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Everything posted by jbwill2

  1. jbwill2

    Odd Facts

    If you stretch a person's intestines out it can wrap around the earth 17 times.
  2. ^ Umm... it probably won't be too long until he is "banned" from other things as well, like from society.
  3. Well, here is a quote from a guy who was once a football coach (although he made this particular comment long after he left the coaching ranks and after becoming an NFL owner): "Just win, baby," by Al Davis. I can't say I agree with this philosophy from a moral standpoint, but I do think that this quote accurately sums up the current mindset and outlook associated with big-time football.
  4. If what is written above is true, perhaps he will be hired as an AD somewhere? What did Chuck Smith teach while at Boyle County?
  5. In looking at how this series has gone, is no one else completely blown away by how well tiny Beechwood has done against a bigger school that has been successful in football like CCH? There must be a lot of pride on both sides in this rivalry!
  6. Was that Highlands-Elder game at PBS in 2000 the very first official football game ever played at PBS?
  7. Has it been determined who Highlands will play in the summer 7 on 7 competitions? When will these begin?
  8. I know very little about to what extent football can lead to developing TBI and CTE. I was surprised to see the stats you cited, and was encouraged to see that the game appears quite safer today than in the past. I love the game of football. I never played organized football myself. I have a lot of respect for the game... it requires greater strategy than chess, and it teaches young people valuable lessons about striving toward goals, teamwork, delayed gratification, winning with honor and losing with dignity, etc. I very much hope that what findings do come out from the research do not show the game to be more harmful than helpful/positive.
  9. You may be right that football is safer now than in the past, but the point could be that the research into TBI and CTE (research that was not being done previously) is showing that football is and always has been a dangerous activity from a neurological standpoint, and that a person may sustain cumulative neurological damage over time without ever having sustained a single "serious" head or neck injury at any one point, and thus not being included in the data cited above.
  10. Are you saying rats ate all the meat left over in the freezer, or that all the meat has rotted due to the refrigeration being turned off?
  11. Or, that other holy trinity: SEC regular season title, SEC tournament title and NCAA tournament title.
  12. Recently, there has been more research looking at the short and long term effects of concussive injuries, including the injuries sustained from contact sports like football. Let us assume that as more of these research findings come out, the more evidence there will be that the game of American football (at least, how the game is currently played) is dangerous with regard to the long-term neurological effects. I realize this is a significant assumption; the research may very well show the opposite. However, for the sake of this discussion let us make this one assumption. My question is this: how much evidence will there need to be, and how conclusive must it be, in order for you to no longer feel comfortable giving your son permission to play youth or high school football?
  13. I have two kids and this guy has 22... thus he has contributed 11 times the amount of genetic material to the next generation, compared to my contribution. We all need to get crackin'...
  14. I wanna hear more stories! I can't wait to show this thread to my dad tomorrow... I think he loved that restaurant back in the day.
  15. We can all laugh and make fun of how big a "loser" he is, but from an evolutionary standpoint he is a much bigger "winner" than any of us will ever be, in terms of contributing to the future gene pool.
  16. Oh come on... You're just being cruel now!!! I wanna know.
  17. Well??? Bell County and Highlands have played each other in several interesting and controversial games over the years... which game is the old blue plate special?
  18. What was the old blue plate special game with Highlands?
  19. Well, it all depends upon one's perspective.
  20. Well, I was wondering if, because of the recent issues with UNC athletics, UNC would come down pretty hard on this player, to demonstrate proper institutional control over its athletes.
  21. Where does Sheehan currently stand in the UK receiving corps "pecking order?"
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