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Everything posted by Watusi

  1. Not sure what happened, but they are very good. Any given night.
  2. I have no words. I've seen this Pikeville team more than once this season and they are a very good 1A football team. I don't know if this is a Paintsville Herculean effort or a collapse by Pikeville. Just speechless.
  3. Meatloaf sandwich. Leftover meatloaf from last night on fresh French bread. Pretty good.
  4. Male Russell Southwestern Owensboro Catholic Bell Co Franklin Simpson Johnson Central John Hardin St Xavier Shelby Valley 33
  5. Maybe, but I doubt it. Hard to play a team the second time around when you blew them out the first time.
  6. Edwards was starting S, backup RB Catron was starting RB, starting S Woolum was K, starting WR, backup S Corbett was starting QB, backup CB Willis is starting RB, starting CB Horton was starting DL, #2 TE Bentley was starting DL, starting TE Taylor is a jack of all trades on offense and starts at CB There has been a lot of shifting going on with guys playing in unfamiliar positions. Several young guys have had to fill in, which gave them very meaningful minutes and will pay big dividends down the road.
  7. Anybody remember the old TV show "Tenspeed and Brownshoe"? When I was in 8th grade, I was the only kid on the football team with white cleats. My coach called me "Half Speed And White Shoes". Given recent discussions on here, that might fit me now too.
  8. I've never considered it. Nobody ever uses my username Watusi anyway, its always one of the many variations of it. I'd have to ask for suggestions if I wanted another username.
  9. Actually most of them were in street clothes. Horton, Bentley, Edwards, Catron and Woolum did not play that game. Corbett got hurt in the 2nd quarter and has been out ever since. Willis dressed and played, but was not 100%
  10. Belfry is starting to get healthy but still have some concerns. QB Noah Corbett is doubtful for this week. This means Keaton Taylor will be behind center again, where he does a fine job, but it would be nice to get their entire backfield in there and work on timing and execution. K Austin Woolum is still out and probably will be for another week or two. Kudos to Ashton Leedy and Blake Mendoza who came over from the soccer team to pitch in with XP and kickoffs respectively. Both of them have done a great job and their contribution is huge. RB/DB Cameron Catron and RB/DB Xondre Willis both suited up last week and RB/S Kaleb Edwards is expected to be back this week. This trio makes a difference on both sides of the ball and helps with depth issues at several positions. TE/DT Cole Bentley came back last week and TE/DT RayQuan Horton is expected to be back this week. I'm sure some of these guys will be a little rusty, but is sure is good as a Pirate fan to see them getting back in the action. If the Pirates are fortunate enough to win the next two, it is possible they will be back at full strength for the semi-finals. :banana:
  11. The Hawks come back to Belfry for the 2nd time in the last 3 weeks. Belfry is finally getting most of their injured kids back on the field, but they still are going to be without a couple of key guys. Pike Central is always a danger with Mac Justice behind center. Justice has over 1600 passing yards and another 800 rushing. Brad Elkins is as good a receiver as you'd find anywhere and they have a capable backfield. The big question mark is have they improved enough on defense to stop the Pirates?
  12. Any other changes around you? Agricultural rotation, clearcuts, etc.?
  13. Just for software compatability issues I agree with the above. iphone just added Word, Excel and Power Point to their apps, which is really nice. The 6 took me a while to get used to the size, but now I am OK with it.
  14. I wish I was black so I could play the race card next time they profile me. :lol2:
  15. It is really hard to pick against Central at home in the playoffs. I'm looking forward to this game, I think it will be what my daddy calls a "donnybrook". I am picking Bell County by a slim margin in a low scoring game, something like 14-7 or 14-13.
  16. Nah, I'm pretty comfortable with my current handling of the situation. :lol2:
  17. Thats Awesome Musketeer!!!!!!! Congratulations to him.
  18. Congrats to Mr. Lawildcat. Really good buck and nothing like fresh backstraps on the grill. dd734, that is a nice deer. I like the oddities and even though it would have been incredible if the left side was like the right, I think it is beautiful like it is. Absolutely love seeing the ladies out there and taking trophies. Nice. And woodsrider, dang... beautiful deer right there.
  19. I had a pretty decent 8 point and a small forkhorn walk past me and a few does. It was a good day. I can remember not too long ago that even the sight of a deer, any deer, in Pike County was a rarity. The success of the Whitetail Deer in KY over the last 20 years and the job the KDFWR has done in managing them is a great story. I like this pic I took of that 8 point. We had an understanding, I let him walk and he promised to grow up a lot by next year. LOL
  20. I watched a documentary on a fish boat once and it was eye opening. It was a large vessel that caught cold water white fish. They took the filets and packaged them for restaurants and grocery stores. Then everything else went in to a paste that was packaged and used for the molded fish filet sandwiches that fast food joints sell, and fish sticks, etc. Then the waste, guts, etc. all went into a giant vat. From that they squeezed out all the juices, which was used to make fish oil tablets (for all you omega 3 fans) and other fish oil products. That part was NASTY. Then the dry waste was used to make a meal which was sold as a supplement for fertilizers, etc.
  21. You mean these, right? I can run like the wind blows in these. :banana:
  22. Exactly, it is a show more so than an actual check of your items. It is probably enough to deter some people from risking a theft though.
  23. For the record, I haven't refused, and I wouldn't cause a scene. I thought for a while they only ask to see the receipt when you have an item that won't fit in a bag, like a large box, etc. Most of the local folks at that post are great, but there is one who takes it a little too serious, IMO. I gave her a hard time once for stopping me, not in a mean way but I did offer to run down the 2 people who slipped by while she was checking me and bring them back to justice. I think she checks me every time now. :irked: Anyway, back to my question, and JD your input would be great. What does the law say about this? Do I have to show receipt and what happens if I refuse?
  24. I hate that Wal Mart has turned their friendly, helpful greeters into a pain in my behind. Our Wal Mart greeters are located just beyond the checkout registers. It irks me to no end when you leave the register, walk 20 feet and the greeter is standing there like a pit bull with her hilighter demanding your receipt. Then they give it the once over and put their mark on there, but they aren't really checking your purchases. It is a show, IMO. If I am suspected of something, then say so. If not, then why are you harrassing me? What are my rights? Do I have to show them my receipt? Do they have the right to detain me if I refuse?
  25. Depends on the circumstances of the case and I don't know enough about this one to give an opinion.
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