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Everything posted by Flash

  1. I would bet you are correct about the trash talking, happens a lot and it was one of those games. But, I was about 20 feet away and just happened to be watching. The Wolfe player was walking upcourt after a foul or turnover or something. Fugate was the one walking backwards in front of the kid and doing the talking prior to the shove. But like I say, I have no clue as to what preceeded that part. But Fugate was the one in the other kids face when I started watching. Ref was right there. At any rate, I'm sure it's a lesson learned. I'm sure Coach let him know how disasterous one frontline player being kicked out for a game would have been.
  2. I agree with "most" everything you said, butt..... Fugate blatently shoved a kid and tried to initiate a fight. He received a T and could have been suspended for a game by some refs. So yes, the other two were calming factors but not Fugate. He played a heck of a game, don't get me wroong but he has to control himself better.
  3. I would have to agree. Usually there is a lead ref that sort of controls the organization of things, but not tonight. And I agree, there wasn't any fight or punching. One T was called on each team on two different occasions for pushing. Jackson City had more fouls called on them but the real killers came against Wolfe in the last quarter. I bet Gilbert picked up his last 3 in a matter of 2 minutes! That, and Stamper fouling out sealed their fate. All of the kids played hard and it was important to them even though they both move on.
  4. Gilbert fouled out with like 4 min. left and one thread said it had been 72 years since Jackson won the distrtict.
  5. It's a valid concern when the games and wins have been close, which these 3 have been. It's like anything else that you try and fall a little short at, you regroup and try again with a little different twist. A good coach will take a loss, figure out why he lost, and make adjustments. When you have 3 previous games to analyize the chances are you can alter something that will make a difference. This should be a heck of a game, I think Lee will win though because the flip side of the coin is the team that has won the 3 previous games will have some kind of new look to throw at the challenger.
  6. I think Jackson may fall behind in the early going but then re-group and begin to set the pace for the game. In a run and gun, Jackson will win and I think we will see a fast paced game even though Wolfe will control the tempo in the first quarter. Jackson has to have their key players all involved. I didn't think Fugate played up to his capabilities the other night for some reason. I'm going with Jackson CIty as will the rest of the Bobcat faithful!
  7. And IMO they are in the best position to know. Congratulations to Cody. I saw Union College folks at Breathitt for the Wolfe game the other night, can't imagine who else they would have been here to see.
  8. Gilbert is surely the best all around player on that team but Stamper played better last night. His defense was tough but his shot selection and penatration was very good. I don't know how many points the two had but I am sure Stamper's shooting percentage was much better. Gilbert threw up some awful shots trying to draw the foul and did a few times but looked really bad when he didn't, he walked a lot but the refs just called it in the second half for some reason. The Jackson/Wolfe game will be good. I'm taking Jackson City because of their transition game. They get the ball up the court quickly and Wolfe is vurnable in a fast paced game I think.
  9. Another year over for the Bobcats. I personally thought Stamper was the difference in this game for Wolfe. He played better then Gilbert I thought.
  10. Ha, I would like to say I agree but...... he plays Breathitt tonight!!! All things considered, I think he is the most talented in the region also.
  11. I sort of disagree a little Professor. While the POY should have leadership ability, I think that he could be on the worst team in the region but still be the best all around basketball player. I think the coaches that vote look for someone who plays hard on both ends of the court and possesses a complete game by ball handling, scoring, assists, defense, leadership, sportsmanship, seeing the floor, good decisions, etc. etc. I really don't know who best fills the bill this year. There is not as many stand out players as there have been in years past.
  12. That makes sense. I didn't know he was hurt but did wonder why he was on the bench as much as he was. And to play hurt he had a heck of a game.
  13. I thought Estill got beat on the boards, too many second chances for Breathitt I thought. And too many one and out for Estill. I too was impressed with the Hoover kid, but at this point he's all offense and not much defense but as you say he's young. I hadn't seen Dixon play and maybe he had an off night but he wasn't real impressive that night. He and others took some really bad shots, lots of prayers thrown up hoping for a foul. #30 for Breathitt, Hollon, has been one player for the Bobcats who has "come along" this year I think. If Smith decides to venture in under the basket and play tough, they will have a decent inside-outside game, which is something they have to have to be sucsessful.
  14. Player of the Year is one honor I like. It's determined by the coaches of the region who see all of these players and get a chance to decide who they think is the best all around player. It's usually a player they hate to face the most because of scoring, passing, defense, leadership and combinations of all of those. It's not a popularity contest or an award that is determined by folks who may have their own motives or perceptions and that's why I like the way it is determined. Hicks is a good player for sure. Gilbert is good and whoever said he can't pass is mistaken. There are other good canidates also but if it's between those two, I rather face Hicks then Gilbert if I'm a coach. And even though I'd rather face Wolfe then Hazard as a team, on an individual basis Gilbert is the all around better player I think. But.... it's not just between those two of course!
  15. He's a good coach for sure and it was wierd with him going there.
  16. Man, that was funny! Baker's Breathitt team was robbed in that regional tournament, he wasn't coaching at Powell but rather against them. But maybe you meant his sorry defense at Breathitt helped propel Powell to the win? Sorry, just struck me as funny.
  17. He may clean up after the games?
  18. Jackson keeps on keeping on. The stars a aligning for a showdown between Breathitt and Jackson come district time. Breathitt plays Wolfe who appears to be stumbling a bit late in the season and Jackson should have no problem making it to the final. District is at the Dome, should be wild.
  19. This last game I think he had 1 point but not for sure about it. Hollon had a bunch.
  20. Hollon, Smith, and Combs, are the only 3, I think. Then they start Moore, the Senior and Colby Fugate who's also a sophomore I think, not sure about that. 8th grade to high school has nothing in common though and part of the disillusionment with this years team is how they were blown up as 8th graders, etc. I think Hollon and Combs have made a lot of headway this year but not so much with Smith. He really needs to get a lot stronger and establish himself more if he's going to play big man on a 14th region team. Right now boys not near his size are moving him anywhere they want and he's scoring about 2 points per game. He kicks the ball back out most times or takes a low percentage shot from 10 feet.
  21. I think that's good. I like Riverside a lot and always have. They are good folks. And people shouldn't dog their gym IMO. They do the best they can with what they have, besides if you're up by 50 I'm sure the coach will understand if you don't go all out and risk hitting the gym walls when going out of bounds!
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