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Everything posted by PepRock01

  1. I am definitely willing to give this a shot, but I am expecting that this is going to further freak out the public about nuclear power. Which is irritating at best, and downright dangerous at worst.
  2. With Dany dead and her own forces depleted after her fights with Euron I am fairly certain that she knows she really has no ground to demand it.
  3. As to the north they are culturally very different from the rest of Westeros, and on account of the war between the First Men and the Children of The Forest. During the war the Children flooded “The neck” which leads to an easy choke point to defend the north from any invasion by the south. The defenses of Moat Cailin guard the only easy crossing of the flooded area. The only people who know how to get through the bogs and marshlands safely are the crannogmen (Howland Reed is their lord, his kids were the ones who helped Bran north of the Wall. He was also the only other person who knew Jon’s secret,) who are loyal to house Stark. After the peace between the First Men & the Children the First Men adopted the religion of the Children and kept to many of their customs. All the kingdoms south of the neck are descended from the Andal invasion and worship the 7. You know the septons (high sparrow) and septas (shame!), etc. They conquered all of the south but were stopped dead at the neck and could never make it past there. So essentially they were culturally distinct from the southern kingdoms and traditionally have been very independent. It also doesn’t help that they are used to the colder weather of the north that the southern armies would struggle and suffer through. While they could try to invade from the sea there are not many good ports to land an army at in the north and those that do exist are heavily defended. So short of dragons it would be awfully difficult to mount a campaign against the north in general.
  4. This is similar to my issue with the night king. All that build up, 1 episode resolution. The narrative was strong, but letting these writers get them from point A to point B with minimal supervision has been the flaw of the show since they ran out of books. So basically the problem has been shoddy writing to move everyone to their ending pointsnas fast as possible since these writers wanted out for a Star Wars film.
  5. GRRM is a colossal jerk, I doubt he will change it for fan service.
  6. It honestly felt like how GRRM would end it. Given how his writing subverts many tropes and traditional expectations of the hero getting what he wants it felt righ for the kind of story that GRRM wanted to tell.
  7. No but given the narrative quality I have come to expect better than what we've been given. Alas, it's a matter of it's all we'll get, so I may as well accept it. No chance I go without criticizing it though.
  8. Which I am fine with, I just feel like someone took a movie and edited out all the character development in order to Michael Bay it up. Oh well, it's fiction in the end. Not much point in getting angry anymore. It has gone the way of many other franchises.
  9. I had hopes they would stick the landing. I honestly feel like this will end up being the only ending we will ever get. Martin will never finish the books and die the smug jerk he is. Sigh.
  10. The reason behind the nitpicking was the tightly structured narrative that gave ample time for development of characters and make everything within the realm of believability for a character is now getting condensed to the nth degree. This makes characters look like they are acting out of sorts when if they were given more time would make more sense. It's like looking at the MCU vs the DCEU. One took the time to develop the characters over many films and give them all motivations and build the universe. The other just tried to rush it, do it all at once, and it fell flat. We started this series with the former and I fear that we may well end it with the latter. I have enjoyed things, but my patience has been tested since last season. This is why I loathe GRRM so much, had he finished the bloody books then the narrative structure of the last few seasons wouldn't have seemed so slapdash and half baked.
  11. Exactly. It was actually kind of funny for me to hear them talk about how good a commander Jon Snow is, when in all 3 battles he was in charge of he had to be bailed out by someone else. Stannis, Littlefinger, and then Arya. Furthermore their defense of Winterfell, while obviously doomed from the get go due to overwhelming numbers, was handled so badly that they deserved to lose. To Euron's fleet though it was baffling to me that she didn't wheel around, skimming the islands on either side of the very narrow channel and raking the ships from the side. I mean you put a flotilla of ships in a narrow channel, with no room to maneuver and your only ranged weapon is relatively limited in its firing arc on account of the rigging and the bulk of the ship. They deserved to be strafed from the side or behind. Honestly the most competent commander this season has been the Night King, and he got owned by a plot device. It feels to me like instead of developing and planning things the writers are just scrambling to end it in a specific window of time within the budget they were given and that's it. I don't feel like they are doing many of the characters any narrative justice, or making the military side of things at all believable.
  12. No, he was created to fight the First men, which became all life. So he wanted to destroy all life. So it wasn't just house Stark. Bran the Builder did build Winterfell and the Wall, but that was after they were pushed back beyond the wall and defeated.
  13. Not sure if a crowd is necessary. Ours was pretty quiet. Enjoyed it.
  14. I wish I hadn't started the books years ago, because I feel that pain many times over. GRRM is a jerk too, I honestly am planning on taking the ending of the series as canon because he will likely die before he finishes the bloody books.
  15. The Targaryens followed the Valaryian custom of siblings marrying each other. They didn't always do it, but more often than not they did.
  16. Highly unlikely, the war with the Children of the Forest was between them and the First Men. Targaryens being of Valaryia were not First men and weren't in Westeros at that point. They were still on Essos at his creation.
  17. A lot of that kind of thing happened during the revolution.
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