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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. Seems like the seats are awfully far away. I think I'd rather pay for the Pay-Per-View.
  2. I presume you looked at this before you purchased your tickets.
  3. Updated: August 24, 2007, 1:10 PM ET RICHMOND, Va. -- Michael Vick filed a plea agreement in federal court Friday admitting to a dogfighting charge and agreed the enterprise included killing fighting dogs and gambling. However, according to the statement of facts that accompanies the plea, Vick did not place side bets and did not receive proceeds from purses from the fights. The original story was funnier because it said "The charge carries a potential sentence of up yo ears in prison." :lol:
  4. I think a big part in sentencing is remorse. Vick shows none. He sees this as a hic-cup in his life. He's unwilling to admit wrongdoing. This would indicate that the courts will be seeing him again in the future.
  5. Since I heard that he's unwilling to admit to anything, I was hoping that the prosecution would withdraw the plea bargain and charge him with everything.
  6. I once almost got to work before I remembered that my child was asleep in the backseat. I was supposed to be dropping him at the sitters, which I usually did not do. I was in my normal morning driving ritual. Sorry folks. Maybe I'm a terrible parent, but I can see how this happens sometimes.
  7. They don't have to say it, but many think it now and in previous wars.
  8. I don't know who they're going to sell it to. Most of the HS kids have to have clear or mesh backpacks.
  9. People make mistakes, sometimes fatal ones. The mother will have to live with this for the rest of her life.
  10. Will Friday's high temps. affect the outcome... Absolutely. Deeper teams will obviously perform better since they will be able to platoon more and get their kids off the field more often. I've seen where some places are getting cooling units for the sidelines.
  11. Political move. Much of his base is against it.
  12. I think we should avoid all future wars. The odds of us winning one with our political strife and media is close to nil.
  13. Too complicated LN, let me try. An independent school is a public school that is independent from the county board of education. Examples are Ludlow, Covington, Dayton, Ft. Thomas, Bellevue, Ft. Mitchell and Newport.
  14. There's an article in last week's Time magazine that talks about how poorly we take care of our gifted students. "To some extent, complacency is built into the system. American schools spend more than $8 billion a year educating the mentally retarded. Spending on the gifted isn't even tabulated in some states, but by the most generous calculation, we spend no more than $800 million on gifted programs. But it can't make sense to spend 10 times as much to try to bring low-achieving students to mere proficiency as we do to nurture those with the greatest potential." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1653653,00.html
  15. If the NAACP want to help the black community, then they need to stop excusing the bad behavior of certain individuals and start exhorting those who work hard and excel in life.
  16. I'm against vouchers. If you want better than public for your children, then you need to be willing to make sacrifices to make it happen. But I'd also like to see the public school system get overhauled. I think modern education is broken and no longer works. It's like the IRS code where we've added here and added there so much, that it no longer makes sense. The entire education system needs to be revamped so that we are getting the biggest bang out of our tax buck.
  17. I would just like the world to quit laying the blame and responsiblity on the United States.
  18. "You think the fans all fell asleep?"
  19. Some of these bowl games on Friday are going to be scorchers because they start so early.
  20. I graduated at 17 and immediately joined the Marine Corps.
  21. Heck, why hold him back in school at all? Just make him wait a year before he starts college.
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