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Everything posted by Bosox1

  1. Good Will Hunting scene in the Harvard bar... you like apples?
  2. I've been wanting them to do this for years, make a sunday in oct a bye week for the csaa & have the T-X game in the tradition of the old Flaget - X series...:dancingpa
  3. I was assuming he meant 15-20th nationally...
  4. Well said, it seems you guys have every other base covered. Any definitive word yet on the varsity staff resignations alluded to in the frosh thread?
  5. I think kids at T and X get used to and accept secondary roles. Is that really applying oneself, or selling oneself short? Maybe it's fulfilling a life-long dream of wearing the uniform & contributing in any way you can to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Some on here get it but many of you that didn't grow up in Louisville (& even some who did) will simply never understand...:ylsuper:
  6. I hate to speculate but when I read these comments I took them as a slam at the folks that constantly point out Duece's state of residency, not at Duece himself. If I'm mistaken & they were aimed at Duece & this most deserving award then shame on you THSRock. As a proud Trinity graduate & fan you certainly don't represent my view. As for Tim Phillips he would have been a very deserving recipient as well but him not winning it was certainly no travesty in light of who did. The travesty there was that he wasn't even a finalist for the award... With that said, GO ROCKS!!!!!:ylsuper:
  7. I would love to see more parity in KY high school football but the proper way to achieve that isn't to hamstring or punish the programs that are doing things the right way & succeeding. The proper path to take is to create an environment that encourages the under-achieving programs to improve. :thumb:
  8. Jefferson County Public Schools do have open enrollment so students pretty much can attend the school of their choice...
  9. Why should the finals be played as close to Lexington as possible?
  10. I was thinking the same thing last night while I was watching the game. I'd say they'd hold their own v. most of 6A JCPS but not having seen much from teams in other classes out in the state it'd be hard for me to judge...
  11. Of course you can never dismiss the size factor. I was simply taking issue w/ your wording in that people are claiming that Trinity & Trinity alone possesses the work ethic, tradition, & coaching necessary to win championships. While Trinity most certainly does possess these traits so do St. X, Highlands, Danville, Beechwood, etc. (just to name a few) Ohio h.s. football is awesome but like any entity that has enjoyed some success they have their fair share of obnoxious fans. I'm very happy that my team from little 'ole KY was able to serve up a little humble pie! :
  12. I'm not aware of any Trinity partisan that has ever declared their team to be the only school w/ these traits, only that they do possess them. Many teams do, I'm sure, but few have enjoyed the same level of success as the Rocks. And while I agree that if Trinity played in Ohio they more than likely wouldn't have 18 trophies in the case, I do feel that they would have won their share. Congrats on the big win, Rocks!!!:thumb:
  13. Not sure, as I'm only guessing as to the meaning behind his redshirt comment, but it's certainly not something exclusive to any one or two schools. As w/ any school, depending on when the individual students started school you can have a senior age range anywhere from 17-19 yrs old.
  14. So was mine. I think they mistakenly sent out the Indiana edition to parts of the east end...
  15. I'm assuming he's referring to the practice some parents ascribe to of not entering boys into kindergarten until they are 6 instead of 5. I coached for a few years back in the mid-80's at the 7th & 8th level &, as a general rule, the boys that had started school a year later than their counterparts were at a distinct advantage physically.
  16. strictly from a bang for your buck perspective I don't think El Mundo can be beaten. fantastic food & very reasonably priced. Also, in that same vein, try Varanese, right down the street. A little more expensive than El Mundo but a terrific value nonetheless...:thumb:
  17. #1 Red Sox #2 Cubs It's gonna suck if I have to pull against the Cubbies in the WS, but I'll do it & not think twice about it if both my teams make it...:thumb:
  18. I would actually be surprised if the Rocks were more than 60/40 pass/run & maybe not even that high. no stats to back that up, just a gut feeling...
  19. I've closely followed Trinity (& by extension, St.X) since the early '70's & I sure don't remember any.
  20. Mid '80's, either right before or right after Jeff Houk...
  21. It's a scrimmage, not a game, & the outcome (on the scoreboard) is irrelevant.
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