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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Back in the 80's I thought Deloreans were cool cars. Today I look at them and they just look so plain. Actually I guess that was true of alot of sports cars back in the 80's. The looked sharp back then but compared to today's, they are pretty boring.
  2. So long as the no proselytizing rule is applied equally to all faiths, there really should be a problem. The difficulty is determining if it is applied equally, that is not very cut and dry, rather it is quite subjective. Another difficulty will be determining the grey area of proselytizing. If one soldier invites another soldier to his worship does that count as proselytizing? What if it is your commanding officer inviting you? I guess it becomes an issue when someone says "no thanks" and you keep on them trying to get them to go.
  3. People who live in rural areas that are being over run by ferral pigs need high capacity magazines. Those pigs tend to travel in packs and as fast as they are, even the best shooter will miss. Between multiple targets, fast moving targets, and targets that often require multiple hits to kill, a 15 round magazine would not do it.
  4. I would not surprise me if an industry were to be formed so companies can outsource their sales and use tax calculation, similar to how companies outsource their payroll to companies like ADP. Payroll has gotten so complicated that many companies have given up on doing it themselves. Sales and Use taxes may do the same thing.
  5. Correct, similar to Darth Vader's quote: "What is thy will, my master?"
  6. We should give him his rights because arbitrarily picking when suspects do or do not get their rights can be extremely dangerous. Now, if he can LEGALLY be considered an enemy combatant, then I am OK with treating him as such.
  7. You are correct, I should have included Galileo. The church has admitted long ago it was in error in its accusations towards both Galileo and Bruno (neither of whom denied God's existence nor his role in creation). The fact that the church admitted its error and the fact that neither of these two great scientists felt faith and science were mutually exclusive supports my assertion further.
  8. I do not believe faith and science are exclusive either. Some of the great pioneers in science were people of a faith background. The father of genetics (Gregor Mendel) was an Augustian Friar. Sister Mary Celine Fasenmyer's work was important to WZ Theory. Fr. Georges Lemeitre was a priest and astronomer who beat Hubble in discovering that the universe is constantly expanding even though the discovery is called Hubble's Law. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences (officially called Pontificia Academia Scientiarum) was founded by Pope Pius XI and is regarded as a top scientific academy which puts out highly regarded research. Membership of the academy is highly regarded and included numerous Nobel laureates. Of course I cannot forget my good friend who I had a drink with last night and is a tenured professor of Astrophysics at UofL, Dr. Gerrard Williger. Gerry has numerous publications of his research of other galaxies and repeatedly has stated that science does not disprove God, if anything, it hopes to understand Him just a little better. He is often critical of the hubrus view of many in academics that "If I cannot understand it, it must not be true". He fully accepts that there are some things in the universe that were not meant to be understood by man in this world.
  9. Very true, you know after 14+ hours in a tense situation those officers probably not at their top anymore and that could affect reaction time if something broke out. Go home, get plenty of sleep and come back in about 12 hours to relieve those who just relieved you.
  10. Sorry, didn't see someone already answered this.
  11. I dead man's switch I believe is a bomb detonator that when you pull the trigger, you arm the bomb, when you release the trigger, the bomb explodes. The are used in the hope police will not shoot the guy with it because police know if shot, he will release the trigger and everyone around the bomber dies.
  12. I'm not too sure National Guard Troops could have stopped this. The people who did this seem to have worked in complete mystery and probably could have snuck their backpacks by any number of national guards.
  13. Where is UofL expected to be ranked in the preseason?
  14. This is similar to the speculation that if Michael Bush would not have broken his leg, UofL would have beaten Rutgers, been undefeated in the regular season and therefore would have stolen Florida's spot in the National Championship and would have beaten OSU for the national championship.
  15. I was replying to YOUR post in THIS thread. How much sense does it make to reply to a post in a different thread?
  16. I didn't realize alumni were responsible for putting together schedules.
  17. If Wiggins signs, I have to think UK is the odds on favorite to win it. If Wiggins does not sign, UK is among a group of a half dozen or fewer teams who should win it but UK does not stand out from that group.
  18. My off the cuff assumption would be that the majority of the 37 percent are GOP, no stats to back that up. My stand on Global Warming is that it possibly could be man made, I think there is too much research which suggests global warming is man made and too much research which suggests it is not to be able to make a solid assertion either direction. I generally assume most who pound their fist arguing for one view or the other have an agenda. That agenda could be loyaly to their poliltical party's view, or how it affects them and those around them economically. I am a registered independent who probably votes Republican 70% of the time however on the last state election, I voted Independent for Gov/Lt. Gov, GOP for Sec of State, Sec of Ag and Attorney General and Democrat for Treasurer and State Auditor. So in that case I voted 50% GOP, 33% Dem and 17% Independent. I only provide that to give an idea of my typical voting loyalty to parties, or lack of loyalty.
  19. In the article linked above, the advocate of legalized gay marriage states that plural marriage/polygamy almost always involves a man with multiple wives. He continues that such relationships on a large scale would disrupt the approximately 50:50 male female population of available mates denying many men the ability to marry. While it is true that in small fundamentalist mormon communities this does happen quite often, polygamy would have to become rather common for this to occur on a large scale.
  20. So you think it is probably not a defensive end?
  21. The picture didn't show on my phone could someone reply what it said?
  22. It is odd how captivated by American culture the current and previous North Korean leaders are. The current one invites Rodman over, previous supposedly LOVED Michael Jordan and had an enormous movie collection which was 99% Hollywood rather than native North Korean. For hating us so much, the sure seem to love our entertainment.
  23. From a practical stand point, there is nothing stopping him from just going to another church and taking communion but from a religous stand point, if you have been asked to not take communion yet you do so in an illicit manner, you are basically defeating the entire purpose of taking communion.
  24. When Ware landed, did it look as if his knee was locked? Ie instead of coming down into a squat position where the force of the body is absorbed gradually on the way down, in his case, it looked as though the force was absorbed immediately upon impact of his foot to the ground and the bone could not absorb that much energy that suddenly.
  25. They do a good job of attracting the best academic talent from around the area at the displeasure of schools in the areas their students live but they haven't been able to do like Redman did at Male to attract the best athletic talent.
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