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Everything posted by 3wishes

  1. Three years is a short amount of time for new uniforms. Most schools have to wait 5-6 years.
  2. Raceland is very blessed. What about schools that do not allow volunteers of any kind though?
  3. ^agreed. He does a great job.
  4. I think those guidelines are an excellent way for someone to film, it is pretty lengthy and some may be unrealistic for some schools, however, it is a nice set of rules. Making it mandatory is another animal however. Just not enough personnel or funds for some schools.
  5. Definatley different then. I've only seen a few adults filming period. I always remembered Grutza's father filming for Mason County with a camera that looked like something from a Hollywood movie scene and that was several years ago. Many schools in EKY only have 1 tape period and that is with a student or injured player filming from the pressbox. A sideline or endzone film is obsolete unless your school has great funding for a endzone camera and trust me, there aren't many in EKY. Especially 1A schools in EKY, they may be lucky to even have the film taped. This is a major problem statewide, maybe not in urban or city schools Louisville, Lexington, but everywhere else it is a problem for a lot of schools.
  6. Hand that list to a high school kid who is usually the one filming and the end result may look worse than before.
  7. I don't think there is anyway they make Grant County/Whitley County travel from basically the TN state line to the Ohio State line to play a game.
  8. PC fans, calm down. What was wrong with someone predicting you to be region champs and claiming you have a boatload of talent (which is a fact)? Always so defensive, I read it as a compliment and assumed what a lot of other do that PC is a region favorite because of thier athletes.
  9. I agree, we've been used to 7 and 8 wins for the four years, however, I believe we'll be surprised when we win 4 or 5. I hope not, but I have a bad feeling from this bunch. If we win 7 or 8, it will be awesome. It will be the fifth year with as many wins and as a traditional bottom dweller in SEC football, we have to endure consistency of 7 or 8 wins for quite some time and then we can take the next step of winning 8,9 and maybe 10 wins in a 5-10 years. It takes time. We just cannot afford to go backward in the win column and lose all the momentum we've gained the last four years.
  10. With the new statement coming from Mr. Tackett this week, is this what 2011 could realistically look like?
  11. Miller played QB, he played Fullback.
  12. Harlan County won the 2010 Union College Passing Tournament. They advanced through Knox Central, Rowan County, Powell Valley Va, Leslie County and beat Louisville Fairdale 37-14 for the championship. Boyle Letcher Central North Laurel Lynn Camp Cumberland Gap TN Bell County Clay County Southwestern Pulaski The above teams were also there in no order.
  13. I've worked in the Legislative Branch for some time now and a lot of what everyone is saying makes sense, poor budgeting. I know my branch has cut more money than any other state branch and there are only new hires in positions when a laid off state worker refuses to take the recommended job. There has to be new hires even if the state is in a budget crisis simply to continue preserving our rights and priviledges in the court system according to the Constitution. We began cutting our budget heavily in 2007 and each year has seen an increased deficit. I'm confused when we currently have over 35 new courthouses at a cost of over 20 million each being constructed at a constant pace. Where does the court cost go to? Each person entering the court system with a guilty plea (other than seat belt) has to pay court cost, minimum $125.00. Hundreds of guilty pleas are entered daily throughout each county. 220 counties 200 guilty pleas a week (low average) $125.00 each (minimum) Total: 22,000,000 a month I know court cost are not always paid up front and not all get paid, however, with these low numbers it is just an estimation and one that I feel is pretty low. How do we deprive the public of 22 million a month and not have things paid for?
  14. Three way tie and the battle to go the region was won by a whopping 1 point at Letcher Central. Harlan County returns a lot as well. Harlan County beat Letcher Central at their place the first time and like I said a 1 point victory is all that seperated them in the 2nd round.
  15. The potential roster shows that Hood will be pretty lonely on senior night.
  16. How old is he? Does anyone have his coaching record by years?
  17. That was exactly what I was thinking. You cannot have both, you either love UK or hate UK.
  18. Maybe I was a rebel, but in school I would've never done some of these crazy things that coaches, teachers have been forcing their kids to do.
  19. I think it is funny that the comment section on the website turned into a Calipari thread...
  20. I'm sure Trinity did have a better offense that year, I doubt they had that much of a better defense though than Rockcastle County. I think Boyle County would've beat Trinity 4-5 times out of 10, vice versa.
  21. But they could've beat them. A debate for another thread. They were every bit as good as Trinity.
  22. That wasn't Cal getting in trouble, that was Memphis. When I think of trouble I think more of Kelvin Sampson.
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