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Everything posted by Bert

  1. This sounds no different than if I worked for a Baptist church/school/charity/etc. and someone there saw me intoxicated somewhere and I was fired for that.
  2. It looks like rounds are even more difficult to find than other more common types of rounds. Until the ammunition shortage ends, I would be hesitant to buy one.
  3. Between increasing extremism growing in Great Britian (per an new report I saw) and rioting in Sweden, more bullets may be needed in Europe.
  4. Looked at the prices for the Colt Delta Elites on Gun Broker, wow. Prices were around 1,500 and went up. Here is a decent video about them:
  5. Yeah, no kidding. I know one person who had to use his concealed carry and it was against a dog, not a person. Saw a picture of the dog after he killed it, thank heavens he was carrying, the dog was big. I did miss one question on the written exam, I don't recall the question but I remember I read too deep in the question and talked myself out of the correct answer. Oh well, still passed.
  6. I went to the Range Friday with a friend who wants to buy a gun and thinks she wants a 9mm so I didn't bother asking to rent a 10mm and on Sunday my concealed carry class went to the range to qualify for the shooting section. I passed, 20 out of 20
  7. That is what I read. Alot of people are so suprised the 10mm is so much more powerful than the 9mm but along with being 11% thicker than a 9mm, I believe the round is considerably longer giving it so much punch. Wow. I knew it was powerful, didn't know it was that powerful. I haven't found any pricing on rounds but I had a feeling they would not be cheap. Not sure right now, still looking for information.
  8. I think to answer the question, you need to look at how close those individuals were the president that it should be reasonably expected that the president should have known what was going on. When it came to enlisted men abusing prisoners or soldiers urinating on dead enemy, I really cannot hold Bush or Obama accountable, there are simply too many levels of management between an enlisted soldier and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces to expect either presidents to have been aware of these actions going on. The exception being if discipline had been so relaxed and the president knew of it, that such behavior was bound to happen. On the other hand, when the Sec of State who reports directly to the president makes such a stupid decision, I do hold the president to some degree responsible for that. Now saying that, not sure how soldier misbehavior relates to ignoring the constitution. IRS officials possibly receiving direction from higher ups in the agency to target conservative groups, that I understand. Possible snooping on the press to assist the president, understand that too.
  9. Kinda surprised the error was not caught earlier. I would have to think numerous people look at the contracts and then the pay schedules related to such contracts. No one (attorney, accountant, etc.) noticed the discrepancy? Again, in no way shape or form is this to take away from the honesty and integrity he shows. Wasn't there a Heisman winner from Univ of Nebraska who during preseason practice of his rookie year realized he didn't have the talent to make it in the NFL so he resigned before the season even started giving up a huge amount of his contract he would have received even if he were to bomb but stuck it out throughout the contract until he was cut?
  10. That is what I keep hearing. I have no idea if I will buy another semi auto but if I did, I assumed it would be a .45 APC but now I am questioning that based on all the praise I have been seeing on videos about 10mm. There is a chanel on Youtube call Weapon Education that seems pretty good and the host of that talks about the 10mm.
  11. Will do, I may go to the range Friday night.
  12. Has anyone shot a 10mm before? I have heard great things about it on the numerous shooting related videos on YouTube. I didn't realize the .40 caliber was based upon the 10mm and was invented by Smith and Wesson by request of the FBI after a terrible shoot out in Miami where FBI agents 9mm and .38+P's just would not bring down some drug dealers who were mowing them down with higher caliber rounds. The next time I am at the range, I may ask if I can rent one and buy a box of rounds.
  13. The article mentions the following: "Of those three, Dickerson was arrested and charged with second-degree battery. The other two suspects, Devin Bessye, 24, and Ashley Simmons, 22, were released on site after police wrote them each a summons for simple battery. When police were questioned about why all three defendants were not charged with felony second degree battery, Stubbs responded, "Because you have to have disfigurement for a second-degree battery charge, and only one victim had disfigurement and he was attacked by the one suspect that we booked." However, Louisiana law defines second-degree battery as "bodily injury which involves unconsciousness, extreme physical pain or protracted and obvious disfigurement." The victim suffered "a broken eye socket, broken nose, and several lacerations to the face," and his wife was knocked unconscious." If that is what the state defines at second degree battery, what do first degree battery involve? Wow.
  14. My guess is it is this. If I were a prosecutor, I would hate to have to press felony charges against a family who just lost a child but it pretty much has to be done.
  15. If it is like legislation in Louisville, certain projects require atleast xx% of the work but done by union labor. While I would not be considered either pro or anti union (in the middle), I have found it somewhat unfair that a companies union status could prevent a qualified company from having a fair shot to bid on work. When I was in public accounting, one of my clients would get around this requirement by setting up two companies, one for the employees that wanted to be unionized that they would use for jobs requiring union labor and one for the employees that did not want to be unionized that did jobs that didn't require a % of union labor. I always wondered what would happen if the non-unionized employees were to decide to unionize or the non-unionized employees were to decide to kick out their union? That would screw up the arrangement management had set up. On the flip side, if a city says all employees must be paid at or above that city's living wage, I am OK with that.
  16. While I see what you are saying, I have to agree with Getslow that once this got out, controlling her classes would be near impossible with teenage boys in it. Heck, when I was in high school, for some reason, we had some incredibly attractive substitute teachers. And even though (to the best of my knowledge) none of them had ever modeled bikini's/lingerie, there would always be a few comments/outburst/etc. while done in a humorous manner, did still distract class. Now, had any of those substitute teachers modeled bikini's/lingerie, worked weekends at Hooters, etc., not much would have gotten done in a productive manner in those classes.
  17. I will agree with you there. I THINK that was a Ferrari 308 or 318, I don't recall for sure.
  18. I was listening to a talk by a retired Police Chief from Cincinnati and he said the large rise in violent crime 1990's may be explained by demographics. According to stats he has read, the population of 15-30 year olds was very large around the mid 90's. That demographic is generally the most violent age bracket. Once that large population started hitting their 30's, violent crime went down. He mentioned that another large demographic will enter that same age group soon so if there is any relation, violent crime could start going back up again.
  19. That it what I kinda feel. While I don't have a problem morally for a teacher to do swimsuit modeling, it would be a huge distraction in the classroom, especially among teenage boys.
  20. While I am not surprised at all that they don't want the "non beautiful" wearing their clothes, I cannot believe they came right out and said it. I thought they would spin it some other way. I have always felt the fashion/clothing industry was very shallow.
  21. Hilliary seemed not to be able to recall much during the White Water hearings either.
  22. I am guessing the rat population has been on the decline in Southern Florida. The cat and dog population too I would guess. When people buys guns in S. Florida for self defense, it may not always be for defense from other people lol.
  23. My brother owned a Burmese Python and his snake's coloring was much different than that one's. If I had to guess, that was an Anaconda. Anaconda's don't get quite as long as Reticulated Pythons, but they get much heavier due to their much thicker bodies. If I were in the leather business, I would buy a 12 gauge shotgun, learn to skin large snakes and move to Southern Florida. That would be one of the few industries where your suppliers would PAY you to come take what you use as raw materials in your finished goods. The snake alone could probably produce numerous belts, shoes, boots, etc..
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