think each Rivalry is different. Some are community-based and between friends. Some are born out of hatred and some event that happened long ago. Others are simply based on an even record in a competitive Division/District/Conference.
  17. Don't think they are dragging their feet. There were a lot of changes at the school this year. Most Importantly, a new AD.
  18. Did you respond to the wrong guy. I think Mustang is almost completely agreeing with the sentiment that they chose BB and is OK with that. Also, I didn't see a single post where anyone claimed entitlement.
  19. I like the Beer Garden comment, but I don't think this is true. I believe I remember Beechwood playing NCC down there the first year the Turf was in place. Hopefully an NCC person can confirm.
  20. I believe the thought is that it encourages investment and reinvestment. If there were a bigger penalty for taking your money out of one investment and putting in another, then the economy gets very stagnant. Money/Investment flowing freely is generally better for everyone. Not just the financial types. Have you ever sold a house? If you did (and it was before 2007), you probably made money on it. The profit you made there wasn't taxed at all? How Come? Because they know you will turnaround and invest it in more HOUSE! or something else. A House is an investment, right? And you should really shouldn't look at it as "shuffling money around." Investment is not simply shuffling money, there is thought and certainly risk involved. Sure, it's not "Labor", but I believe its "Earned Income." Remember there's a whole bunch of people who benefit from that "Shuffling." Mainly the folks that handle the money and all of those processing the transactions.
  21. My guess is that he has a JOB that gets paid to do well. These are not Volunteers. They make good money to Ref these games and they should work harder and make a better attempt to do it right. Why don't you Ref since you just pointed out that it was bad all the way around? It's interesting that in your first post you say there was no Ref Issue, but then later you say that there were bad calls on both sides. So which is it? Most people in this thread are referencing things in general and are saying that things are bad across the board. That no-call on the pass interference was not a mere push off. The receiver completely extended both arms and shoved the defender away. It was one of the worst non-calls I have seen in a long time at any level. When you have more than 4 or 5 fans from the opposing team agreeing with you, it's a bad call/no-call. All Refs/Umps makes mistakes, but nobody could defend that guy. He was disinterested in the game and was clearly just there for the money. Hopefully he will read this thread and either get interested or get out of the game. It's not fair to any of the kids.
  22. You know nothing about what you are saying. Give specific examples, not just general anti-rich bull crap. You do realize that these Net Worths are not piles of Gold that they are sitting on? They include investments in companies and banks. Companies that provide jobs, goods and services to everyone. Banks that provide loans to these business and also make it possible for folks like you and I to buy a homes, cars, etc. I never understood the resentment towards Rich people. I'm envious and maybe a bit Jealous of their abilities, but I don't resent them. I work hard and try to get a little bit for myself and my family. I take every tax advantage I can and I would never criticize someone else for doing the same.
  23. What would be a significant win? You play who's on your schedule. First week with new QB and the Defense played pretty solid. All we have to do is keep getting better and get ready for District Play and the Playoffs. Dixie next week should tell us more.
  24. He also threw for a TD after extending a messed up play. Got to see some old school Nussbaum tonight. Not just heads down straight running. Even had a Spin move to break away for a TD. If it wasn't for one very fast E-Town DB that could really tackle, Nuss would have had 300 yards and 4 TDs.
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