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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I'd forgotten about Valdosta, I guess their years of national championship type teams are over. If I remember right they were an 80's and maybe into the early 90's dynasty. Won a lot of games in a row at one point I think.
  2. He may have been holding out for Notre Dame, but U of L is a great choice for Kiernan. Annual BCS contender, that's close to home. Good luck to him, he's a good kid.
  3. It's a fun thread. I picked the Giants, but on paper it could be only that team or the Pats. Then again, it's the NFL and nobody goes unbeaten. They'll lose to someone, the key in the NFL is to keep your best guys on the field. That's hard to do.
  4. I wouldn't worry about anyone finding out who you are, the Guru himself and one other person are the only ones with access to such data. I'd have a hard time believing there's a leak in the Guru's ship. Of course, I don't have to worry about such things since I'm not very well known in NKY.
  5. Thanks for the response. I guess that could qualify for a bit sloppy. But, as you pointed out, some things went well. :thumb:
  6. Wow, you get all over the guy, then tell him he's right. That makes your arguements seem stronger. :banana:
  7. If you think that's funny, I could tell you a few hundred more "funny ones." Of course you're entitled to your opinion, and you've expressed it. That's more than fair. You're wrong, but don't take that personally.:banana:
  8. Agreed. Has to make Colerain fans feel pretty good about their chances in the playoffs though. Looks like life off of Cheviot Road may good during the holiday season.
  9. Really? What was so sloppy? I doubt I get a response on this one. I've got to think if you win going away, you probably did some things pretty well. Sometimes the glass is half full. :banana:
  10. I agree with that. But, don't discount how much open enrollment and Dixie's renovations have made the near impossible even worse. Compound that with the new district next year, and it's a really tough situation.
  11. While you were at it you should have added that Conner and Boone both got practice gyms to equal Ryles. Boones main gym has been around forever, it needs renovations, to make it comperable to the gyms the other schools in the district have. We're getting more and more off the thread though.
  12. This is in a four class system, correct? Yeah man, looks like we really need six classes next year. Best move the state ever made. :banana:
  13. Yeah, I think it does. At the higher level of high school football, I think it means more than some would think.
  14. Scott is better in other sports than football. That being said, the whole "athletes walking the halls." part of the equation is stupid. If they wanted to play, they would, if a coach has to chase them down, how much will he really be able to rely on the kid anyway? As for the "upgrade" deal, Boone County doesn't have open enrollment, so the point is moot. But, Boone County has also said no once to field turf because they knew it wasn't fair to the other two schools:D .
  15. Highlands plays DeSales down to the last 30 seconds, a week later, CovCath gets waxed by Watterson. This week DeSales and Watterson play a whale of a game. Hmmm...What could this foreshadow?
  16. My initial response was to what I've heard over and over, that Scott has the athletes, they just don't play. I think that's a cop out by potential athletes, that haven't enough disicpline to join a high school team.
  17. I can't speak of the feeder program, because I have no clue if it's good, bad, or non-exisitent. In the open enrollment scenerio, I'd think keeping/getting athletic kids at Scott has to be difficult to say the least. I'm not saying it's the reason they can't win, but from the outside it looks like this: Dixie just got a brand new stadium, complete with field turf. Their gym was also remolded, as was the weight room. What did Scott get? Not a knock on Dixie, but it looks like Kenton County may have influenced athletes in an open enrollment scenerio.
  18. I'm guessing if that's their frame of mind, then they aren't athletes anyway. At some point, an "athlete" has to have some pride and mental toughness. I'd guess the people you are referrring to have neither.
  19. Thanks, I thought that was the rule, but not sure.
  20. See post 74, and you'll see I agree with your assessment of Sorrell. As far as Ryan goes, not sure what you mean. As a soph., he wasn't going to be the man because they had Bibbins, last year Steeken filled that role. He's a senior now, and I think he'll have a big year, as will Sorrell.
  21. You'd be surprised what money can buy you when it comes to acolades. Lot's of vampires out there. The $400 would give you Bolus backing and the Hoopscoop thing, not the rest. But, more money could. I've seen it work this way before. And let me make one thing clear, my response is strictly based on what money COULD do for a player. I've hardly seen the Euton kid play, so this wasn't a knock on where he stands in any rankings.
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