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Everything posted by 1&ONLY44

  1. Owen County looks to be getting better each week, but don't think they have closed the gap enough to catch WV. Owen 14 WV 38
  2. 2A District 5, arguably the worst 2A district in the state, is/was Walton Verona's to lose. The other teams (Owen, Gallatin, Trimble, Carroll) are all playing for 2nd.
  3. What happened to Coach Thacker?
  4. Nice win. I think Eminence only had one win last year. That new coaching staff could have made a difference!
  5. They needed a coach and they hired the best coach for the job. Not really an unsolved mystery.
  6. I'd think Trimble could use the same. Again my own opinion.
  7. Dennis Johnson to Woodford County, down to the Dirty Dozen. Hearing Sheldon Clark and Carroll County may have hired over the weekend.
  8. One of the first openings and one of the last to hire. They have dropped the ball on this one, in every way possible. From Coach Weedman's forced resignation to the feet dragging on the hire.
  9. For the love of everything holy, could somebody shut Bill Walton up? I'd rather hear the ramblings of Dickie V than to hear Bill Walton spew his nonsense. Sorry, rant over, please carry on.
  10. The big question here is: Was barker wearing his Zeke Pike Football Academy shirt?
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