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Everything posted by Flash

  1. In my opinion, they were a better team then their record indicated last year. They were in a lot of close games and lost by 3-4 points or else their record would have been better. In fact they beat Leslie down there and of course Leslie went on to do fairly well. I think the main difference this year is the freshmen players, particularly Noble and Fugate. Mixing them in with a couple of the older guys and the big man Smith being in better condition and playing a lot tougher has helped the Bobcats. With all of that said, they have only played about 4 teams this year with a winning record, that will certainly help your W/L record. But it also builds confidence with youngsters. They have not been tested by anyone but Hazard and they split, each winning by 1. Hazard is not a power house by any means but they are one of the top 3 in the 14th. I'm anxious to see the JB/ Breathitt game, that will be telling for both teams, I think.
  2. Breathitt is as large as Powell and Hazard and never had split sessions in my memory.
  3. Coach of the year in the 14th his first year after taking the Bobcats to the regional final and losing to a talented Perry Central team by 1 point, I think. To me, the difference in Breathitt this year, aside from the years experience, is that Smith is playing with more zeal and they have some very talented freshmen players who have made an inpact. Breathitt will have a good year in a region that is rebuilding itself but I don't see them going to Rupp. I think a weak schedule will come back and bite them. Coach Hall would have fared about the same this year at Breathitt as the current coach and as for his tenure at Jackson City so far? They lost their best players to graduation and just for the record, if the region hadn't been so down last year Jackson City would have not had the success they enjoyed.
  4. Seems like John High had a lot more success then Peggy.
  5. Don't think he was talking about you having money in the system. I thought Knott played really well at times. They have a couple of kids who are quick as lightening and one who can really get up there on rebounds. They look young, although I don't know if they are. It was a closer game then the final indicates as I thought Knott sort of got away from doing the things they had done well the whole game, in the last few minutes. Down by around 10 with 5 minutes left they started chucking up 3's and most were not good selections. But, that's a correctable thing and I'm sure they will do so. Breathitt is becoming a pretty solid little team although they still have some weaknesses that can be exploited and we saw some of that during the Knott game. This is an exciting year all in all.
  6. Not in my memory but someone ese may know differently. They could have last year probably but the district draws and they never faced off. But Beathitt has, at least in recent history, beat them by at east twenty each time they've played.
  7. Actually, he really wasn't a good enough player to play a lot last year. He's steadily improved. Sounds like you have a problem with Coach Hall and that's fine but most everyone I know cnsiders him a high quality individual and good coach. In fact he would probably have the same record this year at Breathitt that the current coach has and so would any other decent coach. Three years ago when his team was like 15-0 to start the season he never made a big deal out of it, now this team is 7-1 and it's like we've won the region or something. I said it two years ago, this team would struggle last year, win a bunch of games this year and be ready to make a run next year. I still believe that's the case.
  8. Your friend is mistaken I'm afraid. Hall coached the whole game from a standing position. I'd say with two starters fouled out and down 15-20 in the 4th there's probbly not a lot you can do. I do think Breathitt's team is in better condition physically then they were last year but not the preceeding years, just this group of kids. And to me, what makes Breathitt better this year, as opposed to last, is that Smith and Holland are a year older and more developed for one. But last night the Hayes kid who is a senior kept Breathitt in the game in the early going and down the streach it was some younger talented freshmen like Noble that sparked the pull away and wore Jackson City down. Too much depth and too much talent as compared to Jackson City. With all that said, it is still a weak region in the 14th and Breathitt is one of the top 3 teams in a down year. But, it's on it's way back up and next year the 14th will be pretty darn tough.
  9. You may be right but I think they may be a better team then Perry Central, but I admit I haven't seen PCC play this year yet, just judging by their losses and wins.
  10. Good game for 3 quarters, Jackson actually led at the half , I think. Breathitt pulled away in the 4th. Coach Hall coached a good game with the players he has, but a couple of key guys got in foul trouble early on and they couldn't recover.
