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Everything posted by jbwill2

  1. Also, on an unrelated note... I had heard that Fort Thomas historian Bill Thomas had been working on another book about the Highlands football program this past season. Has anyone heard about whether this book will be published in the future?
  2. Playing devil's advocate here, what's wrong with allowing a child's parents/legal guardian full control over what school the child attends, and allowing that child full access to participation in all school-related activities (including sports) at that school? If I want my child to attend school A for a semester, and then decide that it's in his best interest to transfer to school B the next semester, and to be able to fully participate in school B's chess club, choir and basketball team, how is that wrong? Is the state of Kentucky (in the case, the KHSAA) in a better position to determine what is right or wrong for my child's academic situation than I am as his parent/legal guardian? If your answer to this question is 'yes,' then what other decisions should be taken out of my hands as the child's father... how about what after-school activities I enroll my child in, or what I feed him at home?
  3. Wiggins is the top-rated player coming out of high school this year. How does he compare to the top-rated players in recent years, players like Davis, Muhammad and Wall? How would he compare to someone like Lebron James coming out of high school?
  4. When Highlands posted its 2013 varsity schedule, it indicated that the Highlands game against University Christian (FL) would either be played on August 23 or 24. Have there been any updates about the date of this game being finalized? Also, there was some talk/rumors that this game may be aired on TV, which is why the exact date had not been finalized when HHS released the schedule. Any word on whether this is still a possibility?
  5. ^ I 100% agree with uselessinfo. His involvement in the case involving the Dixie Heights teacher who was involved in a sexual relationship with her underage student was troubling, however.
  6. Does Deters do some kind of radio talk show or sports show in NKY?
  7. Is there any conceivable chance that UK could miss the tourney, like they did this past season?
  8. By all accounts, UK is poised to have quite a year in 2013/14. They seem to have it all... amazing young talent, returning experience, depth and good coaching. With this in mind, how will UK fans judge this team this year? Clearly, a national championship will be judged as a success. How about achieving something that is less than a national title? Would UK fans consider a Final Four appearance a success? How about an SEC tournament title and losing in the Sweet 16?
  9. Well, could other school personnel (say, teachers or administrators) encourage a student to come to their school for non-athletic reasons, or is that a no-no as well?
  10. ^ Question: how much "pursuing" can schools do for kids who are either looking to transfer or have already withdrawn from a school?
  11. Well, I'll ask this: if UL goes undefeated this year, and everything else played out exactly like it did last year, would UL get into the title game or would it still be ND and Alabama, like last year?
  12. Tell that to the zillion high school football players who don't get offers to play collegiate football. Congrats to the kid.
  13. Which Kentucky football players will be the top in the state in 2013?
  14. Frankly, I think that any change made to this rule would work to the relative disadvantage of Coach Calipari, since he is the undisputed master of signing the "one and done" players, and so I don't support any changes made to this rule as long as Calipari is UK's coach and he continues to excel at signing the "one and done"-type players.
  15. With the change in Trinity's personnel between last year and this year, will there be a difference in Trinity's offensive and defensive philosophy or schemes?
  16. Any word on which Highlands players will be participating?
  17. If they go undefeated, will they get into the national championship game?
  18. Any word on whether this game will be on TV (ESPN)? There was some early talk that it would be televised.
  19. What position(s) does this kid play? Will he be a senior next year? I hope it works out for the best for him.
  20. These two programs will play each other again in varsity football... it could be in 2 years or 50, but given the close proximity of the schools and the history between the two schools/programs, they will play again at some time.
  21. Why wouldn't Highlands want to play NCC? The attendance/gait would be quite a bit more than what it will be for when far away opponents like PT and Warren Central come to Fort Thomas. Plus, NCC would give HHS a much better game than most of the other NKY programs would.
  22. Some UK fans are writing that they are glad he didn't pick UNC, but from UK's standpoint Kansas is the worst possible choice. It is Kansas, and not UNC, that is nipping at UK's heels in terms of total number of all-time wins. If UK stumbles some this year and Kansas excels with Wiggins, UK could be looking up at Kansas in the all-time wins total by the end of the season. Big get by KU.
  23. I think you are probably right about some BGP'ers no longer having kids on the team. I seem to recall there being a few posts about the upcoming Highlands season every week at this time of year. There was very little posted about HHS spring football when it was going on, and it made me nervous that no one was posting anything. I am glad (and reassured) to hear that spring football came and went without incident.
  24. Crickets chirping. Anybody there?!?!?
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