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Everything posted by bellalumni40

  1. Says the guy who didnt watch either of the games.
  2. Wow, guess we were thinking the same thing at the same time. :thumb:
  3. Use THIS to their advantage? Explain that to me.
  4. I realize they dont use EKY much, but it can still get around to the state kids. Its not that big of a state.
  5. The NBA is going small and getting up and down and scoring more. It's more exciting than a few years ago, or when some of us were in our teenage years. I believe we are around the same age statman, and I got away from the NBA little while, but I am back now.
  6. Coaches are aware of this stuff at the high school and college level. Other schools will use that against UL when talking to a kid or if a high school coach knows of something like this he can make sure the kid knows about it.
  7. Difficult comparison though due to positions. UK's need for bigger bodies factors in to Coury.
  8. Something like this can't reflect well on Louisville, especially with the state kids. Could be one thing that prevents them from getting early commits, especially from the eastern part of the state now. I think this may be viewed a little differently if it were an out of state kid, but being an in stater, it seems like they really dropped the ball. Hope the kid can pick up somewhere that he gets the chance to play against them.
  9. I would go. A couple of my friends and I have been looking for a good game to go in Indy.
  10. EA can do a lot more one on one than Krebs, but he's not great on moving without the ball unless he knows he can get in a position to score. Also, in kind of the same vein as what you said, EA is a pull up guy while Krebs is probably more of a spot up guy. EA plays above the rim, its kind of hard to believe he hasnt decided to take his game somewhere besides the Johnson Center and apparently practice with the Cats. Hopefully he can catch a break.
  11. Moses loves UK, its a matter of Tubby making the offer, and he will definitely wait for the qualifying test scores on him. If he qualifies he makes the visit, after that if Tubby extends the offer I would expect him to commit on the spot. He likes UK that much. I would like to see Lucas and Patterson commit before the season gets in full swing. Seems like a better chance for UK if that happens. Can I get some more info on Gates?
  12. It was his number in high school before he switched to his father's number of 33, which is obviously not available in L.A. b/c of Kareem. Here's a link from April. IMO, some of it has to do with money as well. Alot of these people with the 8 will go buy the 24 as well.
  13. Yeah, Nevel Meade is in Prospect I believe. Close enough though. What do you know about Hurstbourne? Also, do you have any idea where the Open qualifiers will be next year?
  14. Tubby would like to keep Perry at the 3. We will go a little smaller with Perry at the 4 sometimes, but if he can help it he will not go with that lineup, at least as a starting lineup. If Ramel keeps the TO's down and doesnt take a lot of bad shots, I see no reason for him to lose his starting job or move to the 2.
  15. To add to that a nice stat was ZERO turnovers for Ramel.
  16. I really enjoyed watching this version of the Cats. They ran up and down the floor, and made things happen. Freshmen looked nice. Stevenson will contribute defensively, but not going to be much on offense. Jasper and Meeks will be special before they are done. Both will give quality minutes. Jasper is what the Cats need at PG. Porter can give some quality minutes on the perimeter. Plays D and will take care of the ball when he gets used to the speed. Morris played well in the first half. Didn't see much from Woo, and Carter plays decent at garbage time with the freshmen. Perry, Bradley, Crawford were solid and will be what we expect out of them more than likely. Just some short observations while I was flipping back and forth with the UL-WVU game.
  17. You are correct. I had a brain fart for a minute there. I dont feel like Sheray was necessarily all the way back last year, and part of that is to blame on the strength coach which isnt a problem now. He did have a decent year for only playing 20 mpg though. 4.3 ppg and 3.5 rpg and he led the team in charges while also adding the 3 point shot to his game at almost a 40 percent clip and shooting about 70 percent on FT's. He's not been amazing, but he hasnt had an easy road either. Sheray will be solid, but not fantastic at a position where we need consistency. The 3-4 guys that will play that position could make for a decent PF.
  18. Remember he was out for a while and lost all that weight. That was not really Sheray you saw last year.
  19. I actually agree. While Sheray hasn't been what everyone has expected of him, he hasnt exactly been in a great situation either. He sat behind Chuck for a couple of years, then had his health problem last year. He hasnt really had the chance to show what he is really capable of. I would reserve judgement on Sheray at this point if I were some people. The guy has had a run of bad luck and hopefully he can get by it and have a good senior year.
  20. I knew they had nice ones, I just dont know much about the golfing in Louisville. Seems that there arent a whole lot of them that are public up there, as you dont hear about people traveling to play there.
  21. Tubby did say we would go big with Woo and Morris starting along with Crawford, Bradley, and Perry, but at this time the go to lineup will likely be Morris, Perry, Crawford, Bradley, and either Jasper or Meeks. This will give us the chance to see a little more of Stevenson though.
  22. I guess being a quitter all of his sophomore year made him a first round pick in the NBA. Good call.
  23. The rules are against D a little more now too. People complained when the games were low scoring when they could hand check and such, and now they complain there is no D when they change the rules up to get more O. You cant have it both ways, which way is it?
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