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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Thanks for the site. Looks like about half the roster is Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana, and the other half comes from NC, FL, TX, with a CA kid. Interesting.
  2. Any link? Why would a really good player from FL, CA, TX, come to Cincy to play summer ball. Those states play ball year round, and have many very select summer programs to play for. Not doubting your word that they play for Midland, but could it be because they didn't make the better summer teams in their home state?
  3. Can you show me a link with their roster, and where the kids are from? I'm from Missouri. Pretty sure most of the roster is from Ohio, with Indy, Ky., and WV, filling out nearly all the rest.
  4. I think Midland quit bringing in kids from all over years ago. Mostly they draw from Ohio, with some kids coming from Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia area now. May have a player or two from another state, but it's not like they go get kids from Texas and California.
  5. Midland got them 8-0 a few days after the Beechwood kids came back. Don't know who pitched for either team though.
  6. I'd move Ryle and Highlands up. I'd add Dixie. NewCath is ranked too high, and Boone isn't a top 10 team. No's three to five could be put in any order on a given night.
  7. Possibly, I've been wrong before. I try to keep my posts brief. I thought this was on a pitch. At the time of the pitch, if the catcher was in the box, then no balk. If he left early, then it's a balk. What things, if any, did I miss in this case? I'm not trying to be a jerk, but what did I miss?
  8. Funny, I thought we were talking about a catcher's balk. If the catcher left the box before the ball was pitched, balk, if not, well...not. Somehow most of my posts get lost in all these symantics I guess. It's really not that complicated. Certainly, doesn't take 80 plus posts to say what I said in the first graph.
  9. They weren't my number two and three, I quoted someone else. If you had read my post, instead of just copying it, you would have seen I spelled out the catchers balk. It's really not nearly as complicated as you guys want to pretend.
  10. You can have a catcher's balk on any play, and you already answered your own question per this discussion. See number 2 on your list. The catcher can't leave the box before the pitch on an intentional walk, or any other pitch. Don't ask me for a rule number, I'm not going to look it up, it's the rule though.
  11. My question to you is, how does the catcher catch the ball out of the box, before he receives the pitch?:confused: That's a pretty neat little trick, if it can be done.
  12. I understand and appreciate your point of view, but I have to disagree. While all the bells and whistles may be a distraction in your mind, they may make the event seem really "big time and worthy of the state tourny" in the minds of others. It's the Legends home field, so if they want to announce their scores, that's their perogative I guess. In the Sweet 16 players, fans, and coaches have to deal with media timeouts, extended halftimes, on court announcements, awards, and other "festivities". I don't think it detracts from the fact that it's the state tournament.
  13. I thought it was a summer team thread, with different age groups. Couldn't get to the games today anyway, but I did see something in the Enquirer this morning with some scores, I'm guessing it's from this tournament. Any games at TMC Saturday or Sunday?
  14. Where, when, and what age group would really help, if I really want to see some good baseball.
  15. Looks to me like the Jazz were totally lucky to win this game. What a shame about the unfortunate instances that hounded DS at the wrong time.
  16. How was this a rhetorical question? I asked PB his take on the DS team, that's all. I thought he may have seen the team play. I saw post 56, but post 35 stuck out more.:thumb:
  17. Thanks for the help. Looks like NKY has a strong class of juniors next year. Since you've seen them, how good was DS? Had heard they were all that and a bag of chips.
  18. Best of luck to both teams tonight. Should be a good game. BTW to VMA my rule post was in no way to be disrespectful. Simply the way I think it is.
  19. It's been a few years, and I know it doesn't matter now because the game is over, but from what I'm reading the umps blew a rule call here. I know VMA wants a specific rule, and I'll have to get back to you on that, but this is a synopsis of what I remember: On a batted live ball, the batter/runner must continue to advance from home to first. If the batter/runner stops his advance toward first base, he should be called out immediately. I think other baserunners may advance at their own peril??? i.e. no time called by the home plate ump. I'm 99% sure that the batter/runner needs not move backwards. Simply stopping his advance toward first calls for the out. The baseline or basepath has nothing to do with this particular call.
  20. Okay. Impressive performance for the Northern part of the state if that's the case. Does that mean the Derek Smith team didn't finish in the top four?:confused:
  21. Seems a shame to beat a dead horse post after post.
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