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Everything posted by UKBLUE1964

  1. I Dream of Jeannie was my choice. She is what every guy wants, a woman that will do magic for you to help you out and if you wanted to have the guys over to watch the big game you put her in her bottle. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  2. Laugh In was hiliarious. I watch reruns now and some of the stuff they did then would never make TV now because it would not be " Policitally Correct ".
  3. Beverly Hillbillies was my pick but really loved Green Acres alot too.
  4. George, Jane, Judy and Elroy and dont forget Rosie and Astro. JETSONS!!!
  5. Guess I have been away from KY too long. Another dumb question "Why is their only 3 districts?":confused:
  6. I would say mild upset wtih JC being # 2 team in the 15th region but LC has been Hot in the month of Feb.
  7. Kentucky Christian University, located in Grayson, Kentucky (Carter Co.) They just started football, but they have been National Champs in basketball in the NCCAA (National Christian Colleges Athletic Association) several times.
  8. The Fleming County game was awesome and most of the LC faithful had done left the game. I do remember another Hook and Latteral play but it wasnt against Newport like someone had mentioned in this thread. It was against Holmes in the ComAir Bowl at Ryle High School. Parker caught the ball around the 10-15 yard line then pitched it to Meadows who took it in for the win.
  9. I agree with your post. I think people are missing the point here. Russell will still have excellence academics because of the teachers and programs they have in place not because the academic team supposedly did what was reported in the paper.
  10. Well I would say in the future if any school has any problems traveling with inclement weather they should be allowed to reschedule any event also.
  11. I dont remember a hook and lateral play in that game by LC, but I could be wrong. I do remember LC had the ball inside their own 10 and Nick Meadows went right on a handoff and got hit several times but didnt fall down and then broke loose for a huge gain down inside Breathitt's 20. LC recovered an onside kick in the second half that sent the Dawg Pound crazy. I think those two plays helped LC win. Also the interception in the 4th quarter helped too. Stick1 mentioned Michael West and Dontae Wright, both were Freshman and I seem to remember Dontae playing some in the secondary. I do remember someone else playing several plays besides BJ Nelson who was a starter at LB all season. That was one of the Largest crowds I had ever seen at LCHS and I remember seeing kids from local schools there. I remember seeing Paintsville, Johnson Central, Sheldon Clark, Raceland, Boyd Co., Ashland school jackets in the crowd and I am sure there was more. IMO greatest game ever in Eastern Kentucky.
  12. I heard about this while at work last night. We can't (USA) even patrol our own borders properly, but Congress wants to pass a $1.4 Billion dollar aid package to Mexico to help them with their border to Central America to keep Drug Cartels and Criminals out of Mexico. Are you kidding me? We can't even protect our borders. It is called the Merida Initiative. Here is a video from the State Dept. from 2/7/08 on this and a couple of articles. What is everyone thoughts on this? Video from State Dept. Council of Foreign Relations article Another article from 2/11/08 on Merida Initiative
  13. I think Marlo, is way over his head. Avon Barksdale is setting him up with the Greek is his way of helping the Co-op out. Omar is coming and I know everyone thinks he will get Marlo, but I think Omar will be set up and his emotions are going to blind him. This is different for him. Prop Joe and Co-Op will eventually go away when Clay Davis is indicted by the Grand Jury. No doubt this season being the last is going to go out with a bang. McNulty is gone plum mad staging homeless deaths to look a serial killer. BEST SHOW ON TV , PERIOD. And it was already written so no stoppage of work, unlike other key shows on major networks.
  14. Lead Vocals - Bono Guitar - Edge Bass - Adam Clayton Drums - Larry Mullen, Jr. Some reason I think I have a pattern there
  15. Love it. As I stated in the other thread. Like the ads to the right. Great Job Guru :thumb::thumb:
  16. The Bluegrass in Progress is the one with the new look.
  17. What about WR - Gerad Parker from Lawrence County. I know HHS won by like 40 but the Birds could not contain him along with RB - Michael West. Your thoughts???
  18. I like the new look. What about the Scoreboard link at the top. I click on it and it said I must be a member in good standing. I thought I was I also like the google ads to the right.
  19. Congrats, your life will change, but believe me for the Better. :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  20. Coty Roberts will be playing one more as a senior in the Border Bowl Championship game between players from Eastern Kentucky against Eastern Tennessee. This is the first ever game. Kickoff was today 1/12/08 at 1pm. Coty Roberts Roster for both teams
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