  11. Good game. Corida had some trouble with Breathitt's press in the first half particularly. To me, that was the difference in the game.
  12. Tied at half or close then the Owls faded in the second half. Another good game for Breathitt's big man, Smith.
  13. After watching the Lee/Jackson and Hazard/Breathitt games this week I am convinced that the level of play in the 14th has taken a big step up from last year. Perhaps it's just that there has been two, 2 point games. But I've been impressed with the overall play of all four teams. Breathitt has improved greatly, which would have happened no matter who coached them. But the Smith kid played really well, I thought, and while I was skeptical about starting the freshman Noble at point, I am now a convert. He played really well, very few turnovers and not sure what percentage he had on shooting but I don't remember him missing, although he doesn't shoot all that much. You can tell Hazard is going to get better. They kept their composure when down 12 in the 3rd and came back for the win. They too, were very fortunate to come out with the win!
  14. No doubt about it. Lee kept the ball from going inside easily. It just seems that while they obviously earned the W it was fortunate that the last shot didn't fall for Jackson City. As you know I'm not particularly a fan of either team in question and was just an observer so I have no need nor motive to minimize Lee's victory. I didn't care which team won really, just enjoyed a good game.
  15. Well, thanks. And perhaps someday you may realize that "you were fortunate to have won the game", as being a valid point and that it could have easily gone the other way. There's no shame in that and no reason to be sensitive and think it somehow "diminishes" your teams effort.
  16. Good game, Breathitt led untill the 4th quarter then it was back and forth.
  17. That doesn't make any sense to me. They could have won if they had made their last shot and they maybe should have won if they had a better look on that last shot.
  18. Most folks didn't take it that way and I agree with you 100%. Jackson could have and perhaps should have won this game. With 5 ticks left on the clock and the ball under your own basket and down 1, you have to take an inside shot instead of being caught out on the perimeter with the ball. What this game demonstrated was that 1- If Lee is a true contender as posters have claimed, then Jackson has to be considered in the hunt also. or 2- In the early going these two teams are second tier teams in the 14th. I was at the game and just an observer but IMO Jackson has 3-4 kids that play with a lot of intensity but one or two that don't always keep their heads in the game and get careless with passes and silly fouls. I think that if everyone can get focused they can be a real solid team this year.
  19. Breathitt should win, but they may not. It's sort of like the Cordia-Knott Regional game a couple years ago when Honneycutt, whom Knott had let go the year before, took a less talented team and beat Knott out. Should be plenty of hype for this one. I can tell you this, Breathitt has moved the game back twice, by all acounts, to be "better prepared" for the game. There's a lot ridding on this one.
  20. Not many "up " spots on a 4-23 season but I agree they will or should win the district although Jackson City may be pretty good.
  21. Breathitt will be a much better team this year, simply because these kids will have another year under their belt. But why in the world are they playing the schedule they are playing??? Piarist? Brown?? Menifee, twice?? Riverside?? ( I really don't mind them playing Riverside because Riverside gets some decent $ from the gate, but whey the others? Local coments range from "they want to pad their record" to Hall did the schedule before leaving (I know that's not true). Point is, they should be a pretty solid team, maybe next year will be thier year, but not this one. Also, word is the Channing Fugate kid may start as a freshman and add a lot to the team.
  22. This one worries me. Always a good riverly between these two teams, and on paper Middlesboro looks like a 10-14 point better team considering comon opponents.But, I think at home and a good field, wet but solid, Breathitt will win this game mainly because they are a better team then they were a few weeks ago.Defense has been pretty solid but the offense has been a half a click off most of the season with dropped balls and fumbles. I think the Bobcats will put it together tonight and win by 12.
  23. Western has a couple of top notch players and the defense hits hard. But 5 turnovers in the first half and Breathitt giving up two 80 yard TD runs back to back, in the last seconds of the first half and Western's first posession in the 3rd because of missed tackles at he line of scrimage sealed their fate.
